“The pain of your enemy should be your joy…”

… and we conservatives are pegging the joymeter right about now? watching the political sepsis that is CongressKid AOC and her merry band of idiots running rampant within the flabby body of the Democrat Party. There’s only one solution to the gangrene caused by her and that brother-marrying weirdo who cheers for the wrong side in Black Hawk Down and Ms. Palestine. You have to amputate. But the donkeys can’t do it. That would cripple or kill the patient. So, what to do about the infection ravaging their party? It’s quite the dilemma.
Calling us Normal people racists and sexist and all those other -ists and -phobes was all good fun and good business for the Democrats up until now. It was nothing personal. We weren’t these horrible things, and Liberal, Inc., knew we weren’t these horrible things, but saying we were riled the rubes and churned the votes and so the libs did it. But the AOCretins actually believe this stuff. They hate America and Americans where the Democrat leadership merely holds America and Americans in contempt. They want to burn the whole house down, but the Democrat bigwigs live in that house.
And it’s delightful to watch.
We now have Stephen Hawking’s Protégé calling Nancy Pelosi a racist, which is just so perfect and so wonderful.


24 Replies to ““The pain of your enemy should be your joy…””

  1. The Democrats certainly appear on the brink of a huge intra-party civil war, and they have brought themselves to it through their ruthless approach to life and politics. This is what you get when you make the likes of Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx your spiritual leaders.

    1. Which leads to the big question of the moment: Should we have a beer or a mixed drink with our popcorn?

      1. A very important question. Make mine beer. Butter and fine grated Swiss on the popcorn, if you’re asking.

  2. Meanwhile Canadian conservatives have little to joy about. I still get routine calls from ‘supporter services’ thanking me for my amazing wonderful support even though I haven’t donated or maintained a membership going on 5 years. The ‘Conservative’ party is beyond tone death.

    1. MM.

      Tone Deaf..? I’ll say
      I still get 3-4 Calls/week and plenty of E-mails exhorting me to support the Conservative party. To all, I reply that I cannot support the Wanker in Charge – Scheerdeau for the many following reasons which I detail to them.

      Upon saying that, one can sense shoulders droop as I am certain, I am not the only one in this country that see them as Turncoats.. RED TORIES bought n paid for by Eastern Elites, the UN and likely infiltrted with Soros agents.

      Max is the only clear choice – let the chips fall where they will – if PM Pidpshit gets back in, it will simply speed up Western Separation ….and I, for one, am 1000% in favour of that.

    2. This in the article didn’t register first time reading while focusing on the AOC angle. Worth repeating:

      “””We saw that our conservative betters were conserving nothing – and not being better either. We threw them the hell out. The next generation of Democrats see that their crusty master caste is doing nothing but preserving its own power, and that the oldsters aren’t really down with the revolution. After all, a revolution tosses out the ruling class, and the Dino Dems are quite happy being the ruling class.”””

  3. Per the author, HRC playing at identity politics & calling the uneducated dirty unwashed populist rubes a “basket of deplorable racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes & you name it phobes” … was all in good fun & nothing was personal. I wasn’t supposed to feel guilt about my skin colour while walking down the street? Well no one told me & it looks like AOC didn’t get the memo either. So now AOC and the likes are ratcheting up the game playing their victim cards and the party elites are being targeted themselves. Sit back. Enjoy the show.

  4. “Hey, leader, there is this person outside the big tent wants in. This person has apparently burned down all tents that have let her in, in the past. What should we do?”

    Why, let the person in of course. This time it will be different. They sowed the breeze, now they get to reap the hurricane.

  5. This is a typical Stalin-Trotsky conflict. The people who bankrolled the Soviet experiment weren’t ready for Trotsky’s Red Army to bring the revolution to their own countries, at least not before Stalin had made to work in one.

    The revolution is intended for towns and villages still mostly inhabited by white north Americans who work for a living, believe in the God of Israel and believe the US government’s task is to secure the continued existence of America and a future for her children. The people who pay all the Democratic party’s bills (still mostly white males themselves, with an increasing Han Chinese contingent) don’t actually want the revolution to come to Wall Street or Hollywood.

    Their Chinese business partners, who are not ready to invade and conquer the United States, know the first rule of any parasite: don’t kill off your host.

    The radicals will be reined in, just as Trotsky was, and just as were the Gang of Four.

    Not that that will prevent the re-election of Trump, obviously.

  6. In the Pelosi vs AOC cage match, my money’s on the Uber Btch. She’s won a lot of battles, and has the scars to prove it.

  7. Netroots Nation: We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice”
    There was this man who walked into a Canadian bar and says to the bartender I want 3 bottles of Moosehead beer
    The bartender asks, “What’s the matter?”
    The man says, “I found out my brother is queer and marrying my best friend.”
    The next day the same man comes in and orders 5 Mooseheads.
    The bartender asked, “What’s wrong this time?”
    The man says, “I found out that my son is gay.”
    The next day the same man comes in the bar and orders 15 Moosehoods.

    Then the bartender asks, “Doesn’t anyone in your family like women?”
    The man looks up and says, “Apparently my wife does.”

  8. Ms Pelosi brings in a lot of hard cash. She decides who gets the cash she brings in. She wins.

    1. But where did AOC get her money? She went up against an incumbent Dem which meant Pelosi’s money would’ve gone to her opponent. Must’ve come from all these radical left foundations like those financed by Soros

  9. Pres. Trump is the only troll in the nation that I enjoy reading.

    He trolled Nancy Pelosi telling America that she should be defended from her own Democrat disasters, the 4 liberal socialists squats.
    Now the Democrats defending the four are hurting their chances for reelection.
    Then he trolled the 4 squad members, telling them they should leave America.
    The astroid media and most of the 60 socialists running for president are jumping on board the ‘Orange Man Bad Train.’ Many Millions of USA citizens believe the 4 squallers are evil communists traitors.
    Trump and his Twittered trolls destroyed Hilliary and her billions of donation dollars.
    I guess she really believes she should wipe her computer screen to get rid of criminal emails?

    Pres Trump will go down in history as the greatest nonpolitical candidate in American history.

  10. Just as I accurately predicted Trump’s election … I now predict that Kamala Harris will become the (D) candidate for POTUS. She will LOSE to Trump in 2020. Kamala is the only candidate who can tick off enough of the woke boxes to get the nomination.

    POC? check
    Woman? check
    From the land of LGBTQeu PRIDE? check
    Experienced politician? check
    Daughter of “immigrant”? check
    Mixed race? diiiiiiversity is her strength? check
    Backed by powerful $$$ interests? check
    Guaranteed vote support from coastal elites? check
    Backed by powerful political interests (Willie Brown’s machine)? check

    Yes, her record is quite leftist and spotty, which is why she cannot prevail against Trump, however she is the ONLY candidate who can bridge between the olllllllld guard (D’s) and the radical Marxist (D’s).

  11. Nancy Pelosi just spoke and said she is not a Racist.
    I. Just. Cant. Stand. It. Anymore.

  12. Conservatives shouldn’t be too smug in the assumption that Trump is a shoe-in just because in a land of insanity, the relatively sane candidate will prevail. The US electorate voted in Obama twice over relatively more sane, less evil, but uninspiring GOP loser-regulars (Canadian CPC leader comes to mind). The loose cannon populist narrowly defeated a hideously vile, corrupt, and evil Mrs. Clinton. Trump will have to pull off some magic to defeat even the most crazed Democrat who, compared to Mrs. Clinton carries less baggage.

    As much as I enjoy the entertainment of watching the Dems eat each other, it should frighten every rational person on the planet that despite the infighting, Democrat voters through culture and demographics may continue to grow legally and otherwise.

  13. today’s tip-of-the-day:
    keep up with your historical references, it richly adds to one’s following the contents of a link like this, ie ‘Donner Party 2’.
    and thus the *accuracy* of the metaphors etc.

    I do hope kenji’s assessment is correct.
    and speaking of Trump the Troll-in-Chief, the current print version talks about how Trump uses a different tactic dealing with n korea, and realizes the approach that WORKS is one that addresses the oriental focus on saving face. which is why his diplomacy is working.

  14. Taking a step back…was in Chiapas Mexico 20 years back talking to local businessman. He said Mexico was taking Texas, Arizona, New Mexico & California back, one Mexican at a time. Meanwhile, those who got across the border, are breeding. Throw in the impoverished Hispanics from sh*t hole Lat Am countries and the home grown free sh*t POCs, based on the demographics, the politics will be going hard left, i.e. mucho wealth redistribution. Que sera, sera.

    Checked the cattle today. Had a miraculous conception & birth in the herd of heifers. Quite a sight to behold.
    Enjoy life’s blessings. Que sera, sera.

    1. Imported heifers are the ONLY immigrants that should be outbreeding the native population … at least until “Impossible meat” renders cows superfluous (hint: will never happen on my dinner plate)

      Congrats on expanding the herd!

  15. Not sure how good Trump is at chess. Possibly, because of time constraints, mediocre. I do wonder how much time he spends thinking about strategy before implementing it. Or does it instinctively come off the cuff, he just sees situations, and knows exactly how to advantage them to his agenda.

    The underestimations of his ability by elites/media/academia are either willfully deceptive (not likely) or they are perfect examples of his uncanny ability to neutralize attacks, shift focus, and have his enemies do his bidding. If they were a Stradivarius, he is Paganini. So blinded by their hate, for him they are easily manipulated.

    This innate skill Trump has for not just saying “Squirrel” but actually having the hounds stop in mid chase and go baying up an entirely different tree has manifested itself repeatedly. It is so obvious, at least to me, and yet the hounds can’t help themselves. Something about Pavlov.

    For all the Intellectual Superior’s millions of hours of writings, analysis, critiques, dissections, predictions and videos of the man, they still don’t seem to have a clue that for years he has understood and studied their arsenal of weapons and not only rendered them useless but aimed them back at them. Thus cognitive dissonance in Progressive Socialist Democrats gets aimed at the heirarchy that Trump needs to defeat.

    As Kate brilliantly percieved at the beginning of Trump “Here tell these people something they don’t know about me”, Trump can do and say things and the old tropes of Racist/Misogynist/Homophobe etc have no meaning and no effect. For the accusers. For Trump they are the very tools he will use to send the pack off baying up yet another tree.

    It is simply fasinating.
