The Libranos: Marco Strangelove

Blacklocks (paywalled);

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino’s wife held shares in a Ukraine war defence contractor as he pledged to be “out front in helping Ukraine with military aid,” records show. The holdings are among an extensive stock portfolio in the Mendicino family: “Canada will continue to be there for Ukraine.”

13 Replies to “The Libranos: Marco Strangelove”

      1. Sounds like another keen volunteer to go over and “fight for freedom”. Given the relative sanity of the BRICs on energy policy, the Ruble might be the better bet.

      2. Ever since FSB took over Prigozhin’s boot farm the quality of orc trolling has greatly deteriorated.

        1. The Russians seem to have become so isolated now that they cannot no longer tell whether their information operations are actually effective or not outside their own country.

          They’re essentially talking to themselves.

  1. There is nothing new under the sun. Give someone some power and they will profit from it. I don’t care which side of the aisle you’re on, if you’re a politician you’re grifting.

  2. L – A nation-state with a free press would be all over this story.
    A post nation-state, blended Marxist/Fascist dictatorship, not so much.

    A freedom oriented citizenry has their work cut out for them to
    reverse the decline. Previous generations sacrificed greatly to
    create what we took for granted, our heritage.
    Will Canada survive to celebrate it’s 150th or become a failed state,
    as per Justin Trudeau’s globalist dream? To be continued…
