Open Thread: President Obama’s ‘Jobs’ Speech

You can watch Barack Obama solve America’s jobs crisis here on CSPAN. Or you may prefer to listen to him here on Mark Levin’s show, with Levin adding his own commentary along the way!
Please feel free to add your own commentary in real-time.
Update: President Zero’s speech condensed to 44 seconds:

If you’re so inclined, you can keep track of how many times Obama’s Teleprompter gets him to say each of these phrases:

  • bipartisan
  • invest / investment
  • future
  • fairness
  • vulnerable Americans
  • women & children
  • millionaires & billionaires
  • I inherited

Perhaps you have a suggestion of which key phrase will be the most repeated tonight?

62 Replies to “Open Thread: President Obama’s ‘Jobs’ Speech”

  1. “Country before Party”
    “Do the job you were elected to do”
    “Previous administration”

  2. most repeated phrases … fore, pick it up, anyone see that?
    but if he turns to politics, a hobby of his apparently, expect a lot of play for …
    … I killed Osama bin Laden
    … not my fault
    … tried my best
    … anyone lend me fourteen trillion?
    … Soros, call me later, I’m busy
    … this may not be the best time to reveal that
    … submit to my will, earthlings

  3. All that fake bonhomie, back-slapping, smiling and self congratulatory air makes me gag. They enter and applaud each other like they just won the Super Bowl.

  4. Extra fake tone in his voice tonight also.
    The U.S. is doomed if this clown gets in again.

  5. So far Lyle Lanley (of mono-rail fame) and the teachers union are making out like bandits.
    Oh yea…and pass this bill right away because three years in Barry just noticed there is a problem with the economy.

  6. Now he’s sounding like SCTV’s spoof of “Goin’ Down The Road:”
    “I just talked to Larry again – he said there’s lots o’ great jobs for lawyers like me and surgeons like you!”
    The only thing he’s left out is Yonge Street.

  7. This will be Obama’s last significant speech. With an irrelevant president, what institution fills the vacuum? A quote I saw earlier today: “The US survived four years without a president under Carter”.

  8. Well, I listened to about 30 seconds of the Levin link. Echoing comments above, wow, what’s with the falsely-energized voice — it’s a tad higher pitch too, I thought.

  9. So far long on rhetoric, short on substance. Pass this bill right now and we will figure out how to do it later. another shovel-not-ready stimulus plan.

  10. He did say…… “America can be number one again”.
    Wooohoo we could only hope, no?
    Go Barry! Was your pie eating fellow hypocrite of a wife proud of America for the second time in her life tonight?

  11. I’vejust been surfing the speech, have no desire to see another boring piece of rhetoricalcrap. Hey, I take pleasure in GOOD rheetorical crap, I’m a stunt of rhetoric and enjoy good rhetoric, even if my opponent uses it.
    But, this was the same-ols, same-old, tired rhetoric of a president who was given the job …. did notEARN it. He’s the front man. He understands his role, and the rewar he will receive, so he plays along. An empty suite is the POTUS ; he will go down in history as such.

  12. Go Saints Go!
    did i miss anything while i was at WORK? or was it the same ol’ same ol’?
    Did corner the GOP by making a deal they can’t refuse? Or is it nada?

  13. Indiana (far away from) Homez
    A half billion (with a b) in stimulus, pogey extensions, payroll tax cuts and Barry will tell us later how he is going to pay for this (taxing those rich bastards)
    Sooo…pretty much the same ol same ol.
    Oh yea…emphasis on Made in America which was nicely juxtaposed by GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt sitting next to Michelle Antionette.

  14. “Well that was awful. He goes away for several weeks and that’s all he’s got?”
    I suppose you think taking 2 strokes of your handicap nothing.

  15. I’m sorry, but did ‘o’ say that they were going to build Chinese airports and railways in the US?

  16. This is basically a con job … he talks in threes all the time, two obvious examples to support his case then he slips in the nasty bit … example that I made up …
    “We must show more compassion, help paraplegics gain access to public buildings, send aid to the flood victims in Vermont, hire my uncle Hassan who is currently unemployed in Mombasa.”
    that sort of thing.
    and he only plans to spend the money on Uncle Hassan.

  17. So, does this mean those properties I’ve been eyeing in Florida and Arizona will drop even more???
    Timing is everything you know….

  18. A half billion (with a b) in stimulus…Of course that should be a half trillion (with a t).
    I think my brainpan, horrified at the scale, wishes it were a half billion…either that or the lead paint I ingested in my youth is kicking in again…

  19. It took Obama all these months to figure out that the country is in need of jobs.
    Funny, the moment we heard the news on global crises, the PM was on a plane to foreign nations fighting for our country. It didn’t take PM two and half years to figure out there was a problem approaching our home front. He went to work immediately.
    How many times does Flaherty have to warn washington that if they don’t get their act together, canada can possibly go down as well.
    Without hestitation the president should have allowed the PIPELINES XL to go through-jobs man, the people need jobs not milk and honey socialist talk. Jobs, that the people can get up in the morning- go to work to feed their families; to be proud of themselves.

  20. It took Obama all these months to figure out that the country is in need of jobs.
    Funny, the moment we heard the news on global crises, the PM was on a plane to foreign nations fighting for our country. It didn’t take PM two and half years to figure out there was a problem approaching our home front. He went to work immediately.
    How many times does Flaherty have to warn washington that if they don’t get their act together, canada can possibly go down as well.
    Without hestitation the president should have allowed the PIPELINES XL to go through-jobs man, the people need jobs not milk and honey socialist talk. Jobs, that the people can get up in the morning- go to work to feed their families; to be proud of themselves.

  21. “We must spend more money.”
    The patient is dying from alcohol poisoning and the doctor prescribes a good stiff brandy.

  22. Obama does remind me of the NDP with Bob Rae. They sure know how to talk sweet. Change the tone here and there make it sound convincing and brother, jobs at your feet. Why Obama, why didn’t you say so two years ago.
    No wonder the americans asked said to canadians “Give us your prime minister and you take our president.”

  23. Love it. Like before, he admonishes Congress to pass the bill immediately. Pass it before reading it, and before figuring out how to pay for it. What a joke this petulant, small man is. He cannot be turfed from office soon enough.

  24. Great analysis over at The Corner including this from Yural Levin:
    The Speech
    Spend $450 billion dollars now, it will create jobs, and I’ll tell you how I’m going to pay for it a week from Monday. If you disagree, you want to expose kids to mercury.
    That about sums up the Obama years.

  25. They used to bleed people to death, thinking it would cure them. Obama has adopted the same formula.
    By the time shovel ready jobs appear, only corpses will remain.
    Time to kick this bum out America.
    In Canada we did it finally to the Marxist Trudeau & his love child, the mobs best friend, Chretien.
    Its gets easier every election to get the deadwood out as your economy gets better off. From the dubious ministrations of Socialists.

  26. After further investigation it seems AFL-CIO chief Donald Trumka was seated on one side of Michelle Obama and GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt was seated on the other.
    So, symbolically, what would that be…a trixtaposition?
    Big(ass)Government flanked by Big(non-tax paying, foreign outsourcing)Business and Big(suckling at the public teat)Labour.
    Message sent and recieved Barry. Thanks for coming out.

  27. I hate watching these presidential speeches. It’s a whole lot of empty platitudes, ill-thought out plans that won’t work and sordid back-slapping by hangers-on. This last speech had a few digs at the Tea Party and petroleum use.
    It’s tiresome, really.

  28. A half Trillion (with a Tr)edited in stimulus, pogey extensions, payroll tax cuts and Barry will tell us later how he is going to pay for this (taxing those rich bastards)
    It ain’t lack of money, it’s the surfeit of regulations.
    Cut the damn regulations first, then talk about money.
    It’s the regulation, stupid.
    American businesses are scared spitless of your regulatory anti-business atmosphere, Cap’n WaffleSnarffer.
    That can’t be fixed by throwing money around.
    Obama did this speech for one single reason:
    This Congress was elected to stop spending and Obama wants them to say NO(which was what this Congress was elected to do in this case) so that Obama can hang the blame for the economy on this Republican Congress.
    (egad! these commie bastards are cunning)
    Stop hobbling the economy with regulations and roadblocks for businesses.
    Get rid of the anti-business atmosphere that is so fraught with risk for investment and hiring.

  29. Bill O’Reily on Fox mentioned a Leno comment that said Obama’s speech was broadcast simultaneously in Spanish and Chinese so the the places the jobs went to could be involved or something like that. I was driving at the time I heard this so the actual comment is paraphrased somewhat.
