18 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Facebook plays the same games. I’ve tried it. I have taken comments that were made and then changed only the names. The changed “bait” comments I made were taken down (and I was scolded by the Facebook fascists)…..then I filed a complaint against the original comment that I used as a guide. The response? Nope…..the comments didn’t go against their guidelines and were not taken down.

    I’d suggest that anyone on Facebook just bombard them with complaints if you see any comments that come even CLOSE to dicey. Tell them you are “bullied” or “harrassed”. Snow them under

    1. No … according to this PRICK, reportedly running for Congress, Candace is a “paid propagandist” … spreading the same white tropes as whites have done for two centuries. So in one statement this ASSWhole manages to degrade a black woman as …

      – incapable of her own original thoughts
      – repeating someone else’s ideas and opinions
      – a “racist”
      – paid to propagandize
      – disingenuous
      – dangerous … to his slanted, distorted, view of race

      1. In other words, the soft bigotry of low expectations, scratch a libtard and you always get a racist.

      2. The hilarious part is a white guy sent her that crap. Marx said our class determined our preferences. Racists love that.

    2. No, worse, she is an Uncle Tom! or is it Aunt Jemima? Anyway, she is obviously an Orio. Doesn’t she realize that being off-plantation, she is dissing her own po’ folk.

      My God, that woman has so much courage to stand up before the assumptions of the left and pour scorn upon them. Trump’s next VP?

  2. Stop trying to reason with these people…they are enemies of everything decent, and are enemies of humanity.
    Treat them as such.

  3. I really like how she is getting under the skin of so many so they can publicly humiliate themselves.
    Of course the bigger story is the twitter response to his ignorance, exposing @jack for his ignorance too.

  4. He has taken his account private. I guess he was getting too much heat for that tweet.
