Happy Election Day, Canada!

Well, here we are. There are 338 troughs in Parliament up for grabs, fill in the blanks with your own best seat distribution guesses. One entry per customer. Contest closes at 6pm Eastern:

___ Liberal
___ Conservative
___ Bloc
___ NDP
___ Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

Winner gets a free book, losers get another couple years of Prime Minister Spendy McBlackface.

Oh yeah. That. Another blackface photo emerged last night.

144 Replies to “Happy Election Day, Canada!”

  1. While the contest closes at 6 PM, the country will be finished by 8. By then, we in the west will be reminded once more that our votes didn’t count, never did, never will.

    That’s the harsh lesson I learned from the 1980 election, which not only returned PET to office, but ushered in his open war against Alberta through the NEP.

    Happy BOHICA!

    1. Oh, yes. 1980. I remember it well. Polls closed at 8 PM in Alberta. We had been waiting in front of the TV for some time before the election coverage blackout ended. At 8 PM precisely Lloyd Robertson appeared, with a big sh*t-eating grin on his face. “Canadians have re-elected Pierre Trudeau to a majority government!!!!”

      My father was never one to swear in front of the family. “SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!”

      After we regained (somewhat) our collective composure, he then exclaimed “Couldn’t those eastern bastards even wait for Alberta to start counting???”

      It was at the time one of the most disappointing nights of our lives. Little did we then realize….things would get worse.

      “He haunts us still.”

      1. I had a similar experience. I was at UBC at the time and cast my ballot earlier that day. I waited patiently for 8 PM to come and switched on the CBC that night. The host (Knowlton Nash, I think, but it could have been Mansbridge) behaved pretty much the same way.

        That’s when I asked myself why I bothered voting. It simply didn’t matter and helped put me off politics for more than 30 years.

        1. helped put me off politics for more than 30 years.

          And yet here we are.

          Even a Youtube cat video addiction would be better than this….

          1. I often cast my ballot because it was my duty as a citizen. I spoiled it because none of the candidates were worth voting for.

            The only reason I became interested again was because I saw what was coming in 2015 when polls indicated Prinz Dummkopf would win.

        2. You like editorial cartoons…this one was a beaut.

          The day after the election, Trudeau and Lalonde were talking.

          Trudeau: “Any suggestions for our new Liberal government?”

          Lalonde: “What about the West, mon ami?”

          Trudeau: “Will discuss foreign affairs later.”

          I cut it out and pinned it to my bulletin board. It stayed there until it disintegrated into dust, as Trudeau now has. But I still wish for his bones to rot.

          1. It stayed there until it disintegrated into dust, as Trudeau now has. But I still wish for his bones to rot.


          2. You mentioned Marc Lalonde in your previous comment. I think that if there was anyone who hated Alberta more than PET, it would have been him.

            He tangled with Peter Lougheed over oil pricing during the late 1970s. Lougheed wanted world price for Alberta oil and Lalonde tried the argument of “force majeur”, as if eastern Canada was not only entitled to that oil but at bargain basement rates. Even then Quebec thought itself as a “distinct society” (i. e., “we are special, you’re not, so fork it over, you redneck hillbilly”). Lalonde was not pleased when Lougheed told him to shove it.

            Lalonde’s hatred became even more apparent through the NEP and the resulting damage it caused to Alberta’s economy. It wouldn’t surprise me if he took particular delight in the high unemployment rates.

          3. @BA RE Lalonde.

            Agree with you about Trudeau Liberals hating the West. I think in the cartoon Marc was just being used as a “reasonable man” foil for Trudeau’s punchline. At the time, even the easterners were remarking how unusual it would be for a majority government to have no representation WHATSOEVER west of Manitoba. And only Pink Lloyd and another non-entity elected in Manitoba itself. I only wish the West had truly been “foreign affairs” then; it would have meant we were a sovereign territory, which sad to say we were not and remain not to this day.

            I don’t know if its true that Lalonde hated the west MORE than Trudeau. That would really be saying something. Trudeau’s hatred was very personal, and visceral. That Salmon Arm salute summed up his feelings more eloquently than any other action or speech. Lalonde was unctuous enough to keep his emotions and personality out of his work. And his work, starting out as a backroom boy in Lester’s PMO, was simply that of respectable-looking hatchet man. For the non-respectable-looking hatchet man, look no further than Chretien. And the cartoonist couldn’t have used Chretien in the role of foil, because we all know Trudeau wouldn’t have asked Chretien’s advice on anything. In book “book”, Chretien wrote about sitting next to Trudeau on a plane, and was nervous about striking up a conversation, Trudeau’s “hauteur” making Chretien uncomfortable. Chretien decided to break the ice. “It’s really raining outside.” Without looking up from his reading, Trudeau said “And where else would you expect it to rain.” Shut Chretien up for the rest of the flight. And another Chretien funny, (this time just a parody), from the old Double Exposure team: Chretien explodes in Trudeau’s office, shouting hysterically “Boss! boss! Boy, have you gotta real big problem!!”. Trudeau chides him “Jean, Jean, how many times do I have to tell that’s not an acceptable way to enter my office? Now go out and come back in the proper way.” Chretien: “Ok, boss.” Chretien goes out, and after a short pause, explodes back through Trudeau’s door, shouting just as hysterically as before: “Boss! boss! Boy, have I got a real big problem!!!”

        3. I was drilling an oil well at the time, west of Edmonton. Finished it, they racked the rig and I headed back to Calgary for a mining job. Uranium was still a play at the time and oil companies were still involved in “energy” in northern Saskatchewan. I worked both sides of the track back then, mining and oil and gas. I worked every where else in Canada, including Quebec, but still kept an address in Calgary. I went to where the work was. I voted if I was in town at the time, which was rare.

  2. Oh, what the heck. Why not.

    138_ Liberal
    135_ Conservative
    29__ Bloc
    31__ NDP
    5___ Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

    Try to govern with that mix!

    1. No doubt that swine in Ottawa will use it to claim that he has yet another “mandate”. Uh, no. Besides, the only mandate he’d qualify for is renting a room with Barry and/or Gerry.

      And, yes, he’d be butt-kissing the Blocheads and the Dippers.

  3. A little late for another Blackface McSpendy photo.

    Last Wednesday would have been better. Nonetheless, in Liberal speak, “Nothing new here, move along, heck’s double plus teary sorry.”

    1. Rather than besmirching his already-tarnished reputation, that picture will enhance it. It portrays him as a bad boy who’s not constrained by rules, dynamic and daring, taking things to the limit.

      1. This. Every time something like this surfaces and he blows it off, the panties of middle-aged Karens from coast to coast get a little wetter.

          1. I wonder who the guy is next to Blackie, whose tongue is snaking in Blackie’s direction?
            What a putrid image to see upon awakening. Set the tone for the day.

  4. McSpendys – 140
    LibCons – 125
    Commies – 35
    Traitors – 34
    PPC – 3
    Lizard – 1
    Jughead demands Minister of Finance in a coalition. To avoid another early election.
    “For the good of Canada!”

    1. Mr. Dan…Juggie doesn’t want the responsiblity to have to do anything….he just wants the DO-RE-MI-MONNNNEEEEEEE.

      It’s all about the Benjamins, baby. It’s not about the work.

  5. Let me suggest:

    145 Libs because far too many Canucks love free money
    120 Cons because they don’t have an engaging leader, and it’s their own damn fault
    29 Bloc because da block is da block
    40 Dippers Because Jagmeet’s people always get their voters out, even when they’re distressed Liberals
    4 Others

    1. Yup, BC bud is a potent psychotropic.

      Just kidding. I get it. It’s like The Price Is Right and you think we’ve all overbid. Could be a prudent scheme to get yourself a free book.

  6. New blackface probably released by Libs. They realize Trudeau is long past his expiration date. They would really like to get Mark Carney installed, but idiot Canadians who cannot tell you the difference between debt and deficit, and couldn’t really give a shit anyway, will continue with their self indulgences and instead vote in a way that makes them feel morally and intellectually superior. Because the TV said so.

    And if the TV says so, it must be right.

  7. Libranos: 138
    Cons: 138
    NDP: 30
    Bloc: 30
    Green: 2
    PPC: 0, zip, zilch, nada, bupkis, diddly

    Result: Librano/NDP/Green coalition.

    1. Why woiuks the greens get anything this time?

      Libranos: 131
      Cons: 137
      NDP: 37
      Bloc: 30
      Green: 0
      PPC: 3

      1. Because Lizard May is in the riding of Saanich Gulf Islands.

        It’s full of socialist watermelons, cat ladies, organic granola types, hippies and hippie kids, who all believe in apocalyptic climate change. It’s a guaranteed win. She will keep that seat until she dies. As we see, she is now using a Walker. She only”retired” from “leadership” (Ha!).

        It’s amazing her ego can still get through a doorway.

    1. Dang, you took my guess. Okay:

      169 Liberal
      108 Conservative
      30 Bloc
      29 NDP
      2 Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

      I think y’all are whistling past the graveyard if you think the libs won’t do even better now and the cons even worse – too many people prefer security to liberty and will eagerly clamor to be treated as children to avoid the burden of taking responsibility for themselves. They know this is going to end badly, but at least it’s not their fault. Even if Daddy frequently comes home drunk and beats them, they still love their daddy. It’s only going to get worse.

  8. 148 Liberal
    126 Conservative
    27 Bloc
    34 NDP
    3 Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

    I think Lib voters will either stay home or punish JTru by voting for the JMeat.

  9. For what I am about to type, I am truly sorry:
    LIB: 134
    CON: 134
    NDP: 40
    BQ: 29
    GRN: 1
    PPC: 0
    MVR: 0

    Just like his old man after the 1972 election, Junior will go on bended knee to the NDP. “Whatever you want, you name it, you got it. Just keep me in POWER.” And so Junior will continue to rule over us like a demented king.

    1. But, then, it didn’t matter after 1974. PET went back to the polls, got his majority back, and then proceeded to wage war on Alberta.

      First, it was over the price of oil. Then he scuttled the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline (though he got Berger to do his dirty work for him). His slash-and-burn campaign was halted when the country had the cheek to vote him out of office, but, after Joe Who was ejected, he became even worse, starting with the NEP.

  10. That photo has all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. Putin is terrified of Justin Trudeau and will do anything to prevent him from winning! We all saw how Putin colluded with dRumpf to steal the election from Honest Hillary!

    1. Putin is a strategic thinker. He’s got the chess moves planned out well in advance while Junior is still trying to figure out how the checkers pieces move. 21 years ago, Putin had his agents lace Juniors drinks with tina, coke, and disco biscuits. Look at those eyes! That sheik is higher than a camel’s hump. And he’s everywhere you want him to be.

      “Hi, I’m Justin Trudeau. You might remember me from previous election campaigns…”

    2. I’ve seen a number of your posts, and I have to say, it’s very difficult for me to determine if you’re being sarcastic, or totally serious.

      If the latter, I am truly worried about you. You seem to have this dissonance thing all wrapped up and ready to go.

      There’s another word for what you’re doing, and it starts with a capital “T”, and ends with “roll!”

      1. PP is a parody account, he is excellent at that. Sadly UnMe, Allan S and Dizzy are not parody accounts.

        1. I suspected, but couldn’t be sure. I guess in nearly 6 decades, I still haven’t been around long enough.

  11. Lib 138
    Con 128

    Bloc 35
    NDP 35

    Other 2 (1 each)

    It’s just enough to allow a Liberal-NDP coalition.

      1. Always was. 85% Canadians cannot think for themselves.
        Vote Libs out, elect fake conservatives then vote them out to reelect Libs…

  12. Re the new picture, if Justin was a normal person he would just say, “yeah I was a bit of a jerk when I was twenty-one,” but instead we’ll get a torrent of new woke declarations of the need for everyone to avoid racism. You have to wonder what those two dudes in the background were saying.

  13. _169__ Liberal
    _109__ Conservative
    __32_ Bloc
    __24_ NDP
    ___4_ Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)
    338 Total, which we won’t know for a week, because, the mail in vote printer broke down Sunday night.

  14. Xi Jinping’s Liberals 138
    Joe Clark’s Cons 132
    FLQ Traitor Party 35
    Sikhs’ NDP party 30
    Others 3

    …and the Libs and NDP form a coalition and announce a New Energy Policy, outlawing oil and natural gas use.

    1. …and the Libs and NDP form a coalition and announce a New Energy Policy, outlawing oil and natural gas use.

      As would the un-Trudeau Trudeau party, formerly known as the Conservatives.

        1. Well, maybe a different sort of idiot. To bowdlerize a well-known phrase, identical dung, alternate accumulation.

      1. And don’t forget the principle residence tax to “ensure housing affordability”. Or a gift tax to ensure that your children do not inherit anything, except for the trust fund kids, whose parents can afford to set one up. And a capital gains tax increase.

  15. Sure are one heck of a lot of doom sayers here today. Liberals continue to control if the expectations are to be believed.

  16. What is the over/under on how many seats the Liberals will come from behind to win from mail in votes?

  17. Shithead’s Party: 115
    O’Fool’s Boat: 145
    CockBloc: 40
    Moonbats: 30
    Maxers: 5
    Indys: 2
    Drunky: 1

    My guess is the Libranos are shedding in three different directions leading to a CINO minority that will be extremely good for K-bec.

    But I wouldn’t be surprised if Shithead and the Libranos shed even more.
    Its probably my loathing for the Coward of the Cottage. Karma would mean he loses his seat and the Libranos tell him to fuckoff. Buddy’s Karma has him living out of a Seacan on Ellsmere Island for the rest of his days, solitary and quite insane.

    Flags back up by Friday?

  18. It will be a tight race tonight but then the 30 million mail in ballots 99 % for lil potato will come in and grant his most omnipotent a majority. Eeeewwee

  19. Couldn’t begin to guess the outcome of this over 600 million dollar election called in pandemic for no legitimate reason.

    Canadian voters are stupid beyond belief if we can believe the polls.
    Trudeau should be punished with a definitive boot out for pulling this stunt for his own benefit. Stupid people are giving his main opponent no respect, juvenile nonsense with his name, O’Fool, O’Tool etc, which will result in the same shit winning and it is all for naught. Enjoy another four years of the worst PM in our history.

  20. Lib 136
    Con 135
    NDP 31
    BQ 34
    GP 0
    PPC 2
    IND 0

    Just enough for blackface to keep power, propped up by the dippers and just enough for Alberta/West to say FU Canada. Where’s quebec going to get their money then?

  21. Voter turnout barely cracks 50%. (Disgust at COVID restrictions. No-one to vote for turns many away. Also laziness from being locked in house for 1.5 years.) Leading to :

    118 Liberal
    144 Conservative
    35 Bloc
    34 NDP
    7 Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

  22. 146_ Liberal
    124_ Conservative
    32__ Bloc
    35__ NDP
    1*__ Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)
    * Not sure who will get it: PPC, Green, or Ind. Best guess? Green,
    and that’s an optimistic forecast. I’ve seen projections where the libs have an even higher seat count.
    Crossing my fingers hoping I’m way off, and that the PPC actually scores a win somewhere.

  23. 141 Liberal
    139 Conservative
    _18 Bloc
    _38 NDP
    __2 Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

    Not scientifically done.

    In my dreamworld, it is 208 PPC, 42 Maverick, 45 CPC, 25 Lib, 18 Bloc
    If TurdHole had not pretended to be so high and mighty about doing blackface, no one would have cared.

  24. ShitLibs – 119 …… + Trunks of phony mail-in ballots = 139
    ShitCons – 125
    Bloc of Shit – 38
    DippShits – 32
    Other Shits – 4

    ” There are 338 troughs in Parliament up for grabs…”

    So true. The one prediction I can make for certain is that the vast majority of noobs elected, no matter their pipe dreams or any good intentions, will be swallowed by the system and will soon enough forget their constituents and make successful feeds at those troughs their TOP priority.

  25. 130__ Liberal
    135___ Conservative
    31___ Bloc
    35___ NDP
    7___ Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

    Wishful Thinking.

    1. “40 Other (PPC, Maverick, Green, Independent, etc)”

      Wouldn’t it be outstanding if that many Canadians turned their backs on the major parties.

      I really, really hope you win that book, Walter.

      1. “I really, really hope you win that book, Walter.”
        Yeah, me too. But unfortunately I expect I have a better chance.

  26. For shits and giggles…and because I’m not feeling all that positive about the outcome…

    130 Liberal
    130 Conservative
    28 Bloc
    18 NDP
    32 Other (PPC, Green, Independent, etc)

    Because voters aren’t willing enough to truly embrace change and punish the big two as they deserve.

  27. 170 Liberal
    106 Conservative
    30 Bloc
    30 NDP
    2 PPC

    The Liberals own Ontario and the Maritimes. – Lib majority. The Conservatives shouldn’t have treated their base like dog shit.

    1. Almost identical to my prediction.

      I hope we’re wrong, but expect we’re close to right on the nose.
