26 Replies to “Shameless Lil’ Castro Won’t Accept His Nazi Blunder”

  1. But he didn’t answer the question about his invitation of the former Nazi to the House of Commons.

    1. That would be the Nazi for whom the “Conservatives (every single one of them) ALSO joined in the two standing ovations.

      Every sitting MP, regardless of party, is a disgrace and an embarrassment. NONE of them deserves their seat.

  2. The Bong has no moral underpinning he doesn’t understand right/wrong lies/truth. There is only his truth.

  3. “How does it feel to be a moron Mr Prime Minister?”

    He handed Poutine such a big propaganda gift. His attempt at propaganda blew up in his face simply because he and his yes-man staff are stupid. But Poutine’s point is that Zelensky and the Ukrainians there knew the man was an SS, not that Trudeau is stupid (which was a given). The guy calling the truckers nazis gives Putin support in his denazification argument because of stupidity. The US has Joe, we have Zustin.

  4. … the rules based order … WTHF!!!???

    You mean like the “rules” and “orders” NATO followed when they destroyed Yugoslavia ? Sorry … I was DONE with NATO’s “rules based order” then and there. They proved themselves to be the woke shock troops then. Not to mention when SHE got NATO to bomb Libya and create a nightmare Spring for Libyan Arabs. I sincerely hope PDJT-47 defunds NATO next year.

    Or we’ll send Mitch McConnell to the front lines

      1. I think there is still a worthy purpose for NATO, but that organisation will never serve it because the entrenched bureaucracy wouldn’t risk their comfortable positions to adapt to the loss of the Warsaw Pact and the soviet Union. It is corrupted and discredited.

      2. The UN is overrun with ISLAMISTS and Far Far Leftist’s
        It is and continues to be a Place where the world & Globalist run ORGs can SHIT all over the US & the West in General on a daily basis.

        Why ANY Tax Dollars goes to support that Shithole is well beyond me.

    1. There’s a reason both Netanyahu and Putin treat the “rules-based order” with contempt. Those rules were only enforced against countries whose leaders took their people’s side against their Muslim, pedophile and globalist enemies.

      Netanyahu will destroy Hamas. Putin will destroy the Nazi rebels in Little Russia. Biden’s puppet masters will be the ones finding themselves on trial for plotting the annihilation of the Russian and Jewish peoples—in real courts in Moscow and Jerusalem, not a fake one in the Hague.

      Bullets and bombs paid for by the globalists made Russian and Jewish mothers bereaved among women. May the bitches who whelped the globalists’soon be bereaved among women—and their memory blotted out with that of their evil pups.

    1. I’m not quite as critical of the backbench and opposition MP’s standing and applauding. These guys do as their told and few would be quick enough on their feet to be paying attention and figure out what is happening in real time. You don’t want to be caught sitting in a standing ovation if your unsure of your protest.

      That said, the real culprits here are the Canadian Ukrainian Congress who recommended their Waffen SS hero to the PMO. They knew exactly what they were doing and bear the responsibility for promoting the nazi. The Prime Minister is equally culpable. He thought he could pull it over on Canadians and curry favour with Canadian Ukes and Zelensky at the same time.

    1. Yes but the CDS was there cheering the Nazi and this from a general who is supposed to have the moral authority to command an organization with the glorious history of having helped defeat those very same Nazis.

      1. The Ukrainian Waffen SS never fought Canada, so was in no position to be defeated by us. They were fighting Comrade Stalin. Which is why – which is the only reason why – they were ever regarded as “war criminals”. The country for which they fought does not regard them as such. The country they fought against, or at least its direct successor Russia, also stopped regarding them as such the moment they shook off Communist control, and only took up the claim as a propaganda device.

        The government – not Parliament – is responsible for international relations, and has the duty not to set up Parliament for embarassment. It’s the fault of those clowns. The MPs did nothing wrong.

  5. Interesting how there is a lump of dough standing there while Trudeau trashes the CPC and Pierre P.

  6. TurdHole is a classic narcissistic sociopath. As such, he is the hero or he is the victim. He is never the villain nor does anything that he should apologise for. He is charming until you call him out on his lying, then his true nature is revealed.
