17 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

    1. horror of horrors. imagine the culture shock these imported vermin experience learning we DONT cook and eat the family pet.
      everyone *I* know reacts like the kid who finds out the family pet turkey was always intended for the oven.
      but . . . . . . ‘liberal’

      full disclosure, we’re supposed to ‘pray for out leaders’?
      well lm doing that. lm ‘praying for’ him to stop a hollow point right in the head to save this godforsaken pitiful suicidal nation. we may, and l believe we have ALREADY BLOWN PAST THE TIPPING POINT, but ridding ourselves of this communist nazi can only delay the inevitable.

    2. Guess they’re slow-cooking their mongrel dog … as mongrel tends to be tough and stringy. Yeah, just about 4ft above the coals will do. Generations of culinary experience. Where’s Gordon Ramsey when you need him to sing the praises of “ethnic” cookery?

  1. Suspects should not be charged in armed home invasions, they should be BURIED!

    Then they’d not be part of a smaller criminal network..

    Or, throw them on the spit, like that poor dog.
    Long Pig..

  2. very diverse / same mix as a tv commercial but without wymin

    justhin would be proud, and could even be Pride in the most homo way

  3. What is it?.. M13?..

    If you are going to be a criminal organization its best to do business in places with strong gun laws and a weak legal system.. Our scht dollar aside.. Canada is a gold mine..
