“Sharp stated simply that the right to appeal had been granted”

Julian Assange wins a round.

In the normal run of things, if a very senior judge instructs you to give an assurance to their Court, it would probably not be wise to avoid giving the assurance, to devote a huge amount of text to trying to obscure the fact you have not given the assurance, and then to lecture the judge on why they were wrong to ask for the assurance in the first place.

7 Replies to ““Sharp stated simply that the right to appeal had been granted””

  1. So, the arrogance of the IC strikes again. I hope Assange prevails and the order to ship him to the USA is vacated absolutely.

  2. Julian Assange Deserves FREEDOM & 5 Million per yr for wrongful detainment

    Jailed and Persecuted by a Vindictive Govt…
    They couldn’t “HANDLE THE TRUTH”

    Never could to be honest.
    With the likes of Obama-Clintons-Trudeaus-Macrons-Rutte, you were/are likely to be eliminated – Shermancide/Arkancide….take yer pick

    There truly needs to be a Cleansing World wide of this demonic Leftist Filth that permeates Western govts.

  3. Anyone who still thinks Assange is guilty of any crime is a brainwashed fool.

    1. Pretty much. I was unsure at the start but as things unfolded it was obvious what was being done.

  4. Different circumstances I know but it’s too bad Edward Snowden doesn’t get the same press. He’d like to leave Russia but he knows if his feet touch U.S. soil he’ll never see the light of day again.

  5. from Julian’s experience can we conclude this is very strong evidence, nay, SOLID PROOF that *one* of the BIGGEST AND MOST DANGEROUS ENEMIES OF TRUTH AND FREEDOM are the shytstains that bubble to the top of the heap like scum, and claim to be ‘guardians’ from that position?
    like the TURDeau, oBOMBa, bushes 1.0 & 2.0, especially dubya
    (george, hey, when you torture detainees their friends quickly find out and it backfires because at the very worst, theyre gonna really make life miserable for OUR people in THEIR custody. but naturally your ‘experts’ at extracting MOUNTAINS of lies misleading stuff AND in cases theyre just an ignorant useful idiot, really, really dont know anything so like MILLIONS of torture victims in the middle ages they ‘fess up’ to ‘whatever’.
    so, that being the case you MUST take it with a grain of salt, further analysis to uncover if the suspect in their last hours SENT YOU ON A GOOSE CHASE)

    just saying. so ya dubya THATS why YOU get in the group. aka lying fcukface bullshitter
    etc etc

  6. He will never be free or forgiven for airing the governments dirty laundry.. He must be destroyed on principal so no other fast fingers get any bright ideas.. Understand?..

    In the ole days they would just put a bullet in him.. But we are not that humane anymore :)..
