53 Replies to “As The Left Is Quick To Remind Us”

  1. and this just in from the Religion of Peace . .
    “LONDON — A husband-and-wife team of suicide bombers allegedly planned to sacrifice their own baby by hiding liquid explosives in the infant’s milk and blowing up a passenger plane, according to news reports on the British terrorist plot to bring down as many as 12 airliners.
    Police are investigating claims the couple were prepared to use their baby as a decoy, according to a report in yesterday’s Sunday Mirror. The possibility prompted airports to allow passengers with small children to carry baby food onto planes only if they tasted it first.
    “This takes things to a horrifying new level. It is truly horrific that a man may have been ready to blow up his wife and she was prepared to let her child die,” an intelligence source told the Mirror.”
    These people are pathological, sick whackjobs of the first order

  2. Remember the web chats of wives of the Toronto 17….my goodness they were more radicalized than their husbands.
    Do not discount this. And if the woman is harder edged on the ideology, look out!
    What men wont do for women…..

  3. Hardline anti-backbaconist Kate said: “Whaaaaa!”
    Call the whaaaaambulance – and hope the IDF doesn’t target it, like they usually do 🙂

  4. Bob: desperation at a keyboard & provider of light, very, very light perception of what passes for a “progressive thought”
    But the entertainment value is right up there with, oh say, hmmmmmm the CBC ??

  5. doesn’t this cartoon suggest that the US is currently wrapped up in israeli foreign policy? fred’s comments are completely whacked and have nothing whatsoever to do with the cartoon in question. any criticism of america or israel is automatically left-wing? the comments here fly wildly from british muslims to native canadians. get a grip boys.you’re losing it.

  6. Hisbullah . . staged news, planned massacres and a Health Care system that gets rid of disabled children so as to reduce the burden on society . . .
    How low will Hezb’allah go?
    For well over a week, as the Qana incident has been debunked amidst the ruins of MSM credibility, suspicions have been raised that the much-photographed child victims were planted in the building, either after the fact, or in anticipation of an Israeli raid once the building was intentionally used to launch missiles.
    The Riehl World View offers an overview of one branch of speculation – that many of the children appeared to be handicapped or disabled. Now a Lebanese Parliament member, possibly related to assassinated former PM Hariri, is going on the record.
    “We have it from a credible source that Hizbullah, alarmed by Siniora’s plan, has concocted an incident that would help thwart the negotiations. Knowing full well that Israel will not hesitate to bombard civilian targets, Hizbullah gunmen placed a rocket launcher on the roof in Qana and brought disabled children inside, in a bid to provoke a response by the Israeli Air Force. In this way, they were planning to take advantage of the death of innocents and curtail the negotiation initiative,” the site stated.
    … “There were 15 physically or mentally handicapped children among the children killed in Qana,” said Bahia Hariri, who represents south Lebanon.
    Riehl quotes a French nurse in a French blog, who mirrors comments I received from health care providers.
    “The probability that the families in the building had several multiply-handicapped children, that all of these children had been killed, and that all of the publicized photographs would show precisely these children, is the probability of winning the lottery. On the other hand, the probability that members of Hezbollah scored a two-for-one by relieving themselves of their burdens while playing the innocent victims seems much more credible to me.”
    The problem, of course, is that injured children may look certain ways because of their injuries, and not have a pre-existing condition. Nonetheless, the possibility of Hezb’allah perpetrating such a monstrous action cannot be ruled out. And as Riehl points out, it is a two-fer. They are rid of the burden of caring for the children while harvesting a propaganda bonanza.

  7. a prgressive view of the muslim world, from a muslim . .
    The Muslim delusion
    In the 21st century, when the world is moving fast and some nations have already reached the stars, Muslims remain far from the horizons. Decadence, illiteracy and orthodoxy are the pronounced facets of the current Muslim culture. Deluded by their fantasies they are entrenched in illusions, vanities and misconceptions. Illiteracy, sectarian strife, and misconceived perceptions have further added to their despair.
    The delusion that besets the Muslim mind represents a deep psychological betrayal that leaves severe scars on the body politic of the Muslim Ummah. It is a period of anguish, despair and delusion, which many Muslims fail to recognize. They brush aside the realities by declaring that they are the darlings of God and everything will be resolved in their favour.
    The issues are varied and the situations are challenging. Muslims are entrapped in the cobweb of their fantasies and imaginations. It is from this premise that we have to take a start and pursue our quest for truth and insight. We have to see where we are wrong and how we are being undermined by a growing wave of fanaticism and distorted perceptions.
    The Muslim delusion based on past achievements is not likely to play any significant role in the transformation of our destiny but consciousness of present experiences and the quantum of concrete contributions will be the driving forces to impact our destiny, politics, economy and civilization.
    The current realities will not allow us to outstrip our religious imagination and fantasies. We will be needing more knowledge, more insight and more vitality to capture the segments we have lost. Unnecessary links between religion and violence will have to be smashed to reinstate balance and affinity in our attitudes. Humanity and creativity will have to be the focal points of our ingenuity.
    Muslims might raise loud slogans, but the world will not believe them unless they come forward with more realistic and pragmatic ideas to change their environments. A vacuum of purpose and meaning would not he helpful in fostering the plans we may need for our well-being. Without change, we cannot reach our destination.
    We have to make a serious attempt to give a coherent explanation which, of course, is backed by convictions and implications. These have to be involved in the formulation of appropriate policies which motivate the interplay between traditions and practical realities.
    Our extreme orthodox sections need to be coaxed into a more knowledgeable and intelligent conversation on religion and modernism, science and dogmatism. They have to be brought into a debate which should establish how humility and balance are restored to the corridors that refuse to be familiar with other’s point of view. Jihad and ljtihad have to be examined in context of new situations and realities.
    Religion and violence ought not to be mixed in modern age, which merits new strategies and new technologies. Riding camels, living in caves and deploying Stone Age weapons cannot help us defeat the enemies. Muslims may be good warriors of Allah, but employing wrong policies in varying situations may not merit divine blessings, they could lead to fatal consequences.
    Links between religion and violence too are not desirable facets of any progressive ideology and may not be an endearing aspect of our culture and civilization. As civilized human beings we have to resolve our differences with intellectual and diplomatic means even though the results may be frustrating in the short term.
    In responding to the changing political and technological realities Muslims will be well advised to upgrade their infrastructure and accelerate the development of their modern outlook. This does not mean the breaking with traditional modes emanating from the Quranic injunctions and the Prophet’s traditions, but a growing realization of intellectual and secular notions.
    The call for rationality and intellectual ingenuity may not be agreeable with the modes of thought of some sections of society. However, an attempt has been made in this book to show that the door is open and efforts have to be made to discern it.
    In the words of Wittgenstein, we may be caught in a philosophical despair, or find ourselves like a man in a room who does not know how to get out. He tries the window, but it is too big. He tries the chimney, but it is too narrow. And if he would only turn around, he would see that the door has been open all the time. This is the door of knowledge, wisdom and insight.
    Writing a hook on this subject dealing with so many varying situations in so many dark recesses is an exceedingly challenging task. The task becomes all the more menacing when conversing and colliding with other disciplines and world views. At the same time we have to be concerned with the unity of faith and reality of experiences.
    The situation demands that the mindset is refreshed and activated to assign it the role of the decision-maker, the leader and the propagator.
    Caught in the contradictions of orthodoxy and modernity we need to evolve a strategy for the explanation and exploitation of our resources. The destination has not to be painful stage of stagnation, but a perpetual process of thoughtful exertion for exalted goals in life, both from secular and sacred perspectives.
    The ensemble of doctrines, traditions, values and norms that built the past civilization may contain the seeds for the realization of ideals that we aspire. The great civilization that Islam cultivated could be revived to reveal the real facets of a humane life. Humanizing the civilizations will be the next stage, which will need in larger measure the growing components of insight and innovations. To reach this, we will have to be far from fantasies and vanities.
    This will also help us serve the great Islamic traditions and survive the dazzling brilliance of modern culture and civilization. We don’t have to be afraid of western cultural hegemony that is oriented to perpetuate the modern imperialist impact on Muslim culture. Muslims to thwart such onslaughts must be equipped with sustained vitality and inbuilt values so that no foreign culture should be able to tarnish the essential contours.
    The Islamic faith in this respect has been explained in broader perspective transcending the orthodox and obscure views and dogmas. The essential views have been preserved without allowing them to be subjected to sectarian and distorted ideological interpretations
    Human progress, whether sacred or secular, is the main measure of human accomplishments. Our writings will prove that there is a constant need of ever-growing vitality in religious doctrines and socio-cultural and scientific innovations. Religious traditions have been a source of guidance and they have often inspired me. But Muslims will have to come out of their preconceived perceptions to shatter the darkness that obscures their power of discernment. This is where we falter and this is the cross-road where we have to choose the correct course.
    The root of all troubles, in our view, lies in illiteracy, orthodoxy and obscurantism. The -self-serving fantasy is a serious obstruction on the way to mutual understanding and viable resolution of our difficulties. This is an age of cynics who, through fanaticism and intolerance, refuse to comprehend and compromise. This impedes the process of resolution between the two extremes. The loss of consciousness makes man incapable of penetrating into the recesses of darkness and bringing the resources of faith and reason to task.
    This is the major challenge that confronts any daunting undertaking and especially the writing of a purpose-oriented book. The importance of the task has encouraged me to traverse this journey and reach the destination that remains a collective aspiration of the Muslims as a whole. This is the task, if realized graciously, might lead to improving and recycling the ideas that are replete with hopes and aspirations. This is the first step that paves way for a thousand-mile journey.
    The writer is the author of a number of books on Islam and contemporary socio-political developments

  8. Of course it’s not anti-semitic to criticize Israel, it’s simply that most critics of Israel are anti-semitic and want everyone to know it. So eventually, when this is continually pointed out, it makes it seem as though rational people are too quick to defend Israel.

  9. The cartoon suggests to me that it is not considered the right thing to do to back a soverign nation’s right to defend itself.
    If it were any nation OTHER than Israel, I doubt the cartoon would have been printed at all.
    Where Israel is not involved the moral ambiguity fades quickly.
    Just supplant the Star of David for the Canadian flag and one can easily understand the hipocracy of the cartoon.
    If Canada were in trouble and the US backed fully our right to defend ourselves ( and provided much needed military resources) there would be nary a cry except from the obviously overwrought and freedom hating liberal and ndp left in this country.
    Even the left in the US would not hesitate to support Canada’s right of self-defense.
    Which puts this cartoon directly where it ought to be: Far left propaganda and anti-semitic irrationality.
    It is about time that our press and media get that we are at war and are likely to be for a long time. Much longer if these morons still do not get who the enemy is and how much they hate us all.

  10. The Ontario Provincial Police are about to replace Mohican female police chief Gwen Boniface with Jewish female police chief Christine Silverberg. Clearly, any criticism of Ms. Silverberg is anti-semetic and sexist, just like any criticism of Gwen Bonfiace was racist and sexist (actually, the blogsphere was ascared to criticize a female minority cop, so they blamed McGuinty instead; Boniface got a free pass, even right here at SDA). No doubt when people criticize Silverberg for fubar’ing the next land claim Kate will be screaming anti-semitism too….

  11. Orthodox Jews refuse to even recognize the existence of the state of Israel. They believe on the Messiah can create Israel. Are these people anti-semitic? They are certainly ANTI-ISRAEL! See things are not all as black and white as many would like them to be.

  12. People have been saying it’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel because every criticism of Israel is attacked by pro-Israel zealots as antisemitic. Fact is, Zionists in Israel, the U.S., and elsewhere are among the most racist people on the planet.

  13. Alas…truth and beauty is in the eye of the beholder which has more to do with spectacles than vision.
    The drawing has nothing to do with a pure expression oriented to the political left or right. It’s just a rather clever rendering of symbolism that allows the person to see what they want.
    After reading all the comments I’m surprised no one seems to have mentioned the stirrups yet…as in “stir up” thinking, controversy, etc…

  14. notasocialist, that is just plain dumb. Because one greedy freelance photographer was trying to maximize the amount of money he could wangle out of Reuters for a sensational photo, you are going to disbelieve the ENTIRE news media from entire planet? That is simply beyond stupid.

  15. notasocialist. Do you also totally doubt the FOX news network? They are very supportive of Bush and Israel. Here they confirm what I posted above, which is that Orthodox Jews DO NOT RECOGNIZE THE STATE OF ISRAEL. Only their Messiah, when he comes, they believe, can declare and create ‘Israel’.
    Watch this from FNN

  16. I would retort to the left that if being anti-Israel doesn’t mean being anti-Semite, then they better STFU rather than label those opposed to gay marriage as “homophobic”.
    Can you say “stuck on stupid”? The left wants to have its cake and play sex games with it too.
    Of COURSE being anti-Israel is being anti-Semitic, because Israel is a Jewish nation.
    Would leftists accept that being anti-Islamic nations isn’t being anti-Islam?
    Oh, never mind. The brains of leftists are far too scrawny to handle such heavy lifting.

  17. notasocialist Thanks for the site. It is amasing how many so called news sources besides Reutors have jumped on the Hezbullshitwood band wagon.

  18. Israel is in fact, primarily a secular society.
    but they are an exception to the exception, because Israel and the jewish religion and race are intertwined and connected like no other nation/race/religion.
    christianity spans the globe, not unique to just one.
    hindus are mostly in India, but there are muslims, christians and no doubt a great number of other faiths represented considering the population. and a gazzilion languages if youre still not convinced.
    likewise islam is the predominant faith of indonesia for instance, NOT an ME coutry by any description.
    but Israel is truly unique inthe world.
    speaking out against Israel IS antisemitic.

  19. Robert J – so in your logic, ALL Orthodox Jews are antisemetic. That does NOT make sense. They admit that they are anti-zionist. Is that what you mean?

  20. Israel is just another country. People criticize other nations why should Israel be any different. The Gov’t of Isreal is no different than a lot of gov’ts. They think they have more rights than everybody else. They are there to stay so the Arab world had better get used to it. They are there because of the Torah. And remember the Torah was written by Jews. I don’t believe in any Religion they are all different philosophies that’s all.They were founded by mostly men to explain our existance and that’s all.

  21. Lorne Calvert was minister of Zion United Church in Moose Jaw prior to entering politics; clearly, anyone who criticizes Lorne Calvert or the NDP is anti-Zionist and, therefore, anti-semetic. Right?

  22. Question for the readers;
    Read these articles and tell me what you think.
    Islamic States Want Lebanon Peacekeepers to Include Muslim Troops
    OIC seeks bigger Muslim role in UN peacekeeping
    ASIAN Islamic states offer some 2,000 Lebanon peacekeepers
    Islamic world demands peacekeeping role in Lebanon
    Why is the Muslim world pushing for Muslim peacekeepers? Isn’t the divide between the two religions the reason for this mess in the first place?
    Is it for rearmourment/resupply to Hezbollah?
    Will Hezbollah be brazen and still attack Isreali with the comfort of the blue helmets between them??
    If they do Isreali will not wait for a UN ruling on who broke the cease fire and what their slap on wrist might be they will just move their 30,000 troops up into Lebanon again. Now its gets interesting; which peacekeepers will get the hell out of their way and which one will trade their blue helmets for yellow bandanas??
    Very interested in what you people think.
    Hope all the URL’s are correct

  23. leftdog,
    you are mixing up one sect of chassic/orthodox Jews with all orthodox Jews. Check out Chabad, Aish, and the many other religious observant Zionists (ie. people who think that the state of Israel has a right to exist).
    You will find Jews at all points of the political spectrum – they are not homogeneous in their thinking. Yes you will observant Jews who think that only G-d should re-establish the state of Israel when the Messiah comes. You will find religious orthodox Zionists and secular Zionists. and Yes you will find secular leftist Jews who will shill for their sworn enemies, apologize for terrorists,and think that the modern state of Israel is responsible for all the world’s problems. and you will find Jews at all points in between.
    But show me the organizations of Arabs/Muslims who stand up for the right of the State of Israel to exist

  24. You can criticize Israel all you like.
    but if you tell lies about Jews or the state of the Jews, then you are an anti-Jew (anti-semite).
    You can criticize Israel all you like, but if you single out the Jewish state for criticism and give a pass to the enemies of Israel who seek the destruction of Israel and Jews, then you are an anti-Jew.

  25. furthermore leftdog, one of the major reasons Israel continues to exist, is when push comes to shove, jews of all political stripes will set aside their differences and combat the common enemy.
    because they know in their dna molecules if they dont no one else will.
    show me a nation with THAT kind of teamwork.
    certain no arab country, theyre too busy killing each other off based of shiite or sunni crap.
    jews dont go killing each other by the thousands based on where they are in their views of the torah. this is another aspect of the uniqueness of the jewish race/religion/state.

  26. “The Ontario Provincial Police are about to replace Mohican female police chief Gwen Boniface with Jewish female police chief Christine Silverberg. Clearly, any criticism of Ms. Silverberg is anti-semetic and sexist, just like any criticism of Gwen Bonfiace was racist and sexist (actually, the blogsphere was ascared to criticize a female minority cop, so they blamed McGuinty instead; Boniface got a free pass, even right here at SDA). No doubt when people criticize Silverberg for fubar’ing the next land claim Kate will be screaming anti-semitism too….
    Posted by: Bob at August 14, 2006 03:18 PM ”
    That is just nonsense. Clearly, the OPP were taking their orders right from McGuinty’s office.
    Gwen Boniface notwithstanding.
    Judge Marshall notwithstanding, for heaven’s sake!!

  27. Good comments, Fred. HUSSAIN’s not kidding when he talks about a thousand mile journey…add to that at least two or three generations of time as well. I hope for everyone’s sake that HUSSAIN’s ideas and views are not unique among his fellow muslims.
    In Sting’s “Russian” there’s the lyric “I hope the Russians love their children too”, imploring them to act humanely to avoid global disaster. For the exact same reason I hope muslims love their children (and women) enough to embark on HUSSAIN’s thousand mile journey of examination and reform.
    It’s time for muslims everywhere to engage in meaningful sacrifice to get their people kickstarted to resume the advance of progress as a valued and integral part of civilization (as defined by Bill Whittle, of course).

  28. Isreal is about 80% Jewish, 15% Muslim and 5% Christian. So you can critic Isreal as separate from Judism.
    Zion is a small hill outside the main defensive wall of Jerusalem , but really part of the old city.It has somehow become symbolic for all Judism but it is actually occupied mostly by orthodox christians. Some Orthodox Jews will only enter and pray at the wailing wall and will not live in Jerusalem until the messiah comes, but not all are bound by this.
    Semitic also includes all Arabs, Jews and Arabs being decendants of Shem.(shemites, semites)
    Just thought I would offer some definitions and facts.

  29. God help the OPP with Silverberg, she spends cash much like Adrion Clarkson. Either way at least she isn’t Calgary’s problem anymore…

  30. So what are you saying Kate? That it IS anti-Semetic to criticize Israel? Surely you arent making that absured statement.

  31. I wonder if the picture had shown a Lebanese citizen on a cresent, or the President of Iran, giving the impression that they are captive to radical Islam, would you think that there wouldn’t be an uproar?

  32. How do you pick out a racist? He/she will start their comments with “I am no racist….but”!
    I say that My country, Canada, has become the most racist of nations, because political correctness has sent it behind closed doors and underground.
    people talk about other races in hushed tones for fear of being called anti-this and anti-that…to me, that is in itself the worst form of racism!
    What ever happened to say what you mean, mean what you say, and be prepared to accept the consequences of your words and actions?

  33. Racism is the cry of last resort to stifle opinion and shut down open debate. Israel is a Jewish State. To criticize the actions of the governance of that State is not necessarily anti-Semetic, to openly rant about Jewish people of the State is Anti-Semetic because their ethnicity is being slandered. There’s plenty of that going around from the usual and predictable sources. It was always thus.

  34. proud to be liberal, she is merely hyperlinking to an anti-semitic illustration, and then watching and laughing as dozens of lefties proove her point by trying to argue that the illustration is not, in fact, anti-semitic.
    The illustration puts in picture form the anthem of the anti-semites: “The Jews control America”.
    Just remember, anti-semitism is racism. People on the left take charges or racism extremely seriously. The mere mention of it has launched huge protests. Anti-semitism, however, doesn’t illicit even close to the same response. They’re always trying to justify it. It’s the only form of racism that has it’s own name, and it’s the worst ongoing case of racism the world has ever known:
    here’s a great link for the lefties to debate, a white christian pastor ranting about how the Jews are evil….I wonder who they’ll side with…

  35. Cal2,
    You said “Isreal is about 80% Jewish, 15% Muslim and 5% Christian. So you can critic Isreal as separate from Judism.”
    Don’t you think that when people criticize Israel, they are thinking about it as a Jewish State, not a Muslim or Christian state? When people say Israel, they mean Jews, not Israeli-Muslims or Israeli-Christians.
    Arabs according to their own traditions (as well as the Torah) are descended from Ishmael, the son of Abraham (a Shemite) and Hagar (a Hamite, descendent of Noah’s other son Ham). Ishmael went with his mother back to Egypt and his wives were Hamites and so his descendents are actually Hamites not Shemites (semites).
    Just offering some definitions and bible trivia.
    Zion is used interchangeably in the bible with Jerusalem, as in “From out of Zion comes the Torah and the word of G-d from Jerusalem”
    This cartoon can be perceived as anti-Jewish because it presents an image of Uncle Sam/America held prisoner by the Star of David/Israel/Jews. This is a lie. Israel/Jews do not hold America captive and Israel/Jews do not control America.

  36. Examples of anti-semitism being promoted in mainstream media:
    nationally-syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer included bogus and inflammatory allegations against Prime Minister Sharon and Israel’s supporters in America.
    First, she writes, “In fact, it [American support for Israel’s actions] led Prime Minister Sharon to tell his Cabinet recently, “I control America.’” CAMERA conducted extensive Nexis and Internet searches, and found that no mainstream news organization reported as true the fabricated quotation.
    The hoax originated from an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, the Islamic Association for Palestine. It said, “An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying “don’t worry about American pressure, we control America.’” Notably, in the same press release, a direct quotation changed from “we control America” to “we the Jewish people control America.”
    IAP writes, “According [to] the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col [sic] Yisrael Wednesday, Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn the US against us. At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying “…I want to tell you something clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.’”
    According to the IAP press release, the statement was reported on Kol Yisrael. However, CAMERA’s calls to Kol Yisrael confirmed that no such broadcast exists.
    -emphasis mine

  37. Boob got on here early and hijacked the site again and you all fell for it. You don’t know who Bobby is, and have no idea what his agenda is – except, of course, to get a rise from you. He has nothing to contribute and should be ignored and not engaged in dialogue.
    Don’t be taken in by his attack – it’s to sidetrack you, and he was successful.
    God in Heaven, the Kahn brothers are totally innocent and it is all anti-Muslim sentiment. (Sorry, I have CNN on and was distracted.) Now just imagine this scenario – a large group of Israelis plan an attack that is ingenious and the Brits have infiltrated the group with a mole (and on this site we know about moles)and are wise to the plan. When it nears fruition, just days before the actual attack, they close in and make arrests. The innocent family do their damndest to shed tears as they claim what lovely boys they all are – religious, but not fanatical, and not at all the type to take part in such a dastardly plan. Through their tears they would claim that there was no truth to it, it is just anti-Jew sentiment. Would the Jewish family garner the sympathy that the Muslim families manage?
    No, and that is the rub – they wouldn’t because there is a deep hatred of Jews (call it anti-semitism or not)that is barely hidden under a very thin veneer of tolerance for all nationalities and all faiths.
    Bob, go scratch yourself – antibackbaconist. What a total ass you are.

  38. Oh c’mon! Of course it’s possible to criticize Israel without being anti-Semetic. It’s also possible to criticize Canada, the US, UK and Australia…without getting your head chopped off. So people will always choose the safe targets; y’know, the ones that really stir people’s blood up, but if they attack you then they’re being small minded?
    Honest debate and discussion about policies should be encouraged, but be willing to ask at least as much from Israel’s enemies as you ask from her, or your bias will betray your real motives.
    As for the cartoon, it’s someone’s political view and as distasteful as I find it, it’s just another in the series of warped perceptions that the progressive left embrace. If you want some sensible balance, enjoy the clear and concise works at Cox & Forkum

  39. Pete,
    from the simpletoremembersite
    Historians have classified six causes/excuses as to why people hate the Jews:
    Chosen People
    Racial Theory
    To this I would add this generation’s canard: “They stole the land of the ‘ancient Palestinians'”. One day this will be seen as just as wacky as “they killed our Lord”

  40. I remember Silverberg quite well and her appointment as Calgary chief of police. She went from deputy chief of the Niagra region to top cop in a major Canadian city. The million dollar top up of her pension. It took her over a year to qualify on the firearms range. Oh yes now I remember! Calgary was competing for the worlds fair that same year! What an outstanding achievement to land such a high profile candidate, and a woman to boot! Surely Calgary’s reputation as a city of rednecks and hicks must be in error! Look out world’s fair here we come!
    But not to worry Ontario, Cristine has a great reputation among natives!
    “Not everyone was in support of the naming ceremony for the police chief, however. One Siksika Nation Elder who didn’t want his name used said the ceremony was not held correctly.
    He said Crowshoe simply told Silverberg her new name and pushed her forward to symbolized her going ahead in life with her new name.
    That’s not traditional, said the upset Elder. He said that the person giving the name should take the person receiving the name around the village and announce the new name to everyone.
    But it wasn’t just the protocol which upset the Elder. He said Silverberg and the Calgary police do not deserve the honors bestowed upon them by Crowshoe. He pulled no punches in explaining his reasoning.
    “They treat us like dogs.”
    Roy Littlechief, Siksika member and co-founder of the Committee Against
    Injustices to Natives, agreed with the Elder that attitudes by the police towards Natives do not warrant the honors that Silverberg received.
    He said that though Joe Crowshoe is a respected Elder, he lives on the reserve and doesn’t see what happens in the larger metropolitan areas.
    “There’s too much prostitution of our culture. People are getting beat up in the city,” Littlechief said. “I don’t think she deserved it. It’s wrong, totally wrong.””
    And in Hamilton
    “City Spending to Oppose Citizens
    CATCH was the first to reveal that former Calgary police chief Christine Silverberg was paid more than $50,000 a month to ‘deal with’ opposition to the Red Hill Creek Expressway. She was hired through the city’s outside lawyer David Estrin, so the details of what she charged and what she did are being kept secret from the public in the name of ‘client-solicitor privilege’.
    Councillor Terry Whitehead called this “a way of circumventing a policy that was in place for the city at the time, by having Estrin hire Silverberg as opposed to the city, while we paid the invoices.” Shortly after Estrin was hired in the summer of 1999, the city began refusing to release information related to Red Hill, such as a study on flying squirrels in the valley. The claim that this material was protected by client-solicitor privilege was eventually ruled illegal by the provincial privacy commissioner, but not until after the expressway construction began in the spring of 2003.
    Documents released in November show that main reason the city hired Christine Silverberg was because the Hamilton police department refused to align with city officials against expressway opponents, especially Aboriginal people.
    This was reiterated in comments by Mayor Larry DiIanni: “They made it very clear … that their job was not to report to the city. Their job was to enforce the law. And they wanted … an arms length relationship from the city in terms of how things were evolving. And therefore the city needed to ready for some things as well, and again the report outlines that very, very clearly.”
    All of the staff who would have known about the huge payments to Silverberg are no longer employed by the city. And none of the pro-expressway politicians will admit they knew about the bills either. In addition, some of Silverberg’s bills were paid out of the Greenhill sewer project fund. Altogether Silverberg got $336,000.”
    She’s all yours now.

  41. notasocialist; thanks for the video. It’s getting a bit agravating that nothing’s being done, or seen to be done.
    Liked the Mark Twain quote (like ’em all): “If you don’t read the news paper you’re un -informed. If you DO read the newspaper you’re mis-informed.”
    If you read Bob’s posts you shake your head.

  42. Nuance, nuance, nuance… free.
    Parse, slice/dice words: Rip the mask off…
    Nobel Peace Prize, Nazi, pacifist, SS, pacifism,… peace…. sophistication, DPRK, … and that lovely, ugly word:
    Humanitarian…. as embodied by The Hound Of Death …-
    Lost in Translation
    Then on August 11 Grass admitted he had long concealed being a wartime member of the 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg. Nothing about these juxtapositions would be in the least big surprising if pacifism were properly understood not in the dictionary meaning but simply as the term given to a particular political agenda which these individuals have doggedly and ably pursued. After all, we know how to interpret some terms. Everyone understands that the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” is neither democratic, nor republic nor responsive to it’s people. It’s simply the conventional and recognized name for the poverty-stricken, brutal and repressive personal fiefdom of Kim Jong Il. Peace is the same thing.
    Once these facts are clear subsequent discussions can proceed without misunderstanding. Like experienced consumers we will have learned to read the labels on the packaging and achieved a certain level of “sophistication” the exact opposite of which is the “naïveté” that Americans, especially from the Midwest, are said to be incorrigibly afflicted and for which they are roundly reviled. Of course, sophistication is another one of those words which in this context doesn’t mean what it’s supposed to — “knowledgeable” or even “complex” — it simply means the ability to engage in double-talk and coded conversation with the intent to deceive and get paid well into the bargain. I leave you with one final word: humanitarian. Learn it well.

  43. What is “Occupation” said…
    The arab world’s peace solution is the death of israel.
    Simply put, we woll not go quietly into the night ever again. Most jews understand this and understand that a “cease-fire” is not a peace treaty.
    The hypocrisy of the UN at the moment is amazing while a 100 a day are blown to hamburger in Iraq, 1000’s in Darfar, the Congo, Somolia etc are killed, starved etc, the UN looks at forcing a “cease-fire” on Israel.
    Good news to me? The west is slowly waking up. India is waking up.
    I predict that the PEOPLE not the governments of the world will slowly arise from their morass to take action. It will not be pretty, but as the islamic world has repulsed it’s outsiders like a virus being expelled from it’s host, the western society, the greatest mass murdering people the world has ever known will react…
    it will not be pretty, Europe will burn, the self emposed moslem ghettos will be torched, pitch forks and shotguns.. like a scene out of young frankenstein it’s about to break open…
    all the while the leaders of those same nations will increase welfare benefits and tolerance classes in an alice in wonderland attempt to portray intolerance to intolerance as the new anti-semitism (no jews need apply)
    happy day are hear again, the white male killing machine is about to be reborn… get the black boot polish out..
    dark days…. but who knows, when europe is cleansed of it’s moslems, PEACE will reign
    . …-

  44. Lurked for some time and never posted but I read a comment at Babble (yes, I know I’m nuts to go there but I like to see what the loonies are saying about issues now and then) that made my jaw drop.
    Comment #27 by Jingle re: Heather Reisman & Gerry Schwartz and their support for Israel:
    Quote:”Fucking assholes. If the murder of thousands of Lebanese and the destruction of Lebanon is necessary to their safely-esconced privilaged rich asses, they can get the fuck out of my country and move to theirs. Assholes. They should be deported to Israel, given a helmet, and sent to clear out a Hizballah tunnel if they are so goddamned firm in their convictions. Goddamn pieces of liebermanesque chickenshit.”
    Holy Hannah. Doesn’t this grant legitimacy to the need for a Jewish homeland. Accordin to the post, when Canadian citizens express support for a Jewish homeland, they cease to be Canadian citizens and are relegated to the status of “Jew” (Jingles says they need to be deported to “their” country). But the extreme left at Babble also do not see Israel as a legitimate state nor do they see a need for a Jewish state. So what to do with all these second class Canadians relegated to “Jew” status? 6 million isn’t enough for cretins like Jingles.
