16 Replies to “Thrilling News”

  1. A change from our usual way?
    Getting and creating bigger and better guns…
    And now with Drone technology, they are useless as humans behind them are the biggest hindrance to getting killed by others not in the field of fire.

  2. If he’s so smart, he should move out of his mom’s basement and start paying all his own bills. I’m sure he’ll be richer than Gates in no time at all.

    Also, I think he was absent they day they were handing out testosterone. And intelligence. And self-awareness.

  3. If sneaking disgusting things in cop’s coffees is considered “deescalated situations with people with guns”, then sure.

  4. If you are a chain of coffee shops with a lot of shareholder money to throw away on top-of-the-line insurance policies, yes, of course, it makes sense to order baristas to give the junkie what he wants and let corporate deal with the claim.

    To real entrepreneurs who have to finance operations out of accounts receivable and are personally liable for any losses, a shotgun is a lot cheaper and a much more effective deterrent.

    Another reason corporate capitalists support gun confiscation.

    It makes it more likely that the competition will die in the cradle and that the competitors’ dream of founding a thriving business will end with his friendly neighbourhood bank’s taking his house to sell to a Chinese “investor”—which is all the bank manager planned on doing when he offered the dumb blue-eye a line of credit in the first place.

    1. +++++/\ Didley.

      Precisely what is happening over this faux pandemic.
      The on purpose strangulation of Private Enterprise in Canada.
      Based 100% on a BS Testing mechanism.

  5. Remember the “bath salts cannibal” a while back, when a crazed man attacked an old homeless guy and partially devoured his face?

    The only way the cops could stop the psycho was to kill him. I would love to see this soy boy try to reason with a madman high on angel dust. I guarantee that will not end well, unlike the weak sauce junkies he’s been dealing with.

  6. At the oil refinery I used to work at during my undergrad summers, most people who signed on there started as yardmen. It was physically demanding and often dirty. Every so often we got some poofy squish like xim/xer/xit in the video. Most of the time, they started one day and didn’t bother showing up again. No surprises there.

    1. I still am unsure if its a boy or a girl. And I watched the video.

      Rebel Rebel is still one of the greatest guitar riffs.

      1. You missed the picture of shim with the facial hair?

        Since, it is my opinion (and was the medical opinion until last week) that Trannies are mental patients … shim will be a mental patient acting in the place of police to keep mental patients from shooting and stabbing each other. The mental patient waltz

    1. Fortunately, I haven’t made a habit of drinking coffee, let alone the over-priced gunk that outlets like Starblech sells.
