53 Replies to “As The Left Is Quick To Remind Us”

  1. exliberal
    if they do think of Isreal as only a jewish state then they are very narrow minded indeed.
    Nazareth is pretty much a christian arab town(close to 90%). it received missles from the Hezb’allah and were defended by Isreal just as vigorously as they defended the attacks on Haifa.( which being north is about 40% arab itself)
    also I believe that the jewish system is patriachial making the Ishmeal half just as Shemite as the Issac. All of them are recognized in the tree of Jesse, the hating is more of a family feud.

  2. Cal2,
    the numbers I have seen are after World War II, Nazareth was 60% Christian. Now it is about 30% and shrinking, apparently due to the rise and spread of militant Islam
    Take a survey – when people talk about Israel they mean the state of the Jews, not the state of Israelis, Israeli-Arabs and Israeli-Christians.
    more Bible trivia:
    Ishmael was a Hammite from his mother Hagar. Ishmael married Hammite women and according to Jewish law (halacha) his children would be Hammites. One is only halachically Jewish(ie. according to Jewish law)if their mother is Jewish.
    Ishmael and his descendents are Hammites not Shemites/Semites.

  3. new nazarath, on the hill across the valley is jewish, the main part of nazarath is Christian, albeit Arab Christian. mostly what appears to be a form of Orthodox although the Catholics just put a pile of money into the church of the Annunciation – I think for the jubilee year (2000) and the popes visit. But most of the old stuff appears to be Orthodox- the mosques were few and far between. There were a few Canadians living there that I met who came for the 1967 war,
    who never left, feeling that with a war coming ever 5 years or so they pretty much had to stay.
    not familiar with the post war stats, had to use this first hand observation.
    you better contact Wikipedia – they list Arabs as Semites too.
