Arizona Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tucson

Tragic news out of Tucson.
Question: How long will it take before the MSM starts speculating that the murderer was a Tea Party member, Republican, white conservative, and/or NRA member?
Update: Early news reports did state that Ms. Giffords was killed and so that’s what I reported. The headline has now been corrected but I wanted to acknowledge my mistake.

89 Replies to “Arizona Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tucson”

  1. Already are. CNN person interviewed on scene says the polarization caused by the right caused it. Daily KOS speculating a “second amender” (Tea Partier) was shooter. Fox getting trashed

  2. Question: How long will it take before the MSM starts speculating that the murderer was a Tea Party member, Republican, white conservative, and/or NRA member?
    Already done. According to every lefty on Twitter, we all pulled the trigger and are to blame for this tragedy.
    But remember, when 19 Muslim men stage a coordinated effort to hijack planes on 9/11, when terror attacks by Muslim extremists in the following decade number in the thousands, the very same left will be the FIRST to say “They don’t represent the larger body!”
    Just a nightmare.

  3. I hope that the shooter is a nut case, tea bag, knee-jerk conservative, gun toting chickenhawk who lives in his parents basement watching Fox news and reading Glenn Beck. A Sarah Palin Tattoo would be nice too. I really doubt anyone on the left could be legitimately accused of promoting a “second amendment solution” to political disagreements.

  4. I hope that the shooter is a nut case, tea bag, knee-jerk conservative, gun toting chickenhawk who lives in his parents basement watching Fox news and reading Glenn Beck. A Sarah Palin Tattoo would be nice too.
    And when he turns out to be none of those, what will the lefties do, then? Cry?

  5. Politics is a blood sport but NOBODY should be killed over it. My condolences to anyone hurt or killed in this incident.
    As to motivation who knows but if history is any indication it is usually Democrat on Democrat, or Democrat on Republican political violence that kills people. Those on the right tend to use logic and reasoning. Those on the left tend to rely on passion and feeling. Passion and feelings are much more likely to result in such an assassination than reasoning and logic.

  6. The report at 2:52 EST is that she is in critical condition, in surgery. Gunmen described as in his late teens, or early twenties. 6 are dead.

  7. This Congresswoman, although a Democrat, was an outspoken critic of Obama’s not doing anything about the border. I think it may have to do with violence spilling over from the Mexican border.
    But yes, the MSM will try their best to spin it as a Tea Partier gone mad. You will see the left use this as new amunition to try and shut down talk radio, etc.

  8. Truly a tragic waste of lives by another nut job loser. My sincere condolences go out to all the victims and their families. As usual the media never wastes an opportunity to put their biased spin on any tragedy, if it suits their cause.

  9. Remember, journalists are making up for their failed ventures into fiction writing. This is their moment in the sun. If they don’t make up some boogey-man, they will have to do some actual detective work.

  10. Pretty defensive post if you ask me. Is it really that far-fetched to think that in a state with the some of the most lax gun laws in the western world, that some mentally unstable Beck acolyte would have done this?

  11. Beck has been preaching non-violence, above anything. He says that every single day. UNLIKE the other side….

  12. From what I’ve been reading, it sounded like Giffords was more conservative than some RINO’s out there.

  13. ‘Snappy’ – You missed entirely the point of this item. Without any evidence whatsoever many, including yourself, have jumped to the conclusion what the makeup of the perpetrator was. I had hoped that the New Year would generate some new resolutions amongst haters like yourself. Sadly, nothing has changed. 🙁

  14. Is it really that far-fetched to think that in a state with the some of the most lax gun laws in the western world, that some mentally unstable Beck acolyte would have done this?
    And, so, what’s your point? Someone who is mentally unstable is just that: MENTALLY UNSTABLE.
    If we’re going to hold conservatives accountable because some whacko takes their words and twists them into violence, then none of us can say anything at anytime because someone might act on our words.
    And those “lax gun laws” may be what led to an event attendee shooting at the gunman. Just sayin’…

  15. Robert, be honest. If you were a police officer trying to think of people likely to do commit such an act, who would you be likely to profile? It’s obviously politically motivated.
    If it were a suicide bomber who had committed this foul and criminal act, would you be as restrained in jumping to conclusions? Methinks not.

  16. Based on history, whenever violence is blamed on conservatives/tea partiers, it has always turned out to NOT be one of them.
    My bet is on a disgruntled former employee of hers.

  17. If we’re gonna speculate about the shooter, I’m gonna go with a Spanish American Democrat. Call me crazy, call me wrong, but liberals have a nasty habit of eating their own.

  18. Obviously this must have been carried out by a Jain. Must be trying to stop global warming.

  19. “that some mentally unstable Beck acolyte would have done this?”
    Much more likely that it is some mentally unstable Obama acolyte.
    Is using ‘mentally unstable’ and ‘Obama acolyte’ in the same sentence being redundant?

  20. Dear Snappy,
    Let’s remember the recent track record of people with your mindset:
    1. Times Square bomber – originally deemed to be a right wing nut. Supposition proved to be WRONG.
    2. Discovery TV hostage taker – originally deemed to be a right wing nut. Supposition proved to be WRONG.
    3. Holocaust Museum shooting – originally deemed to be a right wing nut. Supposition proved to be WRONG.
    But you & your ilk never learn. Pity.

  21. “Based on history, whenever violence is blamed on conservatives/tea partiers, it has always turned out to NOT be one of them.”
    Fair enough. If it isn’t, I’ll come back and take my lumps. But the difference between your garden variety mentally unstable person and the mentally unstable person exposed to a constant diet of FOX, talk radio and Glenn Beck is that the latter is going to be inspired to “take action”. And in a state where guns are easy to get, that could lead to some deadly scenarios.

  22. Rob: every one of those was carried out by a “right wing nut”. The first by a far-right islamist, the second by a lunatic who, while being all over the spectrum politically, was at least partly fueled by right-wing rhetoric, and the last by a white supremacist. You really should check out the news once in a while.

  23. mister snappy, your blind hatred of all things conservative is showing. At no point has Fox News, Beck or ‘talk radio’ advised people to “take action” in a violent way.

  24. The propaganda is already prepared in generic format and only requires filling in the name of a suitable victim the left can embrace and pointing out the right is culpable even though evidence re same is zero. The need is to be first with the “news”. The fact that it is all lies is merely an honest oversight in a busy situation to be quietly retracted later if exposure of their fraud reporting looks like it is developing legs.

  25. But the difference between your garden variety mentally unstable person and the mentally unstable person exposed to a constant diet of FOX, talk radio and Glenn Beck is that the latter is going to be inspired to “take action”.
    Yes, because no media outlets or radio programs or websites are run by leftists, right? No rhetoric from lefties, which included lots of fantasizing about assassinating President Bush, could ever drive a leftist to commit violence, could it?

  26. Question: How long will it take the right wing nut jobs at SDA to use the death of innocent people to push their agenda?

  27. It is the American the that supports Islamists and wasn’t Robert Byrd (KKK white supremacist, longest serving senator) a Democrat.
    It sounds like most of the victims will pull through, except for a 9 year old that died in hospital.

  28. It is the American the that supports Islamists and wasn’t Robert Byrd (white supremacist, longest serving senator) a Democrat.
    It sounds like most of the victims will pull through, except for a 9 year old that died in hospital.

  29. It appears that reports of her death have been greatly exagerated. Just watched a news conference at the hospital where the Congresswoman was operated on and the doctor said she was out of surgery and they were optimistic for her recovery.
    When asked if they felt she could recover “fully” the doctor stated that they could not make that assessment at this time.

  30. Speculate all you want people! I’ll wait till those in the ‘know’ tell us the facts. No matter what, it is a sad state of affairs that a young man can take a gun out to a grocery store and start firing on people. Obviously not in full control of his faculties – no sane person would do something like this.

  31. This is the only site claiming she was killed. I’m guessing Robert didn’t actually read his source article – he just saw the (original) headline and figured she must be dead.

  32. For ‘Mister Snappy’ and all others of his ilk, let me add to my earlier list:
    4. Tucson shooting of congresswoman, judge, & others – originally deemed to be a right wing nut. Supposition proved to be WRONG.

  33. Of course the assumption here is that the congresswoman was the target. The judge, John Roll, who was killed was far more likely the target than the congresswoman. John Roll was a Bush appointee.

  34. Mr. Snappy, 3:38:
    Be honest. If you were a police officer trying to think of people likely to commit such an act, who would you be likely to profile? It’s obviously politically motivated.”
    Well, you could “profile” the half of the American population who supports the objectives of Tea Party, or you could “profile” the mentally ill, or you could “profile” s Dem operatives who might be eager to perpetrate a false-flag operation, or you could target low-ranking members of Mexican drug cartels.
    On that last note, since the one-time, brand-new-nic drive-by commenters are engaging in premature “ah-ha!” type speculations that it’s obviously a Tea Party member, here’s an interview excerpt to chew on:

    GIFFORDS: “The reality is that I am urging the federal government to put national troops on the border. I’m urging the federal government to stand up forward operating bases, put more boots on the ground. And unless the federal government steps up and actually secures the border, we’re really not going to have a conversation about any of these other peripheral issues.”

    SIEGEL: “But you urged President Obama to do just that a couple of days after the death of Mr. Krantz in your district, on his ranch. He hasn’t sent the National Guard in. Are you disappointed?”

    Rep. GIFFORDS: “I’m very angry. I’m very frustrated and the people of Arizona are frustrated. I serve on the Armed Services Committee and last night we finished marking up the National Defense Authorization Act, about $670 billion that go towards national security and our national defense. And I think about all of those hundreds of billions of dollars that are being spent abroad. Yet if you drive out to Cochise County you can drive for miles and miles and not see one border patrol agent.”

    Giffords went on to say that she’s a gun owner.
    Since you’re already engaged in excited – almost prurient – speculation, ask yourself this: if the shooter believed in the principles of the Tea Party, would a Democrat who personally bears arms and who wants to stop illegal immigration from Mexico be the first target?

  35. batman: How long will it take the right wing nut jobs at SDA to use the death of innocent people to push their agenda?
    You talking 9/11, abortions or judge John Roll?

  36. Alex – over two hours ago CNN kept reporting that she was dead – obviously they did not check their facts before spewing the worst……their reporters remind me of weather people – only job I know of where you can be wrong on a daily basis and still get paid.

  37. Alex – over two hours ago CNN kept reporting that she was dead – obviously they did not check their facts before spewing the worst……

  38. Alex at 4:27 PM: “This is the only site claiming she was killed. I’m guessing Robert didn’t actually read his source article – he just saw the (original) headline and figured she must be dead.”
    Sorry Alex, but the first reports did say she was dead.

  39. first attempt told me it didn’t post – second one slipped through – sorry about that.

  40. Maxine, Louise, thanks – I don’t watch TV, and all the online sources I’ve read were reporting she was shot but alive. Didn’t realize there were legit (well, somewhat) sources reporting she was dead.

  41. Louise, thank you for pointing that out. I did, in fact, faithfully report what the early news reports were saying – both on the Internet and on the Corus radio network. I have now corrected the headline but acknowledged my mistake.
