6 Replies to “Social Disease”

    1. That is an understatement !

      They are anathema to Western Civilization. Homo Sapiens, thinking man…better described as problem solving man. The species that has built Western Civilization has used freedom of thought in both speech and writing to share the problem solving process with others. Something necessary in the pursuit of Truth.

      We test ideas in free debate, moral, political and scientific, so that bad ideas get to die instead of people. (“Process is the better part of Reality.” -Alfred North Whitehead)

      The majority of the audience of youtube is male. Males, by their nature, love to joust, to compete, to explore, to follow the data trail wherever it may lead, to test, the physical universe and that of the mind.

      Science is a process to seek truth, the ultimate game, forever and ever, without end.

      The male brains created youtube as a venue of free thought and expression and are who now sustain it.

      Also, they possess the power, the creativity to forsake those who have forsaken them and their pursuit of truth, in the service of love.

      Google/youtube… too big to fail? Such pride goeth before a fall !

      Youtube has become noticeably less user friendly. When there is a choice of platforms and search engines, to find, to view or listen to serious content. I find myself switching to free speech friendly ones.

      Returning to the question of why Google/youtube are turning into such zealots of censorship. This especially so, regarding the medical scientific debate around the Chinese Communist Party virus. Qui Bono ? Who benefits ?

      Does the question contain the answer?

      Is the Axis of Evil, the perennial foe ?

      Is Good vs. Evil, an eternal struggle ?

      St. George vs. the giant Serpent, David against Goliath, J.C. & his mom crushing the serpent beneath their heels. Justin Trudeau’s war on the light (of fossil fuel) in order to return mankind to living in a darkness of tyranny… a new Dark Age.

      All these archetypes permeate our collective unconscious for a reason, an inherent telos.

      They’ve morphed into an archetype of the Tyrant, the Leviathan, the Kraken.

  1. It is just another symptom of a few who want to be the ultimate rulers of the world. The internet is very easy to manipulate. Trudeau is already setting up new internet restrictions and infringements on our “charter rights” as we speak.

  2. ‘To prevent any misuse, we temporarily restricted your account.’ That’s what happened to my FB page when I linked to this Article from SDA. Big Brother is Watching Us.

  3. Maybe use a different video hosting site, then? One that charges money for service, and is therefore bound by contract law?

    I know, I know, the notion that you have no natural right to use someone else’s computer for free seems radical, but hear me out on this.
