45 Replies to “Australia’s Fledgling Berlin Wall”

    1. It’ll definitely happen here in Alberta after Rotten Rachel gets back in. (Kenney, you spineless bag of goo–thanks for nothing!)

        1. You’re welcome.

          Our family never had to deal with “die Mauer”. It was built several years after we came to Canada. Still, my parents remembered when Berlin was one city and one could move about it freely, but that was before the Red Army came, followed by the division and occupation.

          I sometimes wonder, if they were alive today, what they would think of our situation. It might easily bring back memories of a darker time.

        2. It will if we don’t say no and refuse to comply. I believe I have said just about all that can be said about the whu who flu and the pathetic Canadian populace. I hate what we have allowed to happen and will go out swinging as hard as this old man can.

      1. Excellent BAD R. The idiots in Government really need to be taken down. Hopefully here in Alberta the voters this fall in the Municipal Elections vote out everyone who has been previously elected, good or bad. Throw them all out. Because none of them stood up for anyone of us as our elected officials.
        Mayor’s, Councilors, School Boards etc. Throw them all out and vote Maverick or PPC depending what your choices are.

        1. Hopefully here in Alberta the voters this fall in the Municipal Elections vote out everyone who has been previously elected, good or bad.

          In Redmonton? Hahahahahahahaha!

  1. Eyes are tearing here. The politicians have gone crazy and are drunk with power. Eventually they will destroy themselves.

    1. Eventually they will destroy themselves.

      That won’t happen until they’ve destroyed us first.

      1. Correct. They know we have become complacent. Hence all the references to the American Founders who would have “slit the throats of all the traitors by now.” We have become weak. We sheep deserve the slaughter.

    2. The Goo does not work Nancy. My DIL Daughter In Law is double vaxxed. She works in a Seniors Care Home, forced to Vax by Alberta Government and she has the China Virus. Just told today. Double vaxxed with the goo and she has the virus. The GOO DOES NOT WORK. Now they asked her if she wants the booster. She said why, I am double vaxxed and i have the virus. Shove your booster up your ass.

      It looks like the reports out of Israel are true. The Vaxxed are getting the China Virus, the VAX GOO does not work.. The Vaxxed may even be spreading the damn Virus with the ADE theory.

      1. Sorry about your daughter-in law, Watcher. She took it early on, if I recall, you wrote about her here, and no one fully knew then what the injections would do to people. Hopefully she’ll pull through.

        My 80ish yr old neighbor who has shingles all over his face is laying low these says. He rarely goes out anymore. I don’t believe he links his condition to getting Pfizered twice. (It can be a side effect of the jab) He doesn’t go on the web but his wife does, so if he knows, he’s not saying, worse, neither did his doctor say anything.

        1. “I don’t believe he links his condition to getting Pfizered twice.”

          He should, sadly shingles appear to be one of (many) side effects of the Pfizer shot. Doctors are told to deny the link and anyone questioning the authorities is risking their license.

        2. “My 80ish yr old neighbor who has shingles all over his face ” Recommend that he at least see an eye doctor – 4++ years later I’m still being treated for shingles on the cornea of my left eye, (for some reason it only goes down one side), and it’ll likely outlive me.

        3. I call it the CHINKYPOX now. Yah Ignorant but to hell with them.
          Live rent free in some Liberals Head.

      2. She does realize that her vaccine passport will be expiring soon if she doesn’t take the booster?

    3. Well, NR, it is up to we the people to take action and destroy them before they destroy us. Cowards and sheep will live as slaves.

  2. They are creating a modern Feudal System. You will submit to the GOO which does not work. And you will submit and prostrate yourself to the Globalist Design of the Police State. The New Normal, Build Back Better.
    Very easy to do in countries that have the Useless Westminster Parliaments were the Government is always on a pedestal and the Government has all the Rights and the People Have No Rights Other Than What The Government Allows or PERMITS you to have.
    POG. Peace Order and Good Government.
    The Nirvana of all Government Despots. We are witnessing this now in the Former Australia and the Former New Zealand. We have the very same Top Down Westminster Parliament here in the Penal Colony of Canada.
    Keep Your Guns and be Prepared to Resist and Defend Yourselves.
    You all saw the video from Australia were the Concentration Camp Guards are threatening to gas them.
    They have crossed lines there in Australia and in New Zealand and here in Canada.
    If you are unarmed get armed. And be prepared to defend yourself and your family.
    No One Is Coming To Save You.

    1. Do Aussies have to pay for the boot that’ll be stamping on their face forever?

      1. Yes same as us BAD R. The Westminster system is all about Top Down Total Control by Government.
        There are no checks and Balances of the Elected Government in this system. None.
        The PM is an Elected Queen with all the Prerogative of the Monarch once elected with a majority. And even in a Minority if he has the cooperation of the other Parties.
        The CPC and NDP should have forced an election instead of propping up Trudeau but they chose to look out for themselves instead of the people.
        POG. Peace Order and Good Government.
        Not Freedom and Liberty and Consent of the Governed.
        Show Them The Wall.

        1. It doesn’t matter what system of government you have, it matters what kind of people you have. Having a fine constitution and bill of rights and right to bear arms hasn’t stopped anything in the US, where there is a usurper regime running the show in Washington.

          1. Rusty it took 250 years for the corruption to get so far in the USA with their Constitution.
            And guess what when it gets bad enough, the People of the USA will use their final Constitutionally Legal Solution.
            The 2nd Amendment which authorizes the Citizens to Legally Take up Arms and Bring Down The Tyrants.
            There are probably 200M armed American Citizens.
            The Governments there have to tread very carefully.

      1. How shocking that this shop keeper was giving REBEL News an interview WITHOUT wearing a MASK!!! INSIDE !!! his restaurant. This shop keeper needs to be shipped off to the gulag, and told his business is no longer … “essential”.

        How is that not where we are headed.

        PS … just how many times have we flattened the curve thus far?

      2. The COP PIG GESTAPO are enjoying their bullying of citizens.
        I will never respect a cop again and if they are in trouble they are on their own.

  3. Much of the commentary about Oz is right. However, right now I am in Elliston, a small town on the South Australian Eyre Peninsula coast. We are mercifully 2,500 kms west of the beknighted Sydney conurbation and about the same distance east of the People’s Republic of Perth. At the local pub you are told to take your mask off if you are stupid enough to wear one. This is a big place, not everybody here is under the COVID Marxist bs trance that afflicts so much of the nation. Having said that, the portents are crap and I can’t believe what has happened to our old larrikin ways. 50 years of Leftist multicultural indoctrination I guess. We are all Justin now.

  4. I’m down near the Southern border of NSW, just north of Vic.

    The rules are arbitrary and nonsensical.
    You can meet people in a bottle-shop, but not a church.
    You can shop for chocolate, but socks and underpants are “non-essential”
    Farmers with land both sides of the border have been denied the ability to check and feed livestock.
    I have friends in government service who have been lied to by their superiors, in order to coerce them into getting jabbed.
    Aspects of the lockdown have been challenged in Court, only to have the Judge base his “opinion” on his feelings, rather than the relevant law. There are open letters from Police to their own Commissioner, questioning the legality of the regulations that they are being required to enforce.

    Don’t believe the claims that everybody is in favour of it, either. There are a lot of very grumpy people in the community. The problem is the kind of “she’ll be right” optimism that lets people think it will be over soon, when there is no evidence that it will be. A look at history suggests that it is far more costly to get rid of such government over-reach, than it is to achieve it in the first place.

    I am not optimistic.

    1. I don’t feel sorry for the Aussies at all. They voted for this. They supported it from the beginning. They’ve supported this sort of crap way into the past. This is the logical outcome (that was predicted by many). Now, they have what they said they wanted, what was predicted and ignored, and they continue to do nothing to change it. They were sheep, and they continue to be.

      1. Well, I feel sorry for them– and I feel sorry for Canadians. Canadians are about to lose considerable freedom over vax passports. Most Canadians did NOT vote for this. I believe Conservatives got more votes in the last fed. election. On a provincial level, people voting for Ford in Ontario did not expect this. I am still shocked thst he has agreed. I cannot understand why he would hsve caved on this issue. BC did presumably vote for this, but there is a big difference in votes behaviour in B C cities/ South and the interior. A lot of people there are also unhappy. More prople across Canada would be unhappy if they understood how they are being lied to.

      2. 25% of eligible Canadian voters can install the same Grit regime here.

        Then the rest of us can be sorry.

        Mini Pierre already threatened lockdowns which he will cause but blame on a virus.

        Or “angry” protestors who are simultaneously anti-vaxxers, racists and misogynists, most likely from Alberta.

        Trudeau won’t be dictated to by the likes of them.

        That’s his job.

        Anybody But Trudeau.

        That’s the ticket. Please vote against this dilettante.

  5. What’s happening here is dicktatorship (sic) by other means.
    Watching, reading and listening, the massive socialist/fascist propaganda by the mass media cartel is working.
    It is turning those that are not already into hypochondriacs so successfully its stunning.
    Could be said that the hypochondriacs are now the critical mass.
    The rest of the population is beaten down by the massive propaganda. There is no talkback, the control of the meme is iron clad, the communists, national socialists would be blushing with envy how easily the socialist/fascist manipulated the population to submit to the dicktat (sic).
    The young have no idea what they wish for, though they are going to get it and will not be happy once its instituted.
    It will necessitate a bloody revolution to get rid of the socialists/fascists.

  6. Watcher is right.
    We are dealing with people upon whom words are wasted.
    For “No” by you does not register as “NO” with them,for they are here to help you…
    And you are,in their world view,too stupid to use your own judgement..
    So your choices must be ignored.
    Yet these same people insist it is an abuse and criminal act to force a drug addict or alcoholic to dry out,before they are asked to make life choices..
    We MUST respect the choices these people make,while under the influence of brain altering chemicals..
    Progressives,the cancerous rust eating civilization.

    1. John I never advocate Violence.
      Neither did Pancho Villa’s supporters, they just did what had to be done when the time came.
      Those who are on the wrong side of this issue when the people finally have enough. are going to be very shocked indeed.
      Society, civilization, the people are like an organic creature or living mass etc.
      When they decide to cross the Rubicon and remove the Infection for the survival of themselves and their families.
      It will be BRUTAL for all the COP PIG GESTAPO and the Low Level Elected Tyrants, the MSM Gods, and Political Elite.
      The Blood will run deep in the streets. It has every single time in history when yu push the people too far.
      You know the IRA with very few weapons defeated the British Empire in all its power and glory. And it was all done by the Irish People refusing to cooperate.
      The tactic was first used in the Boer War. The Boers lost the physical war with the Brits. But brought down the Empire by hollowing it out from within.
      The very same tactic that has been used by the Left here in Canada and all of the western nations to destroy our countries.
      It starts in the school systems and in the media.
      The absolute biggest mistake Harper the SHITCON made was not shutting down the tax funding of the CBC and all msm in Canada.
      But never the less he was always a GLOBALIST anyway. A SHITCON backstabber for the Globalists.

    1. VOWG and Watcher,Death is far too merciful.
      After all these years of Kleptocracy and evil through “Do-Gooding”,why would I reward any of these parasites with a quick release?
      They advocate for chaos and destruction,I live to give them their hearts desire.

      I do not advocate violence,think of it rather as “Kinetic Reeducation”.
      For words are the soft way we found,a means to resolve differences.
      When you are forbidden to speak,ignored and silenced,well your opponent has made their choice .
      We are not “resorting to violence” we are merely communicating through their chosen method.
