13 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

    1. Ghana, where this “word” comes from, didn’t “outlaw” slavery until 1870, long after Dundas is dead and buried.

      The word was selected by the councillor from the area, who just happens to have a background from Ghana. If someone was enterprising, they could probably trace his family tree back and find how many of his ancestors were slavers.

      “The change is part of an ongoing effort by the city to rename public assets bearing the name of Henry Dundas, a Scottish politician who delayed the abolition of slavery in Britain by 15 years.”
      This is a lie, of course, because Henry Dundas had zero votes in the House of Lords, where the non binding resolution that he added the word “gradually” to, in order to get it passed in the house of Commons, died.

  1. I enjoyed young Butker’s speech. It is, maybe was, who we were and should be today.

  2. ““The Conservative leader is wearing more makeup than I am today,” Freeland said. ”

    I don’t think so and no one needs it more than that u-g-l-y biatch. A bag would be better. And she is stupid beyond belief.

    Chrystia dumpster fire.

    1. Amen Buddy!!

      We should probably emphasize stupid and immoral as much as ugly. (u-g-l-y. SaId with a Redd Foxx voice.)

    2. And I’m hearing she & the Turd possibly had some involvement with Canada’s “Epstein” Island:
      Picktons. Some serious allegations coming to light…and Why not, Canada is not this Pure as the driven snow place everyone would like it to be:

      We have our Share of utter Deviants – Savage Murderers & Child Rapists and isn’t it strange, Trudeau seemingly supports them all.

  3. The liberals are running off the rails, making jokes about makeup during dialogue about drug over doses-how cruel.
