The Most Interesting Man In The World


Let me make today’s news about the CIA blocking feds from interviewing Hunter’s funders simple:

Burisma was being used as a corporate crowbar by the CIA to pry Russia off the gas market. Hunter helped that happen.

There. No more mystery.

15 Replies to “The Most Interesting Man In The World”

  1. The CIA are the MOST clever secret government police agency ever devised by mankind. Who else would have groomed a sex pervert, drug addict, tax evader to become one of their agents. Brilliant! Brilliant, I tell you. What a cover story. Maybe Hunter IS the smartest man since Joe Biden, eh?

    1. Nearly 340 million legal people in the US, and this was the best spy the CIA could muster for 40K a month payout.

      It says something.

      1. But only he and his uncle were related to the Man To Be President.

      2. Look at it from this perspective. The “people” at the Farm running someone like Hunter are likely of the same mentality and vices. I am reminded of Epstein Island, which was, of course, a CIA operation. I’ve seen people try to attach it to the Mossad, but if you go back to 2007 or so and Epstein’s first run-in with the law (I think it was Broward County) they had him nailed and likely to go to jail for a good long time. The Florida local investigation was very, very solid.

        In steps the US Feds…and Epstein gets work release privileges (of which there is no record of him even showing up at the half-way house). And underage charges were just dropped for no reason, and without fanfare.

        You have to understand just who inhabits the CIA these days. In the analyst positions, it’s nearly all academics very much like your typical college Ivy League prof. Borderline communist if not already across the line. Their field officers are likely career politicians who think they’re playing a real fun game, and having no where near the mental capacity to do the job correctly. Then there are their field soldiers. Think of the worst guy in any platoon who just liked to act tough and important.

  2. Also explains why we’re obliged to be morally outraged re Ukraine, the war to cover up democrat scat.

  3. Meanwhile development and sales of gas from North America is hamstrung. The gasoline sidelined by Trump was completed under Biden. You remember, the line that Trump told them relying on would be huge mistake and was widely criticized for. Never underestimate their ability to create a narrative.

  4. The meme is out …. intention is to save Bidens asses.
    False you say?
    No problem, it is one hundred percent fixable by the media cartel and the ruling class.

  5. And as I said yesterday about the summary suspension of our Constitutional Right to a transparent government of checks and balances … one only need utter the phrase: National Security Interest … and *POOF* all oversight goes bye bye.

    Yeah … who gave the CIA the POWER to block Congress? And who is checking the checkers?

    1. The guy who organized the hit on JFK.

      Yes, there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK and it was successful.

  6. So, does that mean that it was actually the CIA funnelling money through Burisma and therefore, the CIA (or the American taxpayer) was funding Hunter and the Biden Family business?

  7. So the Biden family are CIA. The Bush family definitely were CIA. I don’t doubt the Clintons are CIA. No wonder the CIA shit themselves when Trump was elected. They lost control.

    1. Well … they did use their 6-ways to Sunday bag of dirty tricks … including a little Chinese Lab “leak” … at jusssssst the right moment when the US economy and productivity were BOOMING!! Essentially guaranteeing Trump’s reelection.

      Oh well, hopefully The People have awakened to the destruction wrought by a FAKE election.

    2. scarp
      And the CIA got the Ukraine war going, to try and take Putin out, and thus negating another avenue of exposure.

  8. “Burisma was being used as a corporate crowbar by the CIA to pry Russia off the gas market. Hunter helped that happen.”

    And when that didn’t work they just blew up the pipeline.

  9. Untouchable.. Tends to create monsters.. So I guess he sort of did his job?.. And with the bestest friends in the world, why would he not?..
