59 Replies to “The Covid Cult”

    1. Wonder if she too smiles like Fauci when she speaks of all things medical? Creepy and phychotic looking, like they enjoy hurting people…in the (((name))) of science!!

    2. Love and subservience to the state are different things.
      One is for people, the other for institutions and system.
      Hint: one is amoral, like those who enforce its edicts.
      No need to guess which is which.

      “We have usurped many of the powers we once ascribed to God. Fearful and unprepared, we have assumed lordship over the life or death of the whole world – of all living things. The danger and the glory and the choice rest finally in man. The test of his perfectibility is at hand. Having taken Godlike power, we must seek in ourselves for the responsibility and the wisdom we once prayed some deity might have.” John Steinbeck. I’ll give the statists a big fail on that one with the irony it’s exactly what they want for their power.

      “Power is what spoils people. Yes, it seems to me that the seeking after power is the great danger and the great corruptor of mankind.” Baldur Von Schirach

      “Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.” Robert A. Heinlein. The cause may change but not the abuses of power.

      “The danger is one which democracy by itself does not suffice to avert. A democracy in which the majority exercises its power without restraint may be almost as tyrannical as a dictatorship. Toleration of minorities is an essential part of wise democracy, but a part which is not always sufficiently remembered.” Bertrand Russell. And a famous coronally:

      “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. . . . those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” C.S. Lewis

      Sounds tragically familiar imho. Individualism must die, followed by individuals who dissent or are deemed useful.

  1. Any DOCTOR who holds these views is certifiably UNFIT to be a medical doctor. Her license should be revoked, and she should be barred BY LAW from so much as getting within 1,000 ft. of a hospital, Medical office, or patient. She should be treated as a convicted pedophile is with regard to children. Stay away, or face arrest.

    She is one SICK puppy.

    1. I think we are starting to see many of these morons who claim to be “medical doctors”. These idiots have no idea how much damage they have done to their profession. The Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons need to be purged of these quacks to make way for sane and professional doctors.

  2. I’m not vaxed, because I love me.
    My kids and ex, because they love themselves too.

    It’s been months since I’ve directly spoken with family in Regina, SK. Some have said the reason the sweet and sour Wuhan sickness is still around falls directly on the unvaxed. I doubt any of them have more than a basic understanding of how sicknesses spread, or what is natural immunity.
    That narrows down the conversations which are not too controversial, to things like “which color should a kitchen be painted?”
    I say it should be butter colored as that makes food look better, as if anyone agreeing or disagreeing with me would change whether the food looked better or not?

    and it IS a cult.

      1. Here, also. It’s a subject I cannot broach with my sister, who waits patiently by the phone for news of the latest available booster. Her trade? Medical professional with multiple degrees. A good portion of the population is trapped within the tyranny of technology and “the science.”

        The kids? Sadly, they are held hostage by that bitch Alexa. Told them I’d take it out in the yard and shoot it.

        A physician who celebrates her own ignorance? Not even the least bit surprising.

        1. We received an Alexa from a grocery store give away. My 11-year-old grandson played with it for a while. I asked him if he thought Alexa could be listening to his household. He though about that for a day or so, then I found him with hammer in hand and Alexa in small pieces. The kid’s not dumb.

        2. My highly educated brother seems to have forgotten his junior high lessons on vaccines and immunity, is multiple vaxxed, still wears masks and won’t even meet me for lunch in a restaurant because I’m unvaxxed. I had the alpha version of COVID, thus have natural immunity (which he denies exists). If COVID vaccines are effective as he claims, why is he afraid of the unvaxxed? It’s like he swallowed whole the fear mongering and put his brain in neutral.

          Of course, from this you already know how he votes….

  3. Shes a doctor?? Would she feel bad about instructing others to take the shots if it was actually poison? Like…would she feel bad about telling them “its safe!!” and then they died from it….? Or would she feel good about her part on their death…cause it came from “love”?

    This is not someone who should be a doctor… Wheres the college of physicians to put her up on review like Peterson?

  4. I think many people used to look at doctors as deities. Thanks to covid and the vaccine nonsense I think that’s been smashed to bits.

    1. I was reading a book on agricultural aid to third world countries a while ago. It touched on the use of agricultural economists with faint praise – that good ones were somewhat useful. And to remember that back about 1500 medicos came in by the tradesmen’s entrance.

      Seems that medicos are working hard to regain that status.

    2. “I think many people used to look at doctors as deities. Thanks to covid and the vaccine nonsense I think that’s been smashed to bits.”

      It sure has.

      (well, that and not being able to tell what a ‘woman’ is..)

  5. I was in Berlin in November 2019 and visited the topography of terror. This tweet reminds me of that visit and how 1930s Germany created a history of evil when cult mentality goes unchecked.

  6. She did it out of love. She is a doctor and did it to others and advocated it to others, and still is. So, if her feeling was doing it out of love, and as she said, it is “actual poison”, she was killing and harming people “out of love”. That is not love, that is hate.

    And who cares what her cute ‘lil feewings are? I do not pay a doctor for their feewings. Warm fuzzy feelz do not cure anyone. Those feelings are in her, I cannot feel them and they do not effect me.

    And she has here declared that her personal feelings are more important to her than your life. What if someone says they get good personal feelings out of beating her face in with brass knuckles, what does the law, ethics etc say about that? But beating makes them feel better! Isn’t it important to make them feel better? She is basically saying this, it makes her feel better to do unto you so you are injured and killed. How many has she killed, how many injured, is that enough to make her feel good, how many is enough? What do we do with mass murderers, especially unrepentant ones who are still doing it and publicly state that they intend to continue?

    This is all because she says (she is wrong) that she is a doctor. If she were not a doctor, she is allowed to kill herself. As a doctor, she is not allowed to kill us. She is not allowed, in her professional capacity, to even advocate killing us.

    Real doctors today use science. She uses feelz. She is not a real doctor.

    And real doctors, which she is clearly not, use science that says viruses mutate. This virus has mutated to first ignore the “vaccination” (technically not one, but an experiment MnRA therapy), and there is some growing evidence that the latest (and widespread already) version of what was once a slightly more sever than normal common flue but is now symptom and lethality wise no more than just another of the 200+ kinds of common cold has mutated to actually prefer “vaccinated” people and make them ill more often and sicker when they are. And that is exactly what one would expect it to do, it is the nature of mutation, of “survival of the fittest”.

    1. Nightfall, I agree with all your post except…
      “…version of what was once a slightly more severe than normal common flue but is now symptom and lethality wise no more than just another of the 200+ kinds of common cold”

      After much reading and personal experience with two members of my family I will say this. while the CFR is similar to a basic flu, or less for many cohorts, the virus is far more potentially severe to anyone with a pre-existing compromised immune system. That is a lot of people, as many people are on the SAD diet of heavy carbs and processed seed oils. (The spike, whether viral derived or vaccine derived, is going to spike, and systemic damage is both possible and manifest.) Dozens of decent studies demonstrate the pathology involved. The “vaccines” can do every harm the virus can do, and considerably more including, in and of themselves, severe harm to the immune system.

      BTW, I think we have no idea what is happening in China. The potential for the severe harm and loss of life is there. I base this from many on site annomanus testimonies, as well as forever disappeared medical Chinese who were outed for contradicting the official CCP reports) and some early peer review reports that many Chinese have several times as many ACE2 receptors, and so are possibly more vulnerable to Covid systemic harms.

    2. Nightfall,
      No that isn’t hate, it’s a form of insanity. It’s what happens to the rational thought process when one has been thoroughly brainwashed. She has a cult-like delusion that only a cult-deprograming intervention can cure.

  7. I get it. She did what she believed was her duty and she has no regrets. A soldier who enlisted to fight a war that turned out to be a bad cause might say the same. She loses it on the love/ hate shite though.

  8. I approve of her message. I can only hope that all covidiots and climate change fanatics hear it and are also willing to kill themselves. That would truly save our species and our planet.

  9. I schooled 2 dental doctors yesterday, they dutiful sat and listened, but did it sink in?
    Our “medical professionals” are a huge question mark.

  10. I for one applaud this doctor for her faith in The Science™. It’s rare to see that sort of religious fervor, not since the days of the Aztecs was there such an unshakable trust in human sacrifice. I am hopeful that we are slowly returning to the days of long ago when gods and demons existed in every rock and tree and river and we relied on our shamans and witch doctors to keep us safe from Nature. If only we could erase the knowledge of Fire and the Wheel and knapped tools we could return to the Paradise humans were meant to inhabit.

  11. Her mind went pretty quickly to “injected actual poison that might give me days to live.” That’s even more radical than my own thought process as an unvaxxed, I was thinking months.

    But I can assure her, the only hate is that I would hate to die to please Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.

  12. All the hateful comments in this thread actually prove her right. If you want free choice and free speech, you must recognize her freedom. And please, stop hating, we all deserve basic respect and a bit of love.

    1. Manny, you are 100%. Now, the patients she had that did not want the vaccine, but she coerced them into it, shamed them, told them they were haters…was that her love, or theirs? What about children who lost their parents to the vaccine, are they feeling the love too?

    2. Manny, such an accusation, yet lacking in any specific quotes. You may see hate, another may see deep frustration with arrogant ignorant assumptive stupidity from a judgemental and dangerous woman.

    3. And is she a fine example of someone that believes in freedom or in recognizing that of others ?

      It’s past time to molly coddle these altruistic fascists.

      Would you be polite to someone forcing you to take the shot?

      If we don’t show some spine, it will soon be a vestigial organ.

      The doctor got vaccinated out of fear. Not love. She is a liar.

    4. No. The comments on this thread do not prove her right. She’s free to speak, and others are free to respond. Her freedom is duly recognized .

    5. “…we all deserve basic respect…”

      Basic respect went out the window w/ lockdowns, “vax”mandates, masks, frozen bank accounts, locked borders, vandalism, EMA, etc., etc., etc. The entire lot of ’em can KMHUA.

      There ain’t no forgiving. There ain’t no forgetting. They’ve made their bed. Reap the consequences.

    6. Manny, she’s on the Pending list for INSTANT KARMA.

      Are you? Would seem so. Prepare.

      The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is not worrying about #DIEDSUDDENLY.

    7. “If you want free choice and free speech, you must recognize her freedom. “

      Jeffrey Dahmer’s mom loved him. Doesn’t mean I have to. If this “doctor” went beyond taking the shot herself and gave it to her patients in spite of thinking it might be poison, I’ll crush her “freedom.”

  13. “If I have to die because of my love for the world…”

    Wow! Some doctors really do believe they’re God. Of course she spews this garbage because she, like the rest of them, can’t admit they were (and still are) wrong.

  14. When the documentary “Died Suddenly” came out, and then caused Google to restrict searches for “died suddenly”, I started searches as such:
    “Advocate dies suddenly”
    “Teacher dies suddenly”
    “Player dies suddenly”

    If you want your eyes opened in an extremely disturbing way, try it yourself, using any noun you can think of. The most disturbing article I found was the “father dies suddenly”, and so did his two year old son, who starved to death in their home after the father died.

    But…that’s love….right?!

      1. DDG is also controlled.

        Use Brave Search, it is not controlled, and, searches are private/not tracked.

  15. She’s not really smart enough to make a blanket statement and claim some sort of altruism. She took the shot because she believed it would save her. She is wrong.

    She wants everyone to take it because she hates everyone now.

    A very simple minded person.

    She is admitting it does not work, but hating anyone that disagrees.

    What an idiot!!!

  16. So from what she says, she will never critically examine any medical advice she gave encouraging the use of a dangerous experimental mRNA therapy. As my physician uncle would occasionally say, this doctor should lose their medical license.

    I wonder if anyone has filed a complaint on her with the relevant licensing board(s)?
    That needs to happen. She has lost the critical faculties essential to practice medicine.

    1. “…filed a complaint on her with the relevant licensing board(s)?”
      Probably pointless as they all seem to be compromised.

  17. That’s literally insane by any and all human standards. Welcome to the brave new world. We will bravely die for absolute nonsense. Although that’s happened before and will happen again, this seems very different.

  18. It’s very important that people like me and know that I’m a very good person. It’s so important I would even inject myself with poison and die. That makes me a much better person than than the unvaxed.

  19. As is normal in the affairs of men, there are those that will never, ever acknowledge their stupidity.
    Been brainwashed, not that they did not welcome it, they will suffer to an old age if they live that long.
    The Wuhan flu madness replaced religion, that woman is solid proof of that.

  20. Oh she’s from Miami?
    She’s just just using her status as a doctor as a bully pulpit to make political statements espousing her hatred for conservatives, republicans, and Ron Desantis. Don’t be fooled.

    1. However, her “real” profile essentially supports the same mindset, just looks like some had some harmless fun, interpreting her own statement, in leftist hypochondriac, cultist terms.

      No harm, no foul. Oh, and no sense of humour from the left (again).

    2. “Actually, Rogan announced today on Twitter that he found that this was a hoax.”

      That makes me feel a bit relieved, frankly. I would hate to think that anyone who could pass medical school could be that oblivious to reality.
