Monday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  The Church of England endorses white supremacy theory.  A dangerous trans activist.  Wales art council purges pronouns.  Another eco-terrorist hypocrite.

Today In Islam:  The roots of French disorder.  Diversity in Fargo (JW).  Some migrants go swimming.  An eight year old Palestinian child (JW).  He’s no Geert Wilders.

Biden’s America:  The GOP race.  Harvesting baby parts.  Have we forgotten the Russian way of war?  Biden’s diverse navy.  Your morning meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  A story that was ignored by Justin’s media. Trudeau’s Muslim allies turn on him.  CBC promotes transgender mental illness.  The Winnipeg landfill.  A drag queen conference.  In Trudeau’s Canada, being against the grooming of children is considered a hate crime.  Dear Leader is still enjoying the Indian games in Halifax.  Liberals profit from the Ukraine war.  Our very expensive Governor General.

8 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. According to news reports Trudeau has told Muslim parents protesting the Alphabet agenda of child indoctrination that what they were protesting was all mis-dis-information put out by the American Right Wing. Apparently he was not in black face when he made those claims.

  2. Trudeau’s Muslim allies…you know it’s a sad state of affairs when the only religious folks with the stones to get out and protest the degenerates and child molesters are the inbred goat shaggers.

      1. ^Muzzies have pedos and pervs too. What about those Afghan and Pakistani warlords and chiefs that keep prepubescent boys as sex slaves?

  3. “Leave our Kids Alone” is now some sort of hate crime according to the paid for propagandists at CTV

  4. May I suggest that we task Jeremy Skibicki with the important job of digging through that Brady Road landfill to find the remains of the women he is charged with murdering. A shovel is all he requires; no need for a mask.
