41 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Oh the intrigue! With this much evidence if they don’t nab the intruder can we assume it was an inside job?

  2. There should be no trouble finding this criminal from the crystal clear video! Just search Conservative Party headquarters!
    And if that isn’t repeated on every Left wing blog and news site,I’ll eat my hat.

  3. As per Reader Tips…
    Commenters were starting to mention the resemlance last evening on CBC and Sun News…comments now disabled….lol.

  4. Looks like Castro’s love child just dropping in to make sure pony boy is towing the ‘party’ line.
    Strange hour to visit but then again socialism never sleeps!

  5. I can’t believe this worthless moron is the best the Liberal party can field. It is really sad when you think about it.

  6. So, now we have 3 political party leaders with 24/7/365 police protection of themselves and their families, paid for by Canadian citizens.
    Meanwhile, 34 million citizens, are by law and policy of those three same political parties and leaders, disarmed and helpless in the face of a home invasion.
    Also, we have 70,000(?) police officers paid by us to make sure we stay that way.
    Note- Justice Ross Colver(B.C. Court)
    “The police are guardians of society, not guarantors of individual safety.”
    For that shrinking minority of Canadians possessing firearms, should they actually manage to unlock and load them in time to defend against attempted murder.
    The government will go berserk trying to punish you for it (e.i. Ian Thompson vs. the Crown).
    Canadians had more rights under Sir John A. MacDonald. Too bad we couldn’t re-elect him.

  7. MacCharles Twitter profile summary – Red Star approved
    Ottawa-based parliamentary reporter for the Toronto Star. Covering Conservatives, public safety, justice, Supreme Court of Canada, RCMP

  8. Question.
    If CBC praises, omits, spins for the shiny pony, is that considered campaign financing payed for by us taxpayer’s?

  9. Sorry I’m not up to speed on all the players- who does he look like?
    I’m guessing a Liberal Party sycophant of some sort.

  10. I’ve been touting this as an ‘inside job’ for a few days.
    It does not pass the sniff test, and as it gets riper it stinks even more.
    The unlocked doors.
    Nothing was stolen.
    The lack of a working security system. Do they have one?. And if so was it turned on ?
    The note that has not been released.
    The changing of a ” pile of household items” into a macabre display of butcher knives.
    No other homes reported anything amiss.
    No one inside was awoken. They also have a nanny, I don’t know if she is a live-in. Do they have a dog?
    Justin’s response of curtailing his schedule and their talk of his important quest rather than beefing up home security.
    Someone at the CBC comments (Aug.19) mentioned that items from all over the house were in that pile, including the bedrooms. If true, that would change everything.
    Maybe it was the little bro. Maybe Sophie rebuffed him when he tried to replace JT (all for one,one for all), so he decided to send a message.
    Maybe it was Sophie depressed about a houseful of kids and an absentee dad. She did give up a career and the spotlight. She may have a few regrets.
    OTOH, I could be wrong, it has happened before.

  11. Try this:
    Google images : Sacha Trudeau (Readers Tips last night btw)
    Let us know what you think.
    Of course crickets from the media….

  12. Sure as hell is Sacha Trudeau. Another Libscam. Like who the hell talks on their cellphone prowling about somebodies yard at night.

  13. I suspect it was Sasha and I always assumed that the motivation was to make Shiny Pony look more important than he really is. Having people break into your house makes you look like a political tour de force instead of just another clueless leader of the third place party.

  14. I’ve met Alexendre Trudeau without a beard. I must say that looking at the video and matching it up with Google images, there is a striking resemblance.
    It all adds up. Getting sympathy from the public, just like he did when he performed his act at Pierre E’s funeral, is Justin’s specialty.

  15. Yes it probably is his brother.
    I can picture them setting this up, big hit on a gagger; ” Our voters are so stupid they will really fall for this”.
    ‘It will be as big as watergate…”
    Like Tewchip, I wonder at what point does this relentless promotion of the Vacuous One become campaign contributions?
    About the same time as an honest man is appointed head of Elections Canada?

  16. All more plausible scenarios than the crazed intruder…I also wondered about the lack of home security system in that neighborhood and with JT’s high profile. The media cheerleaders are gonna have eggy faces if this thing blows up like I think it might…

  17. Close enough to ask where he was that night, although I’m sure an alibi is already manufactured and ready to go.

  18. OT but is Tonda MacCharles related to Tracy MacCharles, a cabinet minister in the Wynne Liberal government?

  19. This is so exceptionally crazy! If it’s true the mind reels…
    The whole thing was so weird to begin with..

  20. This walk-in/intrusion was reported to the police, made very public, now we need to be kept informed by the police on this case. Why the intruder chose Trudeau’s house over all others in the “upper class” neighbourhood, was it by chance or design? Why did he enter the house when he took nothing and harmed no one?

  21. Waiting for one – just one – reporter from our ever-vigilant, scrupulously neutral, press corps to ask the police a few real questions about this strange B&E and this suspect.

  22. I’m sure this was a stunt planned while Justine was in Winnipeg to get sympathy from voters in the upcoming election. His little brother would be stupid enough to help him do it and probably has a key to the house.
    On the darker side, I just hope it wasn’t an attempt by Justine to have his family assaulted or killed to massively sway votes to the liberals. If that was so then it’s likely the guy in the video lost his nerve and just left a threatening note instead. I may seem absurd to suspect this but Justine is the product of two crazy people, a serial-cheating power hungry sociopath and a drug addict schizophrenic. In a family like that I’m certain that Justine wasn’t learning anything positive or socially redeeming. Something so evil doesn’t seem so implausible from the son of a man who kept company with mass-murdering dictators. Not to mention, the liberals have an insatiable hunger for power and we have seen how far they will go to get it and retain it.

  23. Whoever was on the cell phone in that neighborhood at that time of night can be easily pinpointed by police.
    There could not have been too many calls at that time of night.
    I wonder if the call was a long distance to Winnapeg, of course the
    po-lice will get right on that
    Would it not be delicious if he was talking to a “family member”.
    Just sayin’

  24. Taking a lesson from gays who carve themselves a crucifix in their flesh, than cry persecution.

  25. Every male in Ottawa who resembles Sacha had better make sure they have an iron-tight alibi for that night.

  26. This is hilarious if maybe too good to be true. If it turned out to be the younger brother, then the obvious question is, “what sociological factors caused him to adopt this behaviour?” Justin no doubt will think of that quite quickly.
