58 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. There are three different types of people.

    Those who understand math and those who don’t.

    1. there are 10 kinds of people – those who understand maths, those who don’t, and those who thought this is a ternary number system joke.

      On the topic: people who are this far off should know to shut up and leave arithmetics to engineers.

      1. This is not a ternary system – it’s a binary system, and “bi” is… uhh… (scratches dome) – really big?

        1. Ternary. 10 in Ternary is 3 decimal; 10 in Binary is 2 in decimal. I was a computer scientist in my former life and used binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems at various times in my career.

          1. ditto Storm.
            conversion shortcuts could be found, ie binary 1010 = decimal ten.
            ABCDEF hex was fun too.
            I taught computerese in a private college.
            joke of the day was the ‘character 1’ compared to the ‘number A’.
            but to think 500 mill spread over some what 350 mill = 500,000,000,000,000
            the ummmm, ’rounding’ is ummm, ‘stretched’ a tad . . . .

    2. “degrees in journalism and English”.

      I wasn’t surprise she doesn’t have any math skills.

      Hell, these days scientists don’t seem to have much, either.

  2. So the tried and true model has been revived…so who won the “Tombstone, Arizona” poll?

    Well it’s nice to know that 2 bit billionaires still “own” our politicians.

    Okay thats my 2 cents… 🙂


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  3. Bloomberg should write 327 million cheques for a $1.52

    Or maybe he can distribute 327 trillion Zimbabwe dollars.

  4. Canadians might be tempted to laugh at her math but then when we consider the intellectual caliber of our Prime Minister it all goes downhill.

    1. According to Maclean’s magazine, the Rt. Hon. Trudeau has a background in quantum mechanics, so he knows a great deal of math, it seems. /s

      1. Well he was able to stand in front of a blackboard with equations on it, so he must be absolutely brilliant.

      2. I remember that he gave a lecture on quantum computing (really). It was clear he was just following a script. His emphasis was often in the wrong place. His acting training was bearing fruit.

        Then he was shuffled off the stage to avoid any questions.

        There is a full machine out there, including the Canadian Bias Corp, working to convince Canadians that Trudeau is smart. Any serious person knows though the man has the intellect of a box of rocks.

        1. Dr.D and Vuil, I am being sarcastic. The Maclean’s writer at this event was a wide-eyed pro-Trudeau thingy. Sorry for the confusion. DM.

        2. Sir, you are insulting my Pet Rock collection! They have an individual and collective intelligence far above the minstrel! For that matter, they would do a better job of running Canada than the whole dumb liberal collective!

  5. “Mekita Rivas is a writer and editor based in Washington, D.C. She holds undergraduate degrees in journalism and English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her current projects include a collection of short stories and a feature film screenplay.”

    I wonder how many cats she has? Maybe a million?

  6. On one end of the spectrum are mathematical prodigies. Newton, Leibniz and Euler are some examples. Deep thinkers whose ideas still impact the world today.

    And at the other end are those who are so inept that they miscalculate a simple one step calculation by a factor of a million. I wonder how much education it took to shape such a special mind.

    1. “I wonder how much education it took to shape such a special mind”

      You’d have to ask a New Democrat, or AOC

  7. What was that message that Mattel installed in the Barbie doll a few years ago. Something along the line that “Math is hard.” Right! math is hard especially when you’re stupid. And yet we allow these people to vote, no wonder the country is in such a mess.

  8. Mekita Rivas is a writer and editor based in Washington, D.C. She holds undergraduate degrees in journalism and English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her current projects include a collection of short stories and a feature film screenplay.

    Her bio says it all.

    1. But she had to get through elementary and high schools before attending university – do they no longer teach arithmetic (note: arithmetic, not math. Simple addition, substraction, multiplication – and – division!).

  9. You People have to realize that dumb chicks get to have an opinion too even if math is kinda like fact-based.

  10. Hilarious tweet. It makes my cloudy day brighten up. Thanks for posting.

    (Cloudy day? Just watching the latest world reports on the caronavirus pandemic this morning. And the global stock markets are down again).

  11. This is why those people don’t believe we will run out of billionaires to tax at 100% long before we pay for all the free crap they want.

  12. Meanwhile AOC says “looks kind of good to me”.

    I had to read it a couple of times because I thought no one could be that dumb. Then I read her bio.

  13. Same applies in Canada. How much did junior waste on his UN bribe trip to Africa? I’m sure it was more than 35 million. 1 million to every Canadian to put in a retirement fund would have solved a lot of problems in Canada

      1. There is a valid point in this tweet – but if a person wants to waste their money chasing a dream, that is their right.

        The point that should be acknowledged is that a lot of money, both private and taxpayers is spent on pointless, useless things. But, if a private individual wants to waste their money, go at it.

        But governments waste huge amounts of money on pointless, useless things. How much did it cost Canadian taxpayers for Justin to waltz around Africa doling out taxpayer dollars to tin pot dictators chasing HIS dream of a UN Security Council seat – a worthless seat on a do nothing Council (like all of the other UN agencies, councils, committees)?

        I’m betting it was probably close to 35 million dollars (which is a drop in the bucket in what the federal government wastes each year). Give each Canadian citizen 1 million dollars instead of pressing the flesh of dictators, and tell them to put it away in a retirement fund and presto – a whole lot of everyday problems would be solved for Canadians.

        At the very least if governments were actually concerned about taxpayer’s money, the budget would be reduced by a lot and our taxes would not be so high (as I do my tax return and tax returns for several other individuals)

        So I stand by my comment and yes I do math very well thank you.

        1. Apparently not if you think that the 35 million that went to the UN could instead give each Canadian a million dollars. If you’re talking about actually giving each Canadian a million dollars, that would be 30 million, million dollars. That’s 30,000,000 times 30,000,000. A lot of zeroes. I don’t think even Trudeau could come up with that even if it were in Canadian dollars.

          1. There is lots of waste in federal and provincial governments – the Africa trip was just ONE example of many wasteful projects that governments engage in. It wouldn’t take much to come up with the amount needed.

  14. I used to have this running argument with my father in law who often repeated that the US should give each and every Canadian, one million dollars in order to buy Canada, thinking it would take about 30 million dollars. When I pointed out that it would actually be 30 million, million dollars and that’s more money than God has, although not a stupid man, he could never seem to grasp the math no matter how I tried to explain it. It was just stuck in his head. He also voted NDP.
    Bloomberg could, however, have given every Democratic delegate a few million and bought the nomination that way. I’m not sure that’s even illegal.

    1. moneybags could have paid all the other candidates debts. Would that get him the nom?

    2. “I tried to explain it. It was just stuck in his head. He also voted NDP”
      Actual numbers are never germane to the argument with those folks. If one guy has a lot of money and I don’t have much money it just isn’t fair and my vote will always go to the strongest advocate for ‘more fair’.

  15. One shouldn’t laugh too loud. The wonders Mike could have worked with $500 million had he been serious about healing the world as opposed to taking it over have not gone unremarked.

    Mike’s net worth is $60 billion. Israel’s external debt is about $100 billion. He could have paid off half of it and still had money left over—which really would have been a game changer for Israelis.

  16. Person who sent the tweet is obviously suffering under a misconception; politicians are always lying. They only ever say what they believe the person they are talking to wants to hear at the moment. They only ever say what they think will get them a vote; they say different things to the person who answers the next door.

    It’s why Trump won; he is not a politician. When Trump says something, it is what he actually wants to do. He may change his mind occasionally, he may fail sometimes, but in general he works towards what he said he wanted yesterday, or last week, or last year.

    I am surprised we don’t have video yet of Bloomberg doing a Tennessee accent in his Tennessee speech like so many other politicians. Like Hillary speaking like a Southerner when she in Alabama, and like a yank when she in Boston, and like a valley girl when she in Cali.

    1. A politician like Bernie is a good example; he says he wants “living wage”, but refuses to pay his staffers even minimum wage. Champagne and limousines ain’t cheap, and some animals are more equal than others.

    2. I door knock with my local MLA and I can tell you my MLA is very honest. Maybe the exception.

  17. Trump spent way less than the rest to win in 2016. The lesson here is that simply having lots and lots of money alone won’t buy an election.
    I also have no time for the whiners that berates someone else for wasting his own money. Especially when they think it should be handed over to the poor. It would be nice but it’s not mandatory.
    For clarity, I do not like Mini-Mike.

  18. When people make these kind of statements about wealth distribution and a guaranteed income do they think money is an absolute and not subject to inflation and thereby devaluation ?

  19. Her byline now reads:
    writer/creative/bad at math <<<<<<<<< yes. Very bad at math…
    • bylines @refinery29 @glamourmag @washingtonpost @wineenthusiast
    y más
    • proud fitness snob
    • it’s pronounced MEE-key-tah

  20. Math is hard for some people. That includes people who think windmills and solar panels will replace fossil fuels in the near future.

  21. Regrettably these are the types of tweets than just confirm the left’s belief that anyone on the right is an idiot.
