15 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. The truly hysterically funny thing is, the same hippies that demand that these windmills be stuck up all over the place, Have a major fundraising effort to Re-forest the Highlands’ as the century or so of sheep have essentially destroyed the eco-system.


    1. But we’re not blaming the actual sheep, right? It was people who tore down the Caledonian Forest, people who pushed other people (crofters) off the land to make way for sheep (the “Highland Clearances”) and people who brought the sheep in. The mutton doesn’t know any better.

      And we are another generation of people who think we know what we’re doing.

      We’ll be needing more of those sheep in the future, to produce wool. Because without fossil fuels to heat our homes, we’ll be needing more warm clothing, and we won’t be making it out of synthetic fleece because we won’t be mining fossil fuels from those synthetic fibres are made nor to power the looms to make cloth of synthtic or natural fibre. Career advice for the future generations: There’ll be growing demand for people to work as shepherds and weavers.


      1. Naw, I was pointing out the drooling hypocrisy of cutting down millions of trees to construct bird shredders, and in the same breath, asking for donations to plant trees so birds can live in them.

      2. We are truly going backwards.. Line up at the wooden shoe makers.. Buggy whips coming back in style.But I want to see the “pushers” of this modernity to live it first. “Off with their grids” the lot of them.

      3. no no no tooner.
        we’re going to be reduced to scavenging the fur off all them deceased polar bears.
        gonna be lots of *them* apparently.
        jeezuz murphy the *dictionary definition* (if not clinical) of IN-SAN-I-TY these greens.

  2. I sent that link to a lefty adversary of mine when it came out a few days ago. Haven’t heard diddly squat back. She must be working hard at another rationalization.

  3. I am one of those who do not believe everything on the internet is factual or true. Why clear cut trees, especially trees much shorter than the windmills (eg scotch pine, willow, eta al). Makes no sense from a financial or ecological perspective. Not doubting the figures necessarily but rather what it means.

    1. As I recall, trees (even ones shorter than the turbines) will disturb the wind flow over the blades of the turbines thus a loss of efficiency.

      1. Gang Green is hypothetically using the turbines to lower CO2 emissions, but the trees were a carbon sink, so cutting them down releases the carbon they had sequestered and ensures that they do not make more little trees.
        This leaves aside the ecosystem which used to live in the forest, but is now homeless. It’s all a big cycle of insanity.

  4. This probably explains with Scotland wants to stay in the EU. Cut down our trees, give us wind turbines, just keep sending money.

  5. this just in (justin?)
    I have it on good authority the plan is the keep clear cutting, then set fire to them in big piles right next to the wynnedfarm sose the firestorm creates (wait for it) huge winds . . . to . . . . . drive the avian slice-o-matics.
    makes about as much fcukin sense . . . .
