30 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Oh, I get it, this gender reclassification…
    Well technically any plant and animal could be classed as well.
    Pregnant people, just reclassificated genders…huh?

    1. If I have said it once, I have said it a million times, “All taxonomy is political.”

      1. As a friend of mine once memorably said, “No taxonomy without misrepresentation!”

      1. I don’t have to worry about it. To paraphrase a bit out of Robert Heinlein’s novel Starship Troopers, I reproduce by binary fission….. just like any other bacterium.

      2. *
        elliot page just publicly celebrated zher
        double mastectomy on oprah… but
        i’m guessing zhe still could.


      3. Just the one that you have a 50% chance of being born into.

        Or, “assigned at birth” /rolls eyes


    2. Too complicated now … let’s just abort every fetus growing in every *ahem* person. At least until we’ve halted population growth and we’ve “saved the planet” … Right?

  2. So if I identify as vaccinated that means that I can go anywhere and do anything?

    In related news, my car now identifies as an emergency vehicle so it should be immune from all future speeding tickets.

    1. Of course! I have a bit of a paunch so I’m asking for maternity leave first thing Monday

  3. Yep, it’s impossible to trust “experts” in any profession that has embraced the idea that a biological man can become a woman simply by saying the magic words “I am now a woman” (and vice versa for a woman becoming a man).

    It’s my number one litmus test of both an individual’s or professional organization’s credibility because embracing such nonsense means that either:

    A) they truly believe that there’s no significant biological differences between males and females and therefore aren’t very intelligent.
    B) they may or may not believe but they are extremely susceptible to group think and societal trends/fads making their opinion worthless.
    C) they know it’s wrong but will do as they’re told and pretend to believe for personal gain, political ideology or cowardice. These ones are the worst type and also the most common.

      1. I wonder how the pregnant women who have had serious problems after the vaccine feel about it. Particularly those who experienced an unwanted abortion.

  4. Ah, so that scene in the movie Alien wasn’t fiction, after all…..

  5. The left insists we play along with their pseudo reality and have successfully sold their show to the elites only because they know it doesn’t sell to normal people like you and me which is why they want it in your child’s education curriculum. Fast forward a couple generations and voila! Success! And we’ll be drowned out as “deniers”. A term used to shut down the climate debate to great success.
    Cultural revolutions usually start at the grass roots level but here it’s top down…we’re not demanding change, change is being forced on us. Kinda bassackwards.

    I’ve said it once…I’ll say it again. North America’s biggest mistake was allowing the Frankfurt Institute set up shop at Columbia University before WW2. The perverts knew full well Hitler was Jonesing to have them gassed the first chance he got.

  6. Rooster eggs, bull milk, pregnant people.

    Vocabulary of insane people.

    1. That reminds me of a scene from Kingpin:

      Morning! I hope you don’t mind, I got up a little early, so I took the liberty of milking your cow for you. Yeah, it took a little while to get her warmed up, she sure is a stubborn one. Then, POW, all at once!”
      “We don’t have a cow. We have a bull.”

  7. The vaccine is still so new that no vaccinated peoples have become pregnant after vaccination and birthed a child.

    Hopefully it’s not the new thalidomide, it’s probably not, but if it is we have a horror show coming our way.

    Apparently the animal trials didn’t go well?

    It’s hard to know what’s true anymore.

    Life is easy for the many liberals with blind faith in their betters, just follow the herd and resign to your fate if you’re plucked out to be eaten.

    1. In the animal trials, the very few that there were, ALL the animals died.

    1. Yeah – Watch your bungee jumping venture grind to a halt with that sign posted.

    2. *
      all governments have agreed to indemnify
      the pharmaceutical companies
      the various vaccines.

      no big red thalidomide flag there.


      1. and the entire thing is a massive test as no real vaccine protocols were followed, and the products were never licensed for use, and probably would never have been, until adequate testing was done. That takes years under proper protocols. People who have allowed themselves to be shot with an experimental drugs are lab rats. Good luck to all of them.

  8. Kate, have you by chance changed you mind about your resident vaccine-compliant ungulate, “Francisco”?

  9. Flying back from Rhodes, Greece years ago, the pilot took the plane onto the runway, gave it warp factor 4, then suddenly cut the engines.
    Captain, over the tannoy says “we have an indication that a door has come open. We’re going back to the terminal to check it”.
    We cruise round towards the terminal but go straight past it and back out onto the runway.
    Captain, over the tannoy says “we’ve looked at the door and THINK it’s alright”. Spent the entire flight belted up and in the brace position…..
