Inmates Running the Asylum

Years ago I went on one date with a woman in Vancouver. The entire time she was wearing leather gloves, including when we went indoors to have a coffee. I thought this a bit odd but said nothing. Later in the date, while we were walking, she suddenly burst out in tears and in the voice of what sounded like a 10 year old girl, exclaimed, “How come Forrest Gump gets so much attention but not me?!” If you think I’m making any of this up or exaggerating, you would be incorrect. Suffice to say, Vancouver women can be a bit … different.

Fast forward to modern day San Francisco and we get this gem from one Madeline Wells:

Maybe before the pandemic, the act of blowing out candles on a birthday cake seemed harmless enough. But with COVID-19 turning us all into a bunch of germaphobes (rightly so), it’s now impossible to brush off that horrid little study from 2017 that found blowing out birthday candles increases cake bacteria by 1,400% (!!).

Call me a killjoy, call me a germaphobe. Maybe I am one — I’ve been carrying around a little bottle of hand sanitizer with me everywhere I go since the third grade. But I get it: I love and miss birthday parties, too, and you can bet I will be attending as many as possible as soon as it’s safe.

No, Ms. Wells, we aren’t all a “bunch of germaphobes”.  You are, in fact, mentally ill and seriously need to get help from a psychiatrist to get past your lifelong phobia.  While you think that your privileged soapbox accords you the right to spread your personal fears to parents and little children, what you’ve actually done is just inject more fear and depression into the already freaked out SF Bay population.

Note to readers: At the time of this writing, we have not definitively determined whether Ms. Wells is comfortable kissing  a man/woman/other (she went to UC Berkeley so we want to cover all bases).

29 Replies to “Inmates Running the Asylum”

  1. Some Bacteria are healthy for you, and if you literally never ingest anything potentially harmful virus or bacteria wise your Immune system will start failing…the idea of “sanitation” at this level is still a VERY new concept to humans, these people are pathetic…

    1. We are busy sanitizing ourselves into potentially worse circumstances. Our immune systems will suffer degradation.

  2. Somewhere I once read that there are thousands of different bacteria, many beneficial and even necessary, but only 10 can harm us.

    The problem with the current attitude of germaphobia is that children who are not exposed to them will never develop immunity or the full capacity to fight them off.

    Products that kill “99.9%” of bacteria should be banned. All they do is promote the emergence of resistant superbugs that will cause a lot of problems and even death in the future.

  3. Well Robert … I will see your Assylum inmate and RAISE you a Suburban mom (who clearly didn’t vote for Trump). Yes. She lives on my lovely SF Bay Area suburban culdesac where she harbors tremendous FEAR … and wants YOU to be afraid too! Sorry, it’s long … but leftists and keyboards, you know.

    I hope you all are staying safe and doing OK during these challenging times. It has been a tough year for us all.

    As some of you know, I am leading my organization’s COVID response and so unfortunately am truly saturated with the latest public health and guidance concerning the virus. (redacted) and I wanted to share that our family is now even stricter and have a rule that we can’t be around anyone outside of our household unmasked (full disclosure that we consider our Maid part of our household as she is completely isolated other than our family). The new variants (UK’s B.1.1.7 and California’s CAL.20C) are much more infectious as they are ‘stickier’ to human cells, and are up to 100,000 times more concentrated in the nose and mouth of infected individuals as compared with the old U.S. variant. The evidence and guidance is rapidly evolving, but it is clear that the ‘old rules’, that being outside or being >6 feet from others, are based on the older variant and are inadequate. The great news, in addition to the vaccine, is that universal masking and social distancing are still very effective. <b For this reason, our family is being extra strict on masking and trying to keep kids distanced even when masked, which of course is really difficult.

    It is really hard to manage kids of any age through this and I know everyone is trying their best. I am sure I am getting the reputation of being ‘the mask police’ on the street because I am continually asking all children I see to go and get their masks, or reminding (including my own kids!) to place the mask properly over their nose and mouth. This feels awkward to do with other people’s children, which is why I wanted to send this email. But it’s important to keep everyone on the street safe, and it also accurately reflects the clear public health guidance from CDPH.

    We would really appreciate that if you are outside and kids are around, that you wear a mask. We are trying to enforce with our kids that they can’t be around anyone unmasked, but this is harder when they see other children or adults unmasked and interacting. And we also welcome you reminding our kids to wear their masks appropriately if you see any underneath the chin or nose action- it takes a village and we are very happy to have you directly remind them of the importance of masking appropriately!

    Thanks for your consideration, and I hope you all stay safe!

    It should be noted that this woman has a poster board stapled to her picket fence which enumerates Allllllll the things her household “believes” in, which includes; Love is Love. BLM. Science is science. And a list of several other bits of nonsense that you MUST “believe”.

    1. Context: she sent this email to everyone living on our court. There are approximately 25 children living on our court. Hers are the ONLY masked children … and very few adults wear masks when chatting in the street.

        1. Or maybe a used island, somewhere else, e.g. one used for atomic weapons testing, too radioactive for bacteria to live?

          1. This all is, of course, virtue signalling run amuck. Just like the lady in the article –

            “I’ve been carrying around a little bottle of hand sanitizer with me everywhere I go since the third grade.”

            ” – SEEEEE how devoted to germaphobia [sic] I am??? I’m ever-so-much more VIRTUOUS than you – why can’t you SEE that?!”

            And there are only two common reactions by these poor people’s kids – either they roll their eyes and mutter ” – yes, mom…” or they become proselytized little Karens and make their moms proud.

            “C’mon daughter of mine, you’ll be the FIRST 7-year-old to fly across America!” – sound familiar?

      1. Send her a plastic bubble and she can feel safe with her own germs and stop nagging everyone else.
        Being neighborly to show you care….
        Not… but she wouldn’t know.

      2. Have some sympathy. With Newson, Biden, Harris, and Big Woke Tech, she can anticipate getting everything she wants politically, and yet she is still miserable.

        1. No … yours included a date … that’s wayyyyyy too up close and personal. I can simply ignore this twit who lives at the other end of the block. Your story creeps me out … it’s the 10yo girl voice coming out of an adult …

  4. Robert, aren’t you being a bit presumptuous regarding Ms/Mister/Miss/Miz/They/SheMale/HeFemale/OtherGendered/… Wells by suggesting that …/… Wells expresses her affection by kissing? Maybe …/… identifies as a cat and expresses …/… affection by offering up a dead mouse?

  5. Robert, from your many stories over the years, I think you have stared into the Abyss even more than myself.
    And beware lest the Abyss stare back, and let out a string of gibberish and emotional blather that would make a seaman quail.

    I know you are not making this stuff up, as I too have encountered the Beast. A long time ago I had a date with a womyn who I was quite enamored of. I felt incredulous that she said yes to my asking her out. Going into it, I was nervous, and felt far beneath her status.
    Suffice to say, at the end of the date, I had no shred of interest in her. She was borderline insane. My breaking point was where she told me she asks for advice from her hands. The illusion was broken.

    Maybe it was the same womyn, and yours had gloves on so she would not get distracted?

    1. That sounds like a lot of the women I’ve known. There’s a reason why there’s no Mrs. Deplorable Rupertslander.

      Whenever I heard about one of them getting married, I asked myself just what her new husband did to deserve that, followed by “Better him than me.”

  6. The problem is that the American lawyers’ cabal have devoted decades to making it impossible to oblige obviously mad people to get treatment until they have succeeded in killing someone.

    Madeline Wells needs help. You’ll know America has turned the corner when she finally gets it—in a lunatic asylum behind lock and key.

  7. I live about eighty miles north of Vancouver, and most people are surprisingly sane and grounded around my area….as long as you don’t mention support for Trump!

    Yes, I know, it’s when something, ….anything, triggers them.
