If Iran Gets The Bomb

A Michael Totten interview with Martin Kramer;

Iran wants to create uncertainty there because oil is the only thing it has. Iran has nothing else—some carpets and pistachio nuts, and that’s it. Their population continues to grow, their needs continue to grow, and their grand ambitions continue to grow. So this, I think, is the first thing they would do with it. All it takes is to create a crisis or a succession of crises.
Iran knows it can’t wrest sole hegemony in the Gulf from the United States, but it wants to create a kind of dual hegemony shared with the United States. Nobody knows where the lines would run, but they wouldn’t run just five to ten miles off the coast Iran into the waters of the Persian Gulf. Iran would like to see its share extend to both sides of the Gulf, to effectively create a kind of push and shove between the United States and Iran.
A lot of people on the Arab side of the Gulf will say they feel Iran’s breath on their faces. The United States is there now, but the British were there once, too, and now they’re gone. The Persians are always there and will always be there. So we’ll see a lot of hedging. Iran would be perceived as the rising power and the United States a declining power.

Reader Tips

At one point during the appearance on FOX that got him fired from NPR, Juan Williams saidI don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts.” He was, sadly, incorrect; members of the progressive left are more than capable of getting away from any fact whatsoever. Here’s a short and funny animated primer on How Liberals Argue. Sound familiar?
(h/t Robert W.)
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

Blog Notes

Final update – Looks like we’re all clear. Thanks everyone for your patience!
(Sticky – new posts appear below.)
As of last evening a number of readers are getting “This Is An Attack Page” etc. warnings when trying to access this site and others. The problem seems to have originated with something on the Blogging Tories blogroll, resulting in a blacklisting by Google, which triggered the security warning.
Click here for the current site status.
Thanks for all the emails – we’re working on the problem. I’ll update as I find out more.
Update: The tech support at the hosting company can find nothing amiss in the code here. The Blogging Tories blogroll has been pulled down, as it seems to be the source of the initial warning. I’ve asked for a review by Google, but it may take a day or two for a response, according to their website.

After Watching As Much Of The Toronto Mayor’s Debate As I Could Physically Stomach

I regret to inform you that Rob Ford is no Chris Christie.
I know Chris Christie. Chris Christie is a Youtube favourite of mine.
Ford may still be “better than the alternative”, and admittedly, the moderation and format of the debate (a cross between Canadian Idol and the Jerry Springer Show) was ridiculous, but setting that side… I think it’s safe to declare the city of Toronto to be utterly doomed. How quickly the Moment Of Doom arrives is now in the hands of the voters.
(Heh. This comes as the Canadian Tamil Broadcasting Corporation published ads on its radio station and website that called for Tamil residents to vote for Rob Ford because he married a woman.)

It Isn’t Called “The Wardrobe Of Peace”

Canada’s smartest columnist misses the point.

From a practical standpoint, Williams’ concern is misplaced. The perpetrators of most high-profile terror attacks of the past decade were Muslims who weren’t in “Muslim garb,” who weren’t outwardly “identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims.” […] They went to strip joints and wore khakis rather than flowing robes and head scarves.

Or; “Khakis didn’t fly people into skyscrapers. Muslims did.”
