60 Replies to “May 24, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. As I have been saying for some time now, so called renewable energy (electricity generation) is not renewable without coal, oil and gas. You cannot build any generator without coal, oil and gas, from nukes to solar panels, from hydro to wind turbines.

  1. Eighty years when the Western Allies were celebrating the fall of Monte Casino a different gruesome event had taken place in Crimea, hundreds of thousands of Crimean Tatars were subjected to yet another russian genocide:
    They were loaded onto cattle cars and deported into the nightmare of inner Soviet Union. Thousands perished in the process, tens (if not hundreds) perished upon arrival. Remember that when you hear ork supporters explaining how Crimea is russian.

    1. It’s how the Russians work. It doesn’t matter if it was Czarist Russia, communist Russia, or Oligarch Russia, expansion and control is achieved by Russia through genocide, following a fake crisis. Look up the Circassian genocide of the 19th century, the peoples at the north-eastern shore of the Black Sea / north Caucasus were murdered or driven out by Czarist troops, and then resettled by Russians, much like eastern Ukraine today.

      1. Yes. Ever since Mongol Empire squatted and muscovy was created this has been a constant.

    2. It’s about bloody time:

      MOSCOW/LONDON (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond.


      **Note that this comes at a time when the Russian army is actively advancing and capturing more Ukrainian territory almost every day, as the Ukrainian military retreats in disarray. **

      1. Translation: Pootin realizes that he blew his load and wants time for a rematch. He also wants Ukraine paralyzed in the meantime and West getting tired of the issue, so then when he strikes again there would be less fuss (That is what whores like DCH, Freddie and Pauline/YW want too).

        **Note that Freddie as usual has no clue what he talking about**

        1. **Note that Freddie as usual has no clue what he talking about**

          pure gold
          as this comes from the most clueless twit in here.

        2. More “retreating to victory!”…


          …in which a Ukrainian colonel admits to western news media that yes, Russia has taken back territory that Ukraine had previously recaptured from them, and yes, Russia is still taking more land every day (just not as fast as they were last week), and yes, negotiations will need to be entered into (“hey, every war ends in negotiations, right?”). All this with a senior commander sitting quietly in the room.

          He also alluded to Russian reserves…but what he left unsaid was that the Russian army is massing thousands more troops across the border for a major onslaught. Why do you think Putin is now offering peace talks when he is clearly winning? Either he doesn’t really want to end the fighting yet and actually *wants* the west to reject his peace proposal (“hey, I offered to stop…but you said no!”) or he does want to stop and is using the massed troops as a threat. Either way, he wins….he has now captured all the ‘buffer’ territory between Russia and NATO that he wanted, and he will not be giving it back.

    3. I never was a fan of Russia, but what does any of this have to do with the current conflict?
      Regardless of history, particularly the history of Crimea, the fact is that today, the majority of Crimeans see themselves as Russian, not Ukrainian.
      Let’s not go down the history rabbit hole again, shall we? People conquer, and get conquered all throughout human history. By your implication, White Europeans are “colonialists”, and all our land should be returned to the indigenous, who themselves, before the White man came, were waging wars against each other for land.
      Problem with that kind of thinking is that we can spiral down that whirlpool for thousands of years. When and where will it end? Who knows. Best let history be kept by the historians. We LEARN from it. We don’t act upon it.

      1. Nonsensical whatabotuism with false parallels. We are not talking abut distant past we are talking about relatively recent events. Tatars have been coming back to Crimea when it was Ukrainians and now they suffer again from the orks. We are not talking about savages being conquered but savages doing the conquering.
        Anyway, since orks got to Crimea by way of ethnics cleansing and that was apparently fine they can be ethnically cleansed from there as well.
        The simple fact is that russia has no right to exist.

  2. Tomorrow, Friday 24th of May is the Eritrean Independence Day, and you remember what happened last year?

    They’ll be celebrating again this year too! Ya-Hoo … I guess it’s their preamble to Calgary Stampede?
    I don’t know if they have an official drink for the festivities, they had official baseball bats and sticks last year here…


    sorry for the BBC link, but we know they’ll be celebrating too.

      1. Yeppers. And you can bet your sweet patootie the lion’s share of ’em are gonna vote for the Commies.

    1. David
      larger cities
      Its 100% due to Cost of LODGING for the most part. Food prices are for the most part similar in all places.

      I live in NW Calgary.
      I have a 765 sq ft 2 bdrm: Rent went from 1520 – 1770 in April, it will rise again next yr.
      and that is considered cheap if one compares to Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal. That does not incl. Water/Power/Internet Plus its ~65/mo. to provide Insurance for said “closet”…. and a Brand new developed Complex with Every Apartment NOT having a Microwave incl… I was the first renter in this apartment.

      I’ve decided that I will save over 1000/mo by moving into my 34′ RV – 930/mo. Water/Power/Sewer incl. Buy Star link and to hell with renting an apartment. In order to re-lease this place, I put up an ad on Market Place: Within 24 hours I had over 20 parties interested incl. 2 from YVR and 1 from Que.

      I would note the vast majority were Islamic’s & Africans. Not one with a Name of Brian or Shelley…

      Said increases Countrywide are IMO 95% due to that Filthy Genocidal NAZI in the PMO who is 100% Invested in Replacing/Purging EuroCentric folks from Canada – via Relocation, Vaxxines, Cap GAINS Theft, MAID or death by Migrant wanting YOUR place of residence.

      Getting armed up as well….
      The Shite is getting closer by the day to hit the proverbial fan

      1. Steak
        I pay 1420 monthly, all inclusive, including my shop. I do help the landlord some what with maintenance and yard work. My pad, about 900 sq ft, and relatively new . My next pad I will have to pay utilities, but NO rent:-)))

  3. hope this is on topic, after reading the above comments, but best pizza in Canada was Bonora’s on Somerled in NDG Montreal, then comes the Saxony in Rouses Point NY but it burned down

    1. Mamma Mia’s in Honolulu should be in the top 10. Along with Mountain Station Pizza in Mountain Ontario.

    2. The best pizza places all driven out of business years ago when pizza hut, domino’s and little cesar’s kept prices artificially low.

      Add in the hate for good tasting food pushed by twats like Morgan Spurlock, impossible to survive.

    3. Local, family owned and run, serves great pizza. Yup and the owner are Italian decent (immigrants) canadians.

    1. Seems to me Racism is definitely on the Rise, given the number of very ugly incidents I see near daily on X.
      100% of the time its 4-5 Black punks Beating the living daylights outa some12-18 yr old white girl.

      This shit is perpetuated by 100% BLACK DEMOCRAT f’ing garbage of which there seems to be an abundance of.
      such as those Rotten k unts on the View.

    1. She’s a gift from hell; every second of her recording has my cringeometer needle buried.

    1. Justin and the vile ICJ can go frack themselves. Go Israel!
