27 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. Too bad the poll asks the wrong questions; although the use of the f-word is a bit indiscreet and shows a lack of judgment, the greater point is the obvious narcissism displayed by the man.

  2. If we Conservatives want to stay ahead of Trudeau Liberals we need you to donate to the Federal Conservative party today . We just need $5 DOLLARS
    to keep our base strong Thank you

  3. Why not just do our part on the local/personal level and point out what MSM won’t do?

  4. Justin Trudeau: “I don’t often publicly tout my awesome good looks, superior intelligence, royal Liberal lineage or wealth…but when I do, I prefer to be a f#cking badass…”

  5. Excellent comment. Precisely captures the essence of the event and the vacuity of the individual.

  6. Currently,the Liberals are only asking for $3, so I can still get a liberal government and save $2.
    Justin Trudeau offers nothing more than platitudes, a (in)famous name,and a pretty face. Unfortunately, nowadays that’s all a politician needs.
    Public Safety Minister Stephen Blaney has taken the right step in contemplating the removal of the RCMP’s right to reclassify firearms at their whim, but the CPC still has a long way to go to placate their pissed off base.
    The Harper government seems to not realise they have to use an old political trick to regain voter interest, pavement politics, figuratively, not literally.
    Two million legal firearms owners await your decision Mr.Harper.Pave our driveways.

  7. Normally I don’t care even a tiny little bit when some politician swears. Seriously, some goof says the F- word and everybody clutches their pearls? In Canada? Shut up!
    HOWEVER, in this one case I’m quite happy to seize upon this unforced error and put Shiny Pony in the Miss Manners stocks for a day, to be pelted with dog poo and rotten fruit. Because he is nothing more than a part time high school drama teacher who moisturizes, and as Prime Minister would be a serious danger to the nation.
    Enjoy the stocks, Justine. Here’s a tomato upside your head.

  8. “If we Conservatives want to stay ahead of Trudeau Liberals we need you to donate to the Federal Conservative party today.”
    Repeal C-68 in its entirety. Then I’ll donate every nickel I save on registering and assorted firearms licenses and other expensive BS to the Conservative party.
    Get rid of Dalton’s windmills here in Ontario and I’ll donate half my electric bill.
    See where this is going, buddy? What goes around comes around.

  9. While driving around town this weekend I spotted a redneck, cardboard, spray painted sign that read GUN SHOW. Out of curiosity I pulled in amongst a multitude of pickups and peeked in the door. There was a sea of hairy men in camo inside. I thought I had stumbled into a scene from Duck Dynasty. Feeling a little out of place as there were few women there, I turned to leave passing by more guys caressing, examining and discussing their purchases. I would like to have had the nerve to go inside and handle a gun or two. There’s obviously still a great deal of interest in firearms. It was good to see.

  10. While cursing at a charity fund raiser seems unwise it is just another in a long line of self inflicted attack ads.
    More importantly people need to know that Jr. and his manager are eagerly awaiting there ascension to the PMO whereby they can implement Agenda 21. Trudeau has been pegged to be the parliamentary candidate to take away property rights, re-educate our children to soften them up to total government control, kill capitalism.
    Want an attack ad? Inform the Canadian population of Trudeau’s plan for Canada.

  11. Phantom, that was exactly what I was thinking when I clicked on the poll. I don’t really give a sh!t but fair is fair, they love being perpetually offended, so back at ’em.
    I still wish Brazeau would have connected with one of those wild haymakers, might have knocked some humility into him.

  12. “the greater point is the obvious narcissism displayed by the man.”
    Dead on. But what is a blatant vice (of the most pathetic kind) to you and me, sadly, doesn’t even register in this self-obsessed, recognition-starved society.
    turdo la doo, in all his preening, corrupt, shallowness, IS what our modern western society has become.
    The fact that he apparently considers himself a tough-guy is also laughable. The toughest guy isn’t the fellow who dances around the ring and wears his opponent out, or throws the neatest punches. The toughest guy is the guy who gets hospitalized, but sooner or later puts the son of a bitch who hurt him in the morgue. The toughest guy isn’t the last guy standing, it’s the last guy breathing.

  13. Spoiled brat lexicon and the cheerleading section who dote on spoiled brat culture. JT and Twitter – two empty spaces just made for each other.

  14. fh….I’ll send u 5 bucks when you show me 50 REAL conservatives from various ridings in this country,NOT a effin Progressive socialist CINO a..hole.

  15. As I told the CP when they asked for money: When possession of firearms without a firearms license is no longer a criminal offense, then and only then will I ever consider donating to them again.

  16. So who do you give money to? Choosing no one essentially gives support to the NDP, Greens, LPC and CPC equally.
    Is that your intent?
    Do you think not giving to the CPC influences them more than giving to them?

  17. I got a call from them just after PM Harper shut down a Private Members Bill concerning abortion. I told the young (?) guy that I didn’t appreciate that the PM was stifling the Pro-Life voice and free speech in the CPC. He then proceeded to argue with me about abortion and it’s merits!!! Needless to say, I blasted him cause this is my issue. I’ve been involved with Pro-Life for over 30 years. And how dumb was he to ask me for a donation and then argue with me about my priority issue? Someone needs a refresher course.

  18. Don’t really care that the paper pony has a potty mouth. I do care that someone who only wants the job of PM is because its been drilled into him from who knows when that it was his legacy…but if pressed hasn’t a clue what he will do as PM. This is even more disconcerting when taken in the context of past statements.
    He, like his father, admires communist dictatorships.
    His opinion on economic knowledge, again like his father, is of the belief that budgets balance themselves (or you have experts manage your trust fund or something like that.
    He has no concept of what it means to actually sacrifice to achieve anything. If asked what income level is middle class he cannot answer the question because he dare not risk exposing his lack of knowledge or that he doesn’t want to commit to policy position he has to defend later.
    This guy is like a dog chasing a bus that wouldn’t have a clue what to do with it if he ever catches it.
