136 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. to all you harper worshipping conservatists:
    take a lOOk at the CWC ‘caledoniawakeupcall’ headline “harpers office threatens to suit [sue] us”
    seems they dont want aaaaaaany bad publicity against the feds on this.
    well tsk tsk tsk.
    the ONLY time I ever voted conservatist was a ‘strategic’ vote to get martinet out on his tush. it half worked, the lieberals won their minority. martinet did the rest, repeatedly shooting himself in the nuts.
    the rest is history.
    anybody catching on why I dont support any party whole heartedly?

  2. Robert J,
    anybody catching on why I dont support any party whole heartedly?
    I think I have to go with the billions of people on the Earth who don’t give a sh*t what you support.

  3. Terrence Corcoran really TAKES IT to David Suzuki in the Post. Suzuki claims that Fidel’s Cuban farmers, with oxen, are a way ahead of Camadian farmers. I repeat, way ahead of Canadian farmers.

  4. Someone tell Right Girl I think I found another religion that needs bannin’.
    Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1996 23/1–2
    Zen and the Art of Religious Prejudice
    Efforts to Reform a Tradition of Social Discrimination
    William BODIFORD

    “Chapter 28 of the Lotus Sðtra, for example, warns that whoever slanders the scripture will be stricken with leprosy, or will be reborn
    blind or with harelips, μat noses, deformed limbs, body odor, impurities, and so forth, for many lives (Taishõ edition 9.62a).”

    OMGOMG teh zen monks r goin 2 kill us all!!!! It’s a fascinating read.

  5. The Left’s backing and marching with all the world’s Terrorists has got to be the biggest story in our times. And by the “Left” I do not mean the hard working Carpenters, Construction Workers, ect. I mean the Latte Wakos. I believe those two groups are on the oposite ends of the spectrum.
    Why are there so many apologists for Saddam ? And H-bolah ? Why does the Canadian MSM relentlessly back State-run everything ? Why is it the great Canadian (Liberal) way to reward failure and tax success ?
    Could it be that maybe, just maybe, the world’s LOSSERS ARE IN A PANIC ? Realizing they were led down the garden path ? Backed losers, like that Yank AL GORE, and now they see a BIG SUCKER in front of them ? Consider;
    Hard-Rocks of the 50’s flunked out.
    Hippies of the 60’s coped-out and fried their brains on pot.
    Berlin wall came down. The Hoax of Socialism exposed.
    The Artsy-Fartsies took the easy root out in University but don’t like to see others doing well now.
    Perhaps some Muslims are not seeing any dividends from their religion and want to tear down our lifestyle, just for spite ?
    Is panic setting in ? Hence the losers, like MPs Dennis Coderre and Gilles Duceppe marching with the Terrorists. The MSM Too.
    I guess when you are a loser, and that hot flush comes over you, you are mad at everyone who is sucessful. Even if it means cutting off your nose to spite your face. Like Trudeau backing Castro, because they both hated Americans.

  6. An update on Falun Gong’s self-destructive propagandizing. After two US investigations and no-action by the UN, I’d like to put one more nail in this coffin.
    Chinese dissident Harry Wu of Laogai Research Foundation released an open letter on his investigation of Sujiatun that started 2nd week of March; he found the allegation not credible:
    Wu also covered the political stuff, like when his conclusion didn’t agree with Falun Gong, they turned on him.

  7. Hiya Bobby,
    Long time, no read!
    Before I drop in my tip, a quick response to your rant. By the time Harry heard of Sujiatun, the news had been a week old, long enough for anyone to clean up evidence. Harry is, in fact, alone on this, nearly all of the dissident community outside Falun Gong think he’s wrong.
    Of course, Bobby/Charlie Liu, you didn’t know that. No surprise there.
    Anyhow, here’s a word from the East Turkestan government in exile (Note to Bobby: to your Communist buds it’s “Xinjiang”) defending Bush’s declaration that the free world is “at war with Islamic fascists” and ripping CAIR’s silly criticism of the line.

  8. PM Stephen Harper jumps the shark.
    As the International Aids Conference gets underway there is a noticeable absentee. With worldwide luminaries from Bill Gates to Michael Jean present your beloved PM has decided to cite a scheduling conflict. What can be more important than to be on this world stage at this time. Maybe maz2 can get to the bottom of this!
    My conspiracy theory is that he doesn’t want to be seen supporting what many consider to be a gay disease. If this is true and there is every possibility that it is, he has made a serious error in judgement. We now know the hidden agenda that he refutes is indeed an actuality.
    Tisk tisk and shame on you PMSH.

  9. Really, David Brown , how many other “world leaders” were there there? Oh, sure, AIDS prevention is important, but so is malaria and countless other diseases which kill more.
    Are you saying he should attend these conferences as well?
    Do you not think he has more important things to do – like run the country?

  10. With the likes of the insufferably pompous Stephen Lewis and his one-note band of lefties running the AIDS conference, who would very likely use the occasion to be rude and disrespectful to the PM, I think his decision’s probably a good move.
    As a few of us have noted here before, there’s no one more arrogant, intolerant, and smug than a “diversity loving” leftie, especially within the protection of the pack. When these sycophants are gathered in large numbers to worship at one of their shrines, with their favourite prophets and priests leading the “worship”, giving such people–high on power and low on integrity–a very wide berth is a smart move.

  11. Deb Frisch, Western Civilization explained in one tidy theory:
    Cat Parasite May Affect Cultural Traits In Human Populations
    A common parasite found in cats may be affecting human behavior on a mass scale, according to a scientist based at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

    “In populations where this parasite is very common, mass personality modification could result in cultural change,” said study author Kevin Lafferty, a USGS scientist at UC Santa Barbara. “The geographic variation in the latent prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii may explain a substantial proportion of human population differences we see in cultural aspects that relate to ego, money, material possessions, work and rules.”

    The results of previous work suggested that Toxoplasma could affect specific elements of human culture. Toxoplasma is associated with different, often opposite, behavioral changes in men and women, but both genders exhibit guilt proneness (a form of neuroticism). Lafferty’s analysis found that countries with high Toxoplasma prevalence had a higher aggregate neuroticism score, and western nations with high prevalence also scored higher in the ‘neurotic’ cultural dimensions of ‘masculine’ sex roles and uncertainty avoidance.
    “There could be a lot more to this story. Different responses to the parasite by men and women could lead to many additional cultural effects that are, as yet, difficult to analyze,” said Lafferty.

  12. “I think I have to go with the billions of people on the Earth who don’t give a sh*t what you support.

    oooo!!! touchy touchy !!!
    ya missed the point there urine, it isnt what I support, its what I DONT support !!!
    lock step ideologist come on down !!!

  13. hint to hezbullshit supporters:
    google “Wade McCluskey”
    ok, now the question: should Mr McCluskey suddenly vied for peace, initiated negotiations with the enemy? or proceed with his most serendipitous opportunity of the entire century?
    and what of hezbullshit, should Israel engage in ‘negotiations’ or continue to rip the living guts out of them where they stand?
    the advantage we have in 2006 is we know what the results of Mr Wade’s action were, the ME situation is anybody’s guess.
    so you go with the facts, being Israel is the ONLY democracy in the ME, and the reason the fight is protracted is they are fighting with one hand tied behind their back when the hezbullshits intermingle with civilians, making rocket attacks a conundrum for the Isrealis. on the other hand, the hezbullshitists expose their true nature and provide proof of their avowed intent, by DELIBERATELY targetting exclusively civilian targets.
    so, what to do?

  14. lookout,
    I have to agree that Stephen Lewis is a 1 note band but highly doubtful that he would be disrespectful. Even if he was Haper as PM should have no trouble putting him in his place (right in front of the whole world to see).
    As far as arrogant, intolerant, and smug goes I’ve noticed those very traits exhibited by most conservatives at this blog. Being an asshole knows no political stripe or leaning.
    Harper should seize the opportunity to expose those altruist lefties and show them as the phonies they really are. He could also appeal to a broader audience helping to ensure a majority the next time around.

  15. AP Circles the Wagons Around Green Helmet Guy
    It’s utterly surreal.
    The Associated Press does a full court press, supporting the man they now call Salam Daher with a multimedia presentation packed full of distortions and outright lies: A Grueling Task in Lebanon. (Hat tip: Geepers.)
    And again, just so we’re all clear about what’s being discussed and defended in this AP whitewash, here’s the video from German TV showing Salam Daher participating in the ghoulish desecration of a child’s body, removing it from an ambulance and posing it for photographs like a side of beef:
    Link to video from:

  16. It’s fascinating, in a morbid way, to watch how AIDS has achieved some sort of premiere status as a cause. Obviously it’s important, but so are dozens of other diseases. Interesting point: many of those other diseases aren’t caused by voluntary dangerous behaviour. For all those who got this disease from a medical procedure or blood transfusion – please accept my respect and sympathy – not talking about you.
    The outrage at the conference about Harper reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer was beat up because he wouldn’t wear the ribbon in the AIDS walk. It wan’t good enough that he took part in the walk, he had to wear the ribbon!

  17. God bless Stephen Harper and Canada.
    Stand with Israel. …-
    82% back Harper’s support for Israel’s right to self-defence
    CanWest News Service via National Post ^ | 2006-08-14
    An overwhelming majority of Canadians support Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s assertion that Israel’s attacks on Lebanon are justified because Israel has a right to self-defence and that Iran and Syria are wrong to have armed Hezbollah, according to a new poll to be released today. The poll, which was conducted by public opinion researcher COMPAS Inc., will appear in the Alberta-based newsmagazine Western Standard this week. The poll states that 82% of Canadians who were asked believe that Israel has a right to self-defence. The results come on the heels of protests by Lebanese- Canadians who have criticized Mr. Harper’s comments in support of Israel. …-

  18. what is it with AIDS anyway?
    leprosy requires a constant residency in a human host AND is curable!!!
    we could wipe it off the face of the earth, this biblical scourge, with a one-time massive and wide attack with prevention and treatment, and then never have to deal with it again. it IS winable.
    so why no international conferences that double as an excuse to play partisan politics?
    it is also medical naturally, and sociological and geographical, but remains as always so far, a POLITICAL issue.
    and we all know what that means!!!

  19. David Brown, you make some good points. Yes, I believe PMSH could easily hold his own. However, I have my doubts about Stephen Lewis and his hench people behaving themselves.
    Avoiding an undignified confrontation, which I’m sure the lefties would be sure to orchestrate, is smart thinking on the part of PMSH.
    And, yes, conservatives can be insufferable too. However, in my long experience, the lefties take the cake: I’ve faced off with so many of them, I know! It seems to be in the “DNA” of the lefty to be smug–being on the left is, after all, the default position of most adolescents–but when they have the full support of the MSM and just about every other public institution, the “Mom loves me more than you” factor really kicks in. The swelled head effect produces not only arrogance, but also seems to leave no brain room for facts and logical arguments. This also explains why, when confronted with a real argument, the lefty so often and so quickly descends to the ad hominem attack.

  20. Maz2,
    now there is one poll I would like to get my hands on, i.e., the questions asked, in what context, in what order.
    Asking if a state has the right to defend itself is like asking if motherhood is good. It is not the right that may be questionable, it is what is done with it. After all, Hitler justified the invasion of Poland with “Now we are shooting back” etc., and the invasion of Russia as preemption. (Forget the anti-semitism charge – simple historical facts.)

  21. Re: Harper absence @ aids conference
    I support our current gov’t 100%
    As for PMSH absence from the Aids conference, I personally believe that this was a mistake. This is a very large event. Yes there are many other issues in the world to deal with but this was one thing that our PM should have attended no matter how many liberals, gays or anti-conservitive people where there.
    Just as I wrote in my e-mails of protest to Dennis Coderre and Gilles Duceppe; they are elected officials thus representing a whole group of people not one organization or group.
    PMSH absence shows to me at least that his personal feelings (anti gay/liberal) got in his way and he must remeber that he represents Canada on a whole.
    I think it would have been excellent for the PM to have attended this conference. Rubbing shoulders with all the people that you know don’t support you or your government’s policies. It would have shut up alot of critics.
    In closing it would have been a class act for Mr.Harper to attend, comparable to the his showing up in Afgan. after the election. I understand his decision (wouldnt catch me there, but also I am not the PM) but I don’t support it, this was a massive event and our PM should have been there.
    PS-Can anyone tell me where to get one of the yellow magnets for the car. Support our troops ribbion??????????
    sry for any spelling/gramatical errors its early and i havnt got my Tims yet

  22. look for the ‘harlem residents’ thing: http://michellemalkin.com/index.htm
    what is it that happens in the mind of a leftist?
    what sort of split personality is there? how can the lefties support castro and his kind in face of the trillions of person-years of oppression suffered at the hands of these communist dictators?
    how can they ignore the fact that claims of wide support arent enough to make casto and his kind trust it all to a vote?
    what is it that happens in the minds of leftist wilfully siding with known terrorists in order to promote a temporary agenda? dont they know whats going to happen once the brief narrow objective is met?
    and Im still waiting for a response from the shoot-the-messenger-mindsetists regarding the LAWSUIT hanging over the heads of the operators of caledoniawakeupcall from the conservatists.
    youve had your personal attack fit, now answer the bigger question of howcum YOU can do EXACTLY like a leftist and continue to support ‘mr charisma’ (LOL!!!) stephen harper. or stephen herpes as they say over at frank magazine in the face of this thug tactic.
    come on, youve got the spotlight, youve got the mic, youve got the floor, how is it YOU can ‘whole heartedly’ support the right when they use YOUR taxes to beat up the managers of a web site critical of hands-in-their-pockets-syndrome see-no-evil-hear-no-evil-speak-no-evil politishuns??? hmmmm???

  23. Well, I’m against Falun Gong because I consider it a cult, focused on a leader-as-origin (rather than an idea as origin) and focused on the group rather than the individual.
    david brown – I fully support Harper’s absence at the AID’s conference. Why should he be there? For a Chretien/Martin style photo-op? What’s the point of that? It was disgusting opportunism when they behaved in that manner; why should Harper waste his time on photo-ops? Martin’s behaviour at the Montreal Kyoto conference was shameful. All photo and no content. Do you support politicans behaving in that manner?
    Are you so naive as to suggest that IF the politician does not show up for the photos, THEN, he disagrees with the agenda? That would mean that Harper is against cancer cures, malarial cures, brain disease and etc.
    The Aids conference ought to stand on its own. Is it a political photo-show? Yes – it is certainly being rejected by the scientific community – who are ignoring it.
    Is it being taken over by the political left? Yes – and they have used it to ‘bash Harper’. Indeed, so many of their comments are anti-Harper that one wonders if they have forgotten that the real agenda of the conference is non-political; it’s about funding for Aids.
    They’ve transformed it into a political plank. It’s the new ’emotional bonding/love-in of the left’. Interesting – how the left’s ideologies are all based on Emotional Hug-a-X, and the rejection of reason.

  24. this guy is a real hoot: I found this on my daughter’s bookmarks when I vistied a while ago.
    ‘keep on truckin’ is the first time he has incorporated a photo in the cartoon.

  25. religion? thats all behind me ….
    in the late 60s, you know, the waning years of the lib movement etc all that, I attended a non denominational church here in RobertJville.
    got a lot of cracks from the regulars, I knew they were verbal knives but was too inexperienced in life and naive to catch the drift. but I didnt hold it against them, I even went back one more time and got married in the place.
    then I moved away and about 5 or 6 years later swung around to the place one evening on a road trip aaaaaand … it was abandoned and vandalized. I learned from my brother who also stopped going there the last preacher had taken up a relationship with a married woman, albeit separated. the fallout was a huge drop in attendance (some margins were still off limits in the free love era) which doomed the organization. they sold the land to canadian tire which built a store on the site which it too is now closed up. a pox on you !!!
    about 20 years later I signed on with a united church in burbankburlington. the place was 180 years old in need of some urgent maintenance, so in lieu of thousands in tithes, I offered to do about 10 grand in free labour to bring it up to specs. got declined with all manner of excuses, the most common being since it was an old building they didnt have to comply with current codes. (ya, but cant we use the codes as a guideline?) I quit in a huff when I couldnt get anyone to so much as haul my tool chest in their pickup truck so I could do the work and not leave all my tools out unattended. the kicker was they would close the place down for the whole summer and I would have had the place to myself to leave a mess and concentrate on the work until the end of summer.
    then in 2001 I moved back to RobertJville and soon after joined a baptist church.
    it too was a failure. I listed a total of SIX TIMES I had been made to feel unwelcome, three of which involved the elders. one for example, I was refused to be allowed to sit at a table during the supper prior to the wednesday study group meetings. and then, the following week, (which as it ended up, the LAST time I attended said meeting nite) I found a table with ample seating to avoid any ’embarassment’ aaaaaaand within minutes, the rest at the table all got up in unison, without a word, holding their unfinished plates, and left. leaving me sitting there with uncharacteristic speechlessness and dumbfounded like never before.
    I expect and get this treatment at a bar or on the street, not at a *ing CHURCH.
    so, 3 strikes youre out now applies and I have sworn off church attendance for good. I tried 3 denominations and got treated like a n* at each one, which is unacceptable.
    amazing what you can accomplish with those extra 3 hours a week sunday morning !!!
    boo hoo hoo. woe is me. po widdow ode moi. LOL !!!
    * you mr kline

  26. Thanks, maz2, for the fresh air. Last night CTV Regina showed a protest of the current mideast war at the Sask. legislature building… including someone with that “circle-with-a-line-through-it” obliterate symbol on top of a star of David. The war is here, folks.

  27. Bozo alert!
    I will bet 10 to 1 that Jeff, bob, Sock Puppet etc. is an American lesbian with no penis to speak of and legal problems to boot and he is trying to sneak into Sask. by posing as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces on sda.
    Hey Jeff, this one is for you….
    Canadians Deplore the Flood of Humanity Crossing From the US –
    Manitoba Herald
    Teh flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has
    intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the
    illegal immigration. The actions of President Bush are prompting the exodus among
    left-leaning citizens who fear they’ll soon be required to hunt, pray, and agree
    with Bill O’Reilly.
    Canadian border farmers say it’s not uncommon to see dozens of sociology and drunk psychology professors,
    animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.
    “I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer
    huddled in the barn,” said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders
    North Dakota. The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. “He asked me if I could
    spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn’t have any, he
    left. Didn’t even get a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?”
    In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the
    liberals scaled them. So he tried installing speakers that blare Rush Limbaugh
    across the fields. “Not real effective,” he said. “The liberals still got through,
    and Rush annoyed the cows so much they wouldn’t give milk.”
    Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the
    Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons, drive them across the border
    and leave them to fend for themselves.
    “A lot of these people are not prepared for rugged conditions,” an Ontario border
    patrolman said. “I found one carload without a drop of drinking water. “They did
    have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though.”
    When liberals are caught, they’re sent back across the border, often wailing
    loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives.
    Rumors have been circulating about the Bush administration establishing re-education
    camps in which liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR
    In recent days, liberals have turned to sometimes-ingenious ways of crossing the
    border. Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap
    Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in
    powdered wigs,
    Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed
    senior-citizen passengers on Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney hits to prove they were
    alive in the ’50s.
    “If they can’t identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get
    suspicious about their age,” an official said.
    Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an
    organic-broccoli shortage and renting all the good Susan Sarandon movies. “I feel
    sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can’t support them,” an
    Ottawa resident said. “How many art-history majors does one country need?”
    In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada, Vice president
    Dick Cheney met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration
    would take steps to reassure liberals, a source close to Cheney said. We’re going
    to have some Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And we might put some endangered species
    on postage stamps. The president is determined to reach out,” he said.

  28. Socialism:
    The mother/father of communism, nazism, feminism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, fascism, and Islamic fascism, etc. …-
    They Are Fascists
    Asharq Al-Awsat ^ | 8/14/06 | Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed
    Many of us are only concerned with reputation and image, our image in the media, and the reputation of the Muslims in the world, but they do not care about reforming the original source, their children.
    When US President George W. Bush described those who plotted to kill thousands of passengers in ten airliners as Muslim fascists, protests from a number of Islamic societies in the west and the east were voiced against this description.
    What is wrong with using a bad adjective to describe a terrorist as long as he is willing to personally call himself an Islamist; declares his stance, schemes, and aims; while his supporters publicly call for killing of those whom they consider infidels, or disagree with them religiously or politically.
    The strange thing is that the protesting groups, which held a press conference, would better have held it to denounce the deeds of those affiliated to Islam, who harmed all Muslims and Islam.
    Bush did not say that the Muslims were fascists; he said that the Muslim fascists were the problem, i.e. he distinguished between an extremist group and the general innocent peaceful Muslims. Yes, fascism is a word that has bad connotations, and is used here to approximate the meaning to the listeners. The westerners know that fascism is an extremist nationalist movement, which emerged from the European society, and was responsible for destructive wars caused by its premises, which are based on discrimination, racism and hatred. This approximation is correct when you apply it to the literature of the Islamic extremists. The same as the Europeans fought fascism and the fascists by word and by gunpowder, the world will fight the extremist Islamists. This is what the good Muslims, who are at the forefront of those hunting down Al-Qaeda, do; the same as the Muslim who exposed the latest conspiracy to hijack the airliners, when he hastened to inform the security authorities when he suspected what was happening in the neighborhood. …-

  29. Socialism:
    The mother/father of communism, nazism, feminism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, fascism, and Islamic fascism, etc. …-
    They Are Fascists
    Asharq Al-Awsat ^ | 8/14/06 | Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed
    Many of us are only concerned with reputation and image, our image in the media, and the reputation of the Muslims in the world, but they do not care about reforming the original source, their children.
    When US President George W. Bush described those who plotted to kill thousands of passengers in ten airliners as Muslim fascists, protests from a number of Islamic societies in the west and the east were voiced against this description.
    What is wrong with using a bad adjective to describe a terrorist as long as he is willing to personally call himself an Islamist; declares his stance, schemes, and aims; while his supporters publicly call for killing of those whom they consider infidels, or disagree with them religiously or politically.
    The strange thing is that the protesting groups, which held a press conference, would better have held it to denounce the deeds of those affiliated to Islam, who harmed all Muslims and Islam.
    Bush did not say that the Muslims were fascists; he said that the Muslim fascists were the problem, i.e. he distinguished between an extremist group and the general innocent peaceful Muslims. Yes, fascism is a word that has bad connotations, and is used here to approximate the meaning to the listeners. The westerners know that fascism is an extremist nationalist movement, which emerged from the European society, and was responsible for destructive wars caused by its premises, which are based on discrimination, racism and hatred. This approximation is correct when you apply it to the literature of the Islamic extremists. The same as the Europeans fought fascism and the fascists by word and by gunpowder, the world will fight the extremist Islamists. This is what the good Muslims, who are at the forefront of those hunting down Al-Qaeda, do; the same as the Muslim who exposed the latest conspiracy to hijack the airliners, when he hastened to inform the security authorities when he suspected what was happening in the neighborhood. …-

  30. Bob,
    You really aren’t that bright. That was the most asinine statement I’ve read on this site yet from either side’s fools.
    David Brown,
    I find it very irritating when lefties (or anyone else) demand that a politician (or anyone else) MUST attend their events. I’m sure that we all can chose how we spend our time without some jackass making demands. I am “for” all kinds of things without feeling any need to produce my self in front of a bunch of idiots who will make a mockery of the basic standards of decency and decorum. I would feel no need to be subjected to a public pillorying by a bunch of lefty whiners.
    And just who the hell are these people to think they have any right to make any demands of anyone? It takes a certain amount of shamelessness to think you have the right to expect the country’s PM to kowtow to your every whim.
    How about the AIDS people, the “Gay Games” people and anyone else with a chip on their shoulders just piss off?
    I support SSM and equality for gays unequivocally. I feel no need to “prove” this by presenting myself for abuse at some jackass’s rally so they can mock and boo me.
    I would like a cure for AIDS (and all kinds of other diseases.) But let me say this: AIDS is the only disease in history to be more over-funded than breast cancer. I would hazard a guess and state that research into these two diseases have more funding than all other diseases put together – and by a large margin. There is no shortage of resources or public support (i.e. copious amounts of taxpayer’s money.)
    As for AIDS in Africa, you’d be better off putting the money into clean water, anti-malarial drugs and (the extremely cheap) drugs used to treat dysentery. It would undoubtedly save millions more lives.
    So in closing, I think the left in particular but anyone really, should be happy if someone grants you there support for their cause but shouldn’t expect it – never mind demand it.

  31. Bob Rae is the frontman/mouthpiece for Power Corp., Desmarais,Maurice Strong, AdScam Chretien, et al.
    Bob Rae is a Librano$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Grit leadership race loses one
    Canada.com – 2 hours ago
    OTTAWA – One of the 11 candidates for the Liberal leadership, longtime Toronto MP Maurizio Bevilacqua, is dropping from the race to join the more prominent campaign of Bob Rae, former Ontario premier. The …

  32. Why should Harper subject himself to a round of boos, slams and other assorted catcalls at the AIDS conference? CBC even admits that would certainly be the treatment coming from gays, due to not supporting SSM.
    I thought AIDS wasn’t supposed to be a gay disease. Given the treatment Tony Clement got, seems to me homosexuals certainly are taking ownership – attaching AIDS to SSM.
    What about the Star’s graphs and charts on Saturday? 70% of all cases in Canada are among gay men.
    The unfortunate part of the whole disease and the reason why a cure is necessary is all the innocents being infected – ie. the fastest growing group in the US are black women being infected by men through what’s called the ‘down low.’
    I’m sure the Conservatives will do more to combat AIDS than the Liberals – given (as usual) the Liberals did nothing other than talk. Oh yeah, and show up at this conference, like Bill (I represent Church Street) Graham and McGimpy.

  33. lookout said, “The swelled head effect [of lefties] produces not only arrogance, but also seems to leave no brain room for facts and logical arguments. This also explains why, when confronted with a real argument, the lefty so often and so quickly descends to the ad hominem attack”
    … or simply disappear altogethr.

  34. Posted by: Franz at August 14, 2006 10:11 AM:
    “PMSH absence shows to me at least that his personal feelings (anti gay/liberal) got in his way and he must remeber that he represents Canada on a whole.”
    To equate being against same-sex marriage with being anti-gay is ridiculous. What is hardly ever mentioned is that Mr. Harper supports civil unions, which many European countries have instituted INSTEAD OF same-sex marriage. (See list of countries allowing CIVIL UNIONS at Wikipedia)
    Recognized nationwide in:
    Denmark (1989) | Norway (1993)
    Israel1 (1994) | Sweden (1995)
    Greenland (1996) | Hungary (1996)
    Iceland (1996) | France (1999)
    South Africa (1999) | Germany (2001)
    Portugal (2001) | Finland (2002)
    Croatia (2003) | Luxembourg (2004)
    New Zealand (2005) | United Kingdom (2005)
    Andorra (2005) | Czech Republic (2006)
    Slovenia (2006) | Switzerland (starting 2007)
    If Mr. Harper had decided to attend the AIDS conference, the gay lobby would have derided him, accusing him of trying to garner votes from that community, so it’s a loss-loss situation for Mr. Harper whatever he does.
    One final note: perhaps Mr. Clinton is using his presence at the conference as a form of atonement for his past peccadillos. However, his past “performance” with Ms Lewinsky helped to encourage promiscuity among the young, which is perhaps one of the reasons aids is again on the rise.
    In addition to encouraging research, distribution of life-saving drugs, information on safe-sex etc., maybe the conference could also encourage people not to “lie down” with indiscriminate abandon, no matter their sexual orientation.

  35. Robert J,
    If you are making that many enemies, maybe the problem lies with you. I would hazard a guess that life is one big confrontation for you. The victimhood mentality is alive and well in you. You have chosen your liberal ideology well.

  36. Warwick
    The extent of your ignorance is incomprehensible.
    There was no demand for PM Harper to attend the Aids conference, there was an invitation. An invitation to go and speak and visit with some of the worlds leading experts on the subject like Dr. Peter PIOT, and numerous other from the scientific community. To discuss how to realistically fight and prevent the spread of HIV aids. I personally become highly offended when you pool the conference as full of GAYS & liberals. Yes unfortunately a large group of those affected by this disease are of unclean morals and lifestyles, but how about the people who never had a choice. Did you forget about the 3000 Canadian who died in the 80’s due to the tainted blood scandal? This is not some gay pride parade, or some photo op. To bad the media has made it into such a thing. (what do you except from a liberal bias media)
    There are many good things happening there and when 20,000 people are in attendance (and yes there are a lot gays) that is something Mr. Harper should have asked to be part of, regardless of his personal convictions.
    Like I said before he now represents the country on a whole gays and all. Be rid of the notion he has to prove something, to stand for the decency morals of the Conservative party & people, he whether we like it or not must represent everyone. This is how a democracy works.
    We have been fighting the Liberal corruption for so long that sometimes we forget that we won and now must serve and represent, even the people who didn’t vote with us.
    HIV/Aids is one of those diseases that really doesn’t bother people until its on your doorstep one of those “it won’t happen to me” things. But by being a loving human being we must care and want to help people who are affected by this disease regardless if we agree with their lifestyle. This is the worlds #1 killer. Yes there are numerous other things that we can spend our time on trying to combat, malaria, clean water etc. But there isn’t a conference going on 20,000 strong dealing with malaria this week.
    Warwick, until you have personal contact with a people who are affected by this horrid disease please be responsible and don’t give all of us Conservatives a bad anti-gay sentiment. My uncle was one of the 3000 who passed away.
    PS Again I ask where do I get my yellow troop ribbion??

  37. Franz – an invitation is just that; however, when an invitation is linked to public denunciation by the AIDS organizers if the Invited Person does not attend, then it rapidly loses its ‘invitational status’ and becomes a ‘demand’.
    The fact that the Minister of Health attended, an individual directly functional to the conference, was rejected as ‘trivial’ by the Organizers. That rejection meant that they had transformed the conference into a political agenda and the invitation into a political strategy of the left.
    No, the scientific community did not attend, for the conference had little to offer in the way of scientific material. The scientific tactics of dealing with AIDS are one strategy, the social tactics are another strategy. This conference was, in part, about the social strategies. The other part of the conference was the political activism of the left. And that has no legitimate role in the fight against AIDS.
    For you to assume, as the Left is claiming, that because Harper wasn’t there, that he is indifferent to Aids or against gays or whatever – is completely invalid, ungrounded and illogical. You have fallen into the political agenda of the conference – which is a left agenda – to support SSM, or whatever. But, this is a disservice by the left to the sufferers of the disease. As you and many others point out, the disease has moved beyond its original host population and into the general population. Therefore, the left has no right to link the disease – and its supporters – with gays and their lifestyle, with SSM, and etc.
    And, the left has therefore no right to link Harper’s not being there – with their political agenda. Again – the disease has moved out of its original host population. The left has no right to politicize the Aids conference.
    There is no reason for Harper to be there. None. He doesn’t attend a lot of other conferences. So? There was a reason for the Minister of Health to be there – and what was the reaction? Disdain, booing, rejection. That shows you that the left has politicized the disease – and that, in itself, is a shameful act on their part.
    Your attempt to emotionalize the situation is irrelevant. All diseases are traumatic and tend to be ignored until on ‘one’s doorstep’.
    If the organizers and participants of the conference were genuine about their concern for dealing with the disease – and were not interested in politicizing the disease, then, they would have been pleased at Clement’s appearance and speech. They would work FOR cures; instead, their energies are focused on Bashing Harper. That reveals their basic agenda.

  38. Franz, something in your post just doesn’t add up. “Is you is or ain’t you ain’t . . . ?”
    Warwick’s post was most reasonable; it’s your hostility that’s “incomprehensible”.
    And BTW, AIDS is NOT the world’s number one killer. Try breast cancer, strokes, malaria, heart attacks: Check Google. You’ve “outed” yourself here re being an objective participant at this thread.
    And do you really think that a face to face meeting between PMSH and “Dr. Peter PIOT”‘s going to make a real difference? (If he were at the conference, PMSH probably wouldn’t be able to hear, let alone listen, because of the loud booing, catcalls, or worse.) Besides, PMSH has delegated his Health Minister, Tony Clements, to represent him. Smart thinking. (And I have a sneaking suspicion that you’d be one of PMSH’s critics, who’d castigate him for being too controlling. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Good for PMSH for realizing that and staying away. I hope he spent the afternoon with his wife and kids.)
    BTW, I was involved in the care of a gay friend of mine who died young, of AIDS. I loved him, was there for him to the very end, but his choices–like those who smoke and die of lung cancer–were his own and he paid the ultimate price. I’m altogether tired of–and disgusted by–the mythical and mystical status of AIDS, a remorseless, savage killer. (This reminds me of the Left’s suicidal flirtation with Islamic facsism. What is it with these people? Like the schoolyard incompetents, they seem to attach themselves to the most dysfunctional, malevolent type around, who actually has nothing but contempt for them. Psst: Lefties, remember my metaphor likens AIDs, not any people, to dysfunctionality and malevolence. ‘Just to save you any embarrasssing rants.)
    There are choices which drastically reduce the chances of contracting this disease. Let’s stop conflating the very different circumstances which are its precursors: promiscuous gay men (a Star graph indicates that they are the largest group with AIDs in Canada), recreational drug use (very high in the gay, bisexual community), partners of gay/bisexual men, haemophiliacs and other transfusion victims, poor hygenic conditions, coupled with promiscuity in the Third World, prostitution, intravenous drug use, and the innocent children caught in all of this. Many have made no conscious choice to put themselves at risk. Many others have. All deserve both our care and compassion. But please don’t sanctify the latter group and portray them only as victims, who had no control over their choices. To me, that’s quite an insult: to infantalize adults, who are not automotons, and who could have made different choices.
    But the left likes to ghettoize people who make wrong choices so they can portray them as victims and then blame someone else. So, my message to you is: Stop trying to blame PMSH, grow up, and stop being enablers. To me, that’s the ultimate betrayal.

  39. ET
    We talk about politics and agendas of the left and so on and so forth. Yes PM Harper did send the minister of health, which would be acceptable if this conference wasn’t such a large event.
    What was that about the scientific community not being interested.
    “An estimated 20,000 participants including scientists, health care providers, political, community and business leaders, journalists, government, non-governmental and intergovernmental representatives, and people living with HIV/AIDS are expected.”
    Part of the science in “the cure” is prevention and information is as you said is the understanding about the social strategies.
    I personally would have liked Mr. Harper to attend but even a public acknowledgment from the PM would have sufficed.
    I don’t care about the left’s political motivation. I don’t care about the circus of media and the blowing up of the fact the PM did not attend. Even if all this BS were not mentioned I would still have been offended by the lack of the PM’s mention or attendance at conference like this.
    I HATE the fact that it has turned into a leftist event with political agenda!
    How dare they corrupt such an event!
    You are correct about the invitation turning into a demand. As for the extent of the bearing of the PM’s personal opinions of the event and its attendees it will be up to a matter of personal opinion if in fact it did influence his decision not to attend. No matter how we try to minimize this conference and its importance this is a MASSIVE event.
    Politically speaking from the stand of a Conservative, this conference would have been an amazing way for the PM to shred any doubt of his affirmations against the gay community. That he truly represents the country on a whole. (Unlike the former gov’t)
    People have mentioned that he need not go just to be booed and jeered, when has Mr. Harper ever really cared what other people have thought. I truly wished that he had seen the conference for the importance of it and not for the Liberal influence of it or the gays attending it.
    But maybe he knows more then I do, he is our Prime Minister and I have had full faith in his decisions for our country and will continue to have faith in him.
    To be responsible citizens and Conservatives we must always question the decisions of our leader, and try to eliminate personal opinions and beliefs. Understanding that we live in an amazing country with numerous different cultures and lifestyles, whether we agree with them or not we must represent them. We must not blindly follow or make foolish excuses people do make mistakes.
    We are now a responsible gov’t accountable to the people, and if this is an issue with a group of people then it is an issue with the whole country.
    Lets disagree with the politics and slander of leftist but let us not disagree with the importance of the event itself.
    In closing I do apologize about the fact that it is an emotional issue for me; that has no bearing on this discussion and should have been left out.

  40. I think that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has more important things to worry about than going to an aids conference. There were more than enough powerfull people there, with money (Bill Gates and friends). I think that the prior commitments to protecting our northern sovernity is in the WHOLE countries interests. All of these indiviual groups that “demand” his presence need to realize that he has a country to run! Please keep up the good work PMSH! And to our troops, keep up the good work and be safe!

  41. Franz,
    I in no way equate AIDS with just homosexuals and only mentioned them and the gay games in the same category because the gay games just happened and included the same controversy (as well as a lot of the same activists.)
    It is a fact that AIDS activists are almost exclusively left. They also tend to the homosexual community as they were the group in the west that was hardest hit. This doesn’t mean that AIDS is only a problem to gay communists and I certainly didn’t assert this in any way.
    My comments regarding how the activists are demanding things stand though. The activists and their media friends didn’t just invite the PM and leave it at that. They (and the commenter to whom I was responding to) trashed Harper because he sent the health minister and didn’t attend himself. I would hazard a guess that there are a few dozen events/fundraisers/causes going on every single day of the year. The PM isn’t going to go to that many of them and has every right not to attend.
    I would also refute your assertion that AIDS is the number one killer. Dysentery, Malaria and pneumonia all kill more than AIDS. Add Tuberculosis, Cholera, typhoid fever, and hepatitis A also rate mention of some of the world’s top killers. Most are curable and all are funded to a miniscule fraction of what AIDS is.
    As someone who has had a family member die of AIDS I can sympathize with your concern over the disease that caused it. But lets not forget that most of the world’s top killers can be treated for pennies. Dysentery can be cured with an Imodium, $.10 worth of anti-biotics and a Gatorade. It still kills a couple million people a year. Resources are not infinite. There is only so many research and charitable dollars. When AIDS (and breast cancer) takes up a huge share of it, all the other (equally deserving) diseases who lack the same political muscle are left out. This may not mean much to those who have lost a loved one to the disease they fight for but it does mean something to the families of those millions who die from less fashionable causes.

  42. Kate: First Regina then San Fransisco? Just because the leftist idiots out there tell you to “Go to Hell” doesn’t mean you have to listen.

  43. This is a copy of a letter I received. I hope it gives everyone reason to pause and think about our troops overseas.
    From the daughter of a Soldier…
    Last week I was in Trenton, Ontario. attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act’s of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo’s, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I’m not alone. I’m not the only red blooded Canadian who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families.
    Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He kneeled down and said “hi,” the little girl then she asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier, he didn’t look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy. Then suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek.
    The mother of the little girl, who said her daughters name was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Corporal and had been in Afghanistan for 11 months now. As the mom was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mom was done explaining her situation, all of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it.
    After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, “I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you.” He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying “your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon.” The mom at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet he saluted Courtney and her mom. I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this entire event unfolded. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause.
    As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of selflessness, turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek.
    We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it’s good to be a Canadian.
    Red Friday
    Just keeping you “in the loop” so you’ll know what’s going on in case this takes off.
    Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Canadian who supports our troops used to be called the “silent majority”. We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.
    Many Canadians, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Canada supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded Canadian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.
    By word of mouth, press, TV — let’s make the Canada on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers.
    If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before Canada is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once “silent” majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.
    The first thing a soldier says when asked “What can we do to make things better for you?” is…We need your support and your prayers.
    Let’s get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.
    THEIR BLOOD RUNS RED—- SO WEAR RED! — Lest we Forget, Lest we Forget.

  44. I agree with ET:
    These symposiums on whatever the cause have become to politizied & are being used for nothing more then political bashing. Action’s not words, is what needs to be done. Yes there are many diseases in the world that have to be addressed and our leaders cannot attend all of them so they send there most qualified representative, I remember a Royal Canadian legion conference I attended, this was held in my city whereas the main theme was addressing Veterans needs, our local MP & Mayor could not attend but they did send a representative. Now I know that this conference was not on the grandeur scale that of the aids conference, But the point is that they cannot be everywhere at once. We did not boo our MP & Mayor, we understood and thanked the fill in.
    High Ranking opposition politician’s, actor’s & activist are always quick to be critical of our leaders & governments & see these as nothng more then political photo-ops, but when it comes down to the brass tax they are the first to become MIA.

    Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Canadian who supports our troops used to be called the “silent majority”. We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions.
    Many Canadians, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Canada supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded Canadian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red.”
    Millions of us who oppose the Afghanistan ‘mission’ will also be wearing red, Fridays and other days, just because we like red.
