Reparations For The Taliban?

A socialist anti-war alliance that was led by the former Labour leader, is demanding reparations be paid to the Taliban so they can rebuild the country. Sure why not, Western countries are getting used to bowing to every social justice nutbar group on the planet. Meanwhile China is already using the Afghan mess as an excuse to invade Taiwan. Justin would like this idea, he enjoys handing out reparations and apologizing.

34 Replies to “Reparations For The Taliban?”

  1. And while Justine is passing out the reparations, he can use his bio-breaks to piss on the graves of the Canadian war dead.

    1. A lot of those vets were anti child trans surgery, had no black friends, said mean things, hunted with guns, hooked living fish while drinking beer and urinating in sacred First Nation waters.

      They should be dug up and put in pits of shame.

    2. Just wait: he’ll make a tearful apology for all the owies that the Taliban suffered. Poor little Omar will help negotiate the settlement.

      1. See, that’s the thing: you might be right. Satire is going to die under the current regime, because the most laughably “impossible” thoughts about them end up becoming reality.

        DAMN, how frustrating! >:(

  2. I hope someone is keeping track of the members of these groups for future reference. When the reckoning comes it needs to be personal, not just political.

  3. The Taliban should have to sell those armaments on the open market, the same as everyone else. Never bow to the UK Labour Party.

    (will the Canadian Liberals advocate for a free trade deal with these people? … we in western Canada will need the arms too, for when we separate from Old Canada)

    1. Those armaments will rust out soon enough, as the sword-wielding Taliban won’t know how to maintain them. However, they can do lots of damage to other tribes in the short-term. Of course, western idiots will fund guns forever.

  4. The UN will put Afghanistan high on the list of Global Warming redistribution of Western capitalist cash $$$$. Just as soon as the Sec. General licks the boots of the Tallybahn

  5. Anyone else getting annoying twitter pop ups that won’t let you see responses to tweets unless you sign up?
    Oh well, Tor browser it shall be.

    1. Yes. That just started for me. My response? I won’t view ANY Twitter comment ever again. Pretty much the same thing Ive done with Faquebook… never been there. Never going

  6. Canada will probably be the first country to recognize the legitimacy of the Taliban. The Bongs old man did that with the communist chinese.

    What is happening here is potentially very dangerous. China, Iran and Pakistan are all on board with the Taliban. China has a short border (less than 100 miles) with Afghanistan but is their largest trading partner.

    1. Well, kind of. Turdo puts on his burqa and buttsy spanks him in full Pashtan attire.

  7. First the Taliban can provide a tally of all the shit they blew up, and the lives they ruined, then we’ll talk.
    Actually, no we won’t. This is nothing more than more nonsense from the equations only have one side collectivist cretins.
    Taliban should indeed be reparations – in preparation for an imminent meeting with Allah.
    They are a criminal organization. If they had a functioning government it’s ministries would be drug dealing and extortion.

  8. OT, but related…Sleepy Joe is soon to address the nation re: Afghanistan. Better be soon; it’s almost his bedtime. Hope they held off giving him his warm milk.

    1. As far as I understood from the radio, he made out he had to pull the troops out, now or never, a sad but necessary decision. In fact, Trump had organized the withdrawal by May this year, those yanky dem wankies put a halt to that plan, it was Trump who promised an end to eternal wars.

      1. What the holy hell? You really can’t satirize these people, everything they do and say is so jaw-droppingly warped and fucktarded…just wow. 😀

  9. Ransom demands to get our troops back, we will fund terrorists one way or another.

  10. So will Adolf The Gay Nazi dress up in his Islamic garb for the opening of the Taliban embassy in Ottawa?

  11. Hmmm, has everyone forgotten the Taliban contribution to terrorist acts around the world, like 911? Perhaps they should be the ones paying reparations.

    1. Nonononononono! It’s all about feelings!

      Think of the trauma Canada’s Ten Million Dollar Man suffered. Worse was that despicable family of his which whined, when asked how it felt that poor li’l Omar got bunged into jail for killing an American soldier and maiming a second one, “What about the Taliban families?” or some such bumfodder.

      It’s the epitome of what some wag defined as chutzpah: killing one’s parents and then begging the court for mercy because one is now an orphan.

  12. When people out of desperation cling to departing jets in hope of escaping their country you know things are beyond dangerous. My guess is we are going to be witness to a level of unimaginable violence.

  13. Well who knows, maybe China will be the next superpower to get sucked into that hellhole and find out the hard way it’s not an easy place to re-organize.

  14. Maybe the Stop the War coalition should ent a plane and go over their to give the damn fine Afghani chaps some advice

  15. Pay them with Fallout.
    And I don’t mean the video game.
    As for Juthtin…Karma’s just gotta be coming for that bitch.

  16. Just in from CNN. Joe Biden kept his promise to withdraw. The fact that he totally screwed it up is Trump’s fault.
    Regarding the upcoming bloodbath, CNN and the White House assure is it will be a mostly peaceful genocide.
    They’ve told us the truth in the past, except for the constant lies, so can be believed now.
