6 Replies to ““Liberal” Transparency”

  1. Of course TurdHole is withholding the documents. It’s solid evidence of the Lieberals aiding and abetting Xi’s influence in the elections.

  2. The Dominion voting machines are the pink elephant in the room.

    Dominion’s head office is in Serbia, that is where the changing of votes and ballot harvesting and manipulation were being controlled from in real time in at least 71 elections over the years.

    This evidence is being compiled as we speak and will expose the corruption at a deep state level, in many countries including Canada.

    Do we recall how Dominion and Soros both closed and emptied their Toronto offices shortly after the 2020 election when the pressure of election interference started to rumble in the nations? Trudeau and Soros and Schabb and many others have been players in election fixing for a long time.

    To expose the documents would lead to an unraveling of many leaders who have been placed into office under the umbrella of fraud, making them illegitimate governments and making their laws null and void.

    This exposure is overdue. Shine the Light of Truth and watch the coackroaches scurry back into the dark shadows. Time to bring in the exterminators.

  3. Trudeau answers to, is appointed by, and represents the King of Canada, the eminently semi-retarded King Charles of Canada. The Government of Canada, its agencies, departments, Ministry’s, and all its august bodies are the personal property of the King.

    How dare you have the arrogant temerity demanding to see any document that does not belong to you. Just who do you think you are? You are and will be an unquestioning, loyal, polite, and obedient Subject of the King. This is compulsory and beyond debate.

    You have been warned. You will obey. Failure to acquiesce will be dealt with in a quick and brutal manner.

    You may now carry on.

  4. Once again, to paraphrase Queerdeau: “If we kill them, we win.”
    Now I certainly only mean that figuratively…
    Because once C.A.G.E. is set-up, it’ll be full of corrupt Liberals, corrupt Bureaucrats, corrupt RCMP, corrupt Judges & Crown Attorney’s, corrupt Health Officials, corrupt Consultants, corrupt Parole Board Members, etc.
    Don’t worry, Ellesmere is the 10th largest island in the world so there is lotsa room.


    Each traitor-neo-Marxist gets a 20′ long sea-can and a handgun with one round of 9mm ammunition.
    Every month there is an airdrop of 25 days worth of food, water & canned heat.
    They have all the freedom they want to roam the island and despoil it with their presence.
    They can also do whatever they want to/with their very very distant isle-mate.

    Funding will come via You-tube or Rumble, kinda like the show, Alone, only better.

  5. The national security circle jerk.. Globalism’s ace in the hole.. We will sell you out and all our unflattering details will be REDACTED.. Because Canada cant handle the truth..
