Inside the Leftist Mind

Imagine a neighbour removed the snow from your driveway without asking and without asking for anything in return.  Wouldn’t the normal human reaction be one of appreciation and thankfulness?  Apparently not if you’re a Leftist.

Unless you’re a trained psychiatrist, you may not be ready to read this woman’s bizarre view of reality:

How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?

Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?

These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in neighborhood.

Here’s her Twitter feed.

Anyone care to share their diagnosis?

61 Replies to “Inside the Leftist Mind”

    1. Classic narcissistic personality disorder coupled with white (privilege) guilt. This woman is simultaneously proud of her wealth (who can afford mountain cabins in Tahoe?) … even her study abroad time in France … which she needs to feature in a story that signals her enormous virtue for hating the un-hatable … because they had a Trump 2020 yard sign … and guilty over her Irish whiteness.

    2. Knock off the crazy cat lady crap. Cats are wonderful animals. (There are two on my lap and legs as I sit in my recliner writing this. And a third nearby on a loveseat.) Can cats help it if some of the people who like them and adopt them are unhinged? So are some dog people.

  1. Every winter I remove the snow from two of my elderly’s neighbors driveways, that is unless one of my other neighbors does it before me. We all make it a point of honor never to see the two elderly neighbors with shovels. Damn, it turns out we were aggressively harming them… Not sure what to do now, maybe dump some snow as compensation? Spray the driveways with water and let them freeze?

    Shit, it just downed on me that I have been aggressively mowing my neighbor’s lawn every summer. I need so need sensitivity and unconscious bias training.

  2. Her name is Virginia?

    She needs to change her name. Virginia smacks of colonialism and other things.

    1. …yes and no matter what you call it the smacking and VBFs will persist. Eeesh!

      Ignore these people until the stench of their corpses command response.

    1. Or is she smart and unscrupulous enough to know better but write this nonsense anyway because there’s an audience for it and she’ll get paid?

  3. The world is stupid, filled with stupid people, and becoming more stupid every second.

    And yet, this lady takes it to an entirely different level.

  4. It will take her a few days, but I’m sure she’ll figure out sooner or later that these horrible people owed her the driveway clearing – and a lot more besides. And then the hatred and the resentment over how badly they’ve been treating her can kick in and all will be right with the world. I mean, she’s already admitting that these people somehow are only beginning to pay her back what they owe in order to be treated as decent people but just the beginning. It’s how psychopaths think, that everybody is out to screw them over and therefore they’re just defending themselves by screwing everybody else over first. Nothing is ever their fault, it’s everybody else’s fault, they’re completely innocent and everybody else is pure evil. Trust me, I know how this plays out.

  5. Imagine being so one dimensional that you can’t fathom the idea that someone who holds an opinion you disagree with could not also be a good human being who will still do nice things for people that they disagree with on some topics.

    When you honestly feel (can’t use think with this person) that the people you disagree with are the enemy and not caring/feeling/thinking humans like you, there is no hope for you.

  6. Incredible. Someone who supports the party of ‘diversity’, the Democrats, can’t handle someone having a different opinion. Furthermore, takes the view that IF you have a different opinion, THEN, you are essentially ‘evil’.

    The ‘Trump supporters’ are the better human beings.

    There are many, many like her – and as Duffman points out, you can’t use the verb ‘think’ with them.

    1. You’re confusing what diversity means. Diversity has two meanings (i) it means diverse people having the same opinion (not people having diverse opinions), (ii) it means that white people (including multiracial whites) are guilty and are to be purged (white silence means violence etc).

    2. To the left, “diversity” means everyone, no matter what their race, sex/gender, age, and especially what they actually believe, going along with what the left tells them they should believe.

  7. After reading that, I do feel sorry for the Babylon Bee or The Onion. It must be awfully difficult to write satire with that sort of competition.

    As for the diagnosis, I remember Kate’s often comment that we need a famine to give such people something real to worry about.

    1. Pray we never have a Famine.

      We didn’t have a Famine.

      We had a minor pandemic similar to a Flu Epidemic. This particular Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic kills a lot of very elderly people if they get it. It hardly even affects children or young adults.

      Look at how the Authoritarian Progressive Dictators have used the ginned up fear of this disease to seize power, destroy busineses, and devastate families. Drug use is up, alcohol abuse is up, bankruptcies are up, depression is up, suicide, especially TEEN SUICIDE SKYROCKETED.

      They never let any crisis go to waste.

      1. The phony plague finally accomplished what Prinz Dummkopf wanted all along: complete dictatorial control. His previous efforts failed, so this one finally gave him the desired result.

    1. And thanks to the glorious wisdom of Psychology, they will always have an excuse to be totally self absorbed, self righteous, and immersed in the Pride of Victimhood, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.
      Give me the wisdom of my Grandpa on a tractor over a therapist in her office any day!

  8. It is so typical of the self righteous politically correct. Their precieved contribution to society is to take from those they considered entitled and give it to those they consider oppressed. They could not acknowledge someone who is successful could be kind and generous. Don’t let it stop you from doing good. As for this ungrateful wretch – does f off ring a bell.

  9. ‘Good grace’ is a thing of the past amongst her fellow egoists because to acknowledge an unsolicited act with anything less than litigation would betray her belief in being on the right side of history. No good turn goes unstoned.

  10. On the other hand; a leftist would never help a neighbour gratuitously even if they were like two peas in a pod. Thus the reason for her mental confusion.

  11. Wouldn’t she be one of those who insists we practice “random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty”? Yeah, I thought so…..

  12. The larger community is a foreign concept to her. I suspect that she’s such a racist that diversity of skin colour is the only type she recognizes.

    A few weeks ago my team at work welcomed a co-op student, and this week we ere talking at the end of a long presentation outlining what we’re going to be doing (and how long we expect to be doing it). The discussion came to differences in how we think and how knowing our own strengths and weaknesses can make for strong partnerships when splitting facets of the work. One of my co-workers started making the point that that’s the true power of diversity, when you have many different outlooks examining a problem from different angles, when the most flaming liberal in the group started bringing up skin colour. After two of us told him to wait his turn, the first speaker finished on the note that it didn’t matter what someone looked like, it was their personality and culture that would determine how they are to work with.

    The classic question “you come from the same Germanic racial background as Jeffrey Dahlmer, does that mean you have more in common with him because of your skin tone, than with me because of a similar education?” was asked. Race didn’t pop up again.

  13. I couldn’t make sense of it so I gave up. So much mixed up in her mind, it’s as if she has been to the same hair salon as Nanci Pelosi.

  14. Good, decent people look after their neighbours because that’s what neighbours do. And they look after their parents because that’s what grateful children do.

    And they support conservatives at the polls, because they love their communities and countries and want them preserved.

    Sociopaths don’t give other people the steam off their piss if there’s nothing in it for the sociopaths. If they could they’d sell their own mothers and fathers, whom they have held in contempt since they hit puberty and got too big for Dad to belt even if he’d ever been allowed to.

    As it is, they dump Mom and Dad in a nursing home at the first opportunity, and greet the deaths of their parents (of broken hearts) with rejoicing, as it means they get something for nothing in the form of their inheritance.

    And they support globalist parties.

    The socialists offer them a lush welfare state, undemanding jobs from which it is impossible to fire them, and expropriation of anybody who makes too much money honestly.

    The liberals offer them black drudges to do the work they’re too lazy and vain to do themselves, and too tight-fisted to pay a neighbour a living wage to do for them.

    They know that in the long run this will turn their communities into Third World cesspits where nobody in his right mind will want to live.

    In the long run they figure they’re dead anyway, so who gives a fornication?

    The insistence of good, decent people on common decency never ceases to amaze and amuse the sociopaths.

  15. This is why I don’t hire or deal with leftists. Too much hassle. Purple hair? Nose ring? Tattoos? Hell no. Nothing but a problem waiting to happen.

    1. How DARE you! You MUST “celebrate” their “difference” ! Look at them! Look at THEMmmmm!!!!!!!! … they beg and demand.

      Oh … and if you give them the cold shoulder … they’ll claim you are discriminating against them for their “looks”. At which time I say … uh, yea-ah-ah! You look like shit, and I avoid train wrecks like you. And listen, hon … you’re NOT different or unique because of your lip ring. Meh. It’s as common as dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Oh! And it doesn’t make you look “pretty” or “edgy” … rather … I see it and surmise you’re kinda a sad, damaged, human. Yes, your lip ring and ear gauges make me pity you and feel sorry for you.

      1. That’s what I’m saying. If you deal with leftists you’ll have problems. Best to not deal with them. They don’t like deplorables anyway so give them what they want.

  16. “Anyone care to share their diagnosis?”


    Just what the world needs … another effin drip.

  17. If you have replaced God with your worthless, self-important, paranoid self, then, yes, you are an ungrateful leftist for whom a mere nod of thanks is beneath one.

    This little b!#ch lives in a neighbourbood decidedly racially un-diverse. Does she feel safe there with people as white as she is knowing full well she would never really get along with others who don’t look like her? What a racist cow.

    1. Just like the left, all you have is calling someone a racist, because of where she lives? Really?

      1. Yes, really, because underneath that paper-thin veneer of righteousness is someone who actually hates people of different backgrounds unless she can pigeon-hole them. She feels comfortable surrounded by people who are just like her and then (do read her Twitter feed) has the audacity to call others racist.

        Put her in front of a black conservative and watch the little b!#ch cringe.

  18. So, the leftist mind hates their enemies. Big deal. The right could learn a lot from this dumb cnt.

  19. The left has stolen the election of the world’s most powerful country, labels us all as evil woman-hating nazis, fines and arrests us for not obeying their extra-judicial edicts, uses any and all pretexts to smear us, and all we do is shovel their driveways, and say “see how mean they are?” when they don’t say “thank you.” God, we are so screwed.

  20. Couldn’t she bring herself to mutter a simple thank you? You see, in a polite society people will often do nice things for others for a variety of reasons – most of them based in good will and empathy. There is very little chance of someone going to the trouble of clearing your snow with nefarious intent.
    If she can’t bring herself to feel the slightest gratitude for a simple act of kindness, she must have a very dark soul.
    Just wondering what she’s going to think if the guy doesn’t clear her snow the next time. Even more offended, likely.

    1. They’re all like that. This is what we’re dealing with. I can’t believe people still don’t get it.

  21. She is a walking, talking, textbook example of classic Cognitive Dissonance.

    Or in layman’s terms, she’s barking mad.

    1. Progressive.
      Do not forget .
      Liberalism is a progressive disease.
      These are the individual rust cells eating away the steel sinews of civilization.
      We need to help them succeed while dodging the fallout.
      We need a red neck rebellion,isolating ourselves from the rule of fools and bandits.
      Withdrawing our produce from the equation,so that they shall enjoy their “wealth redistribution ” in all its glory.
      For these foul critters are about to decree all who mock them as terrorists,allowing the productive citizens to be criminalized,arrested and stripped of all their wealth..
      This is how the parasitic overload has always rolled,just as soon as they believe they have the power.

      We seem to keep forgetting,these are useless parasites,they have never added one cent to the overall wealth of society..As they see it wealth is a zero sum game,to be taken not created.

      There is a reason”Math is hard” is so prevalent amongst the “Progressive”.
