83 Replies to “May 23, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. It is astonishing that some people still think that election was not stolen. Well, or course they are reminded that this is disinformation every time the main stream media references the issue. People still living with the illusion that Biden was legitimately elected are simply blind.

    1. There was fire at an EV dealership in China as well, burnt building and lots of burnt cars.
      Things just keep getting better.

    1. As a Dutch ExPat, I’ve always simply loved this guy..!
      A no BS dude, & one who was 100% against the invasion of the Netherlands by ISLAMICS

      It took him long enough to get into the Seat of POWER – thank god..!!
      Long overdue to ship that FILTH out Geert..!!

      I recall one of my Dutch relatives actually disowning me cause I supported him & his anti Islamic campaign…No Loss whatsoever. I wonder what the thinks now 15 yrs after the Islamic invasion – probably has the same Liberal mind set….meh, I could give a shit.
      Stupid is as Stupid does.

    1. Yes, becoming a pattern.

      However, a search of ‘t interwebs reveals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wNxGIz7YSs which is geofenced to ‘Merka – but easily defeated by a VPN via Atlanta.

      Edit: PS: the original link also works via VPN although it initially claims “Unavailable” like that applies to the whole world. Sneaky scummers.

      PPS; some good movies linked here though 🙂

        1. Honestly, it is just best to get used to using VPN all the time. I have been using Nord for quite a while and have been very happy with it.

  1. So yesterday in QP the red dwarf (aka Christya Freeland) attempted to ridicule Poilievre by saying was wearing more makeup than her.

    What’s ironic is that her boss wears more makeup than she does,

  2. People vote left when they want something and vote right when they want something done.

    1. Dallas Buyers Club is a great film. It shows you how things operate with the medical mafia in charge. Same crap during Covid. Just try to buy Ivermectin or HCQ. This garbage is still happening.

      And it is getting worse. They have decided to clamp down on natural health products, so that some vendors in the States have decided not to sell in Canada. This is a big issue. No media coverage, of course.

      1. For anyone interested in what is happeing in the area of natural health products, here is an informative video. Shawn Buckley is a key source for what is going on regarding natural health products. I read a report he produced, explaining the threat. He is very good and very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, they have already put restrictions in place on Natural Health products. Particularly infuriating is that a Parliamentary Committee looked at the issue 8 or 10 years ago and decided nothing needed to be changed. So the latest actions go against findings of a Parliamentary committee. There were no consultations regarding this latest decision by Health Canada to reclassify natural health products, requiring all kinds of research that most companies cannot afford. I suspect Health Canada is responding to pressure from the pharmaceutical companies. Anyway, here is an interview with Shawn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC67DNEIZOs

        1. My wife bought some charcoal toothpaste. Very cheap and effective. Made from coconut shells I think. One jar would last over half a year and half the cost of a tube of tooth paste. Then came the BS propaganda. CBC ran an article that it scratches your teeth (said by a dentist) and that charcoal is a known carcinogen (quoting a dental hygienist no less).

          Then the product disappeared.

          More recently there has been a flurry of new charcoal-based products on the market – toothpaste, mouth wash, dental floss – all from the very big companies (Palmolive, Colgate etc). My wife bought some tooth paste. Just not the same. They must have almost no active ingredient.

          Odd how that happens.

      2. Linda

        The Campaign against Natural Remedies started in 1913
        With the Rockefellers et all pressuring the US govt to ensure that all “health” related things be “fixed” by Pharma.

        We are where we are due to the same Global Filth that now wishes to Annihilate Euro Centric folks of the face of the Earth.

        1. I agree with this, but we should be pushing back. Maybe some Canadians would if they even knew about it, but like other bureaucratic, totalitarian measures happening under Liberals, the media keeps this a secret.

  3. Washington Post is pivoting to AI.


    I think that is French for lay-offs.

    “To speak candidly: We are in a hole, and we have been for some time,” the CEO said, per an announcement. “This is all repairable, all doable, particularly if we do it together.”

    1. If you listened to the CBC or NPR every day you would have known that! 🙂

      And the “authorities” thought they were going to save money by closing most of the public insane asylums.

  4. ‘President Raisi murdered thousands and targeted people in Britain – I won’t mourn him’: UK minister Tom Tugendhat leads international condemnation as Iran begins three-day funeral proceedings for Butcher of Tehran

  5. I wonder how many the Liberals are going to fly to Canada?

    The father and son Hamas r@pists – Terrorists describe going house to house carrying out s3x attacks and murder: ‘One screamed and cried… father r@ped her then I did then my cousin did then father killed her’

      1. “Drinks for all my friends!!!”


        “There will be zero way to track this. Zero. Indian “Canadian” men who went to a Brampton diploma mill and moved back to the family slum in Ganapatipura, Gurjarat are going to be rented by women who want to birth a “””Canadian””” baby. She, and her new Liberal Party blooded Canadian child will then have a lifetime of taxpayer abuse ahead of them. Free housing, healthcare, K-12, and subsidized Post Secondary at their disposal. ”

        … and a bit more I’m reluctant to quote here…

  6. Hizbullah-Affiliated Lebanese Academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi: Hitler Recruited Child Soldiers, So Why Shouldn’t We? There Is Nothing Shameful About Raising Children On The Principle Of Sacrificing One’s Life

    Istanbul Muslim Brotherhood Conference Stages Comedy Sketch In Which Palestinian Tells Jew: Although Drinking Blood Is Prohibited In Islam, Your Blood Has A Special Taste
