64 Replies to “When You Become The Statistic”

  1. In any organization the ultimate responsibility for a policy and the requirements put in place rests at the top. We may never have a full accounting of the deaths and damage done to lives in Canada. But the person who should be held accountable for these deaths is Justin Trudeau.

    1. Yes, the buck stops at the top. BUT, there’s also the responsibility of the “lesser magistrate” to stand against unjust, immoral policy / law, e.g. like we saw almost every police chief do when Ford announced his plan to have cops pull people over just to see if they were disobeying quarantine orders, i.e. stay within your health district.

      The police chiefs stood up and say, “Ah, no”. And Dougie quickly rescinded his stupid, and likely illegal, policy.

      It is vital we, everyone of us, stands for right and truth where we are.


  2. At this point, is it “unexplained cause of death” or “refuse to investigate the cause of death”?

    Are postmortems being conducted to explain the deaths? Is anyone in the public health departments asking questions and collating data to look at possible causes and correlations? Are doctors raising any concerns? Is the legacy media asking questions (beyond blaming climate change)?

    IMO, these mysterious deaths can be explained in a modern countries with sophisticated research capabilities. The deaths are unexplained only because the relevant agencies and journalists are on a short political leash with a choke collar and a muzzle

    1. “At this point, is it “unexplained cause of death” or “refuse to investigate the cause of death”?”

      Pretty sure we all know that answer.

      1. To add insult to injury, by refusing to establish the cause of death, the families have zero ability to get compensation if their loved one did die of a vaccine injury.

          1. Just as the medical profession can’t seem to figure out what gender someone is, how they died is also a mystery.

  3. So we’re just going to go along with that? The majority of deaths in 2022 are unexplained? Really?
    Only 150? Not enough. I’d like to ask the doctors who are not speaking out at this point, what exactly are you scared of?

  4. I was going to say that life comes at you hard sometimes, but in this case that phrase seems inappropriate

  5. They are the Trudeau Covid Vaccine deaths till proven otherwise. Unsafe and not effective….Trudeau and vaccines have that in common.

  6. Now we know why Turd’Ho was pontificating about not FORCING anyone to take the clot shot. Nuremberg code comes to mind.

  7. Growing up in the US in the 70’s, I had classmates die as early as high school and others as young people in their 20’s and 30’s, and eventually word would get around as to what actually happened to them.

    Several of the deaths turned out to be confirmed as drug related after toxicological testing was done. Are they even checking on what happened to people less than 60 who die anymore, or do they not question things because they know the new (post 2021) answer?

  8. One of the problems is that only 6% of deaths have autopsies performed. That’s criminal. Autopsies are an incredibly valuable source of information for doctors, letting them know when they misdiagnose and how they can improve.

    1. And the reason is simple….a cover up. “They” don’t WANT to know….or more importantly, they don’t want the public to know.

    2. “One of the problems is that only 6% of deaths have autopsies performed.”

      A friend of mine was recently successful in drinking himself to death. His common law partner requested an autopsy. Results in a year.

      W. T. F?

    3. Autopsies should be mandatory where death is early or unexpected. In order to attribute it to the vax, certain stains have to be done, these are not done, I wonder why? See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil….cash the cheque.

  9. L – The Sask. Party government and the Sask. Health Authourity are
    hiding a lot of data from the public:
    1. the human health cost of the Lockdowns, which was predictable.
    2. the cost in human health of the mandates(coercion) of
    the experimental gene therapy from(lack of informed consent)!
    3. The intimidation of physicians, nurses, medical researchers freedom
    of expression, their reservations/disagreement with non-science
    based radical public health policy, including the suspension/revoking
    of licences for following medical ethics. A scandal the public is slowly

    Who will wear it? The W.H.O. or Premier, cabinet, caucus and the pretend Opposition, both parties shilling for the drug cartels?

    4. Autopsies are mandatory morally to discover a) the cause of death.
    b) if the cause of death points to perpetrators culpable for the demise.

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! The public has
    a right to know. The cover-up of the crimes, the institutional corruption,
    that is a wake-up call for a self-governing people.

    Rise to the occasion or condemn your children and grandchildren to
    live as indentured servants to a billionaire aristocracy and arbitrary government tyranny.

    Oct. 18th, 2024 is prov. election day. Make it: The Day of Reckoning.

  10. So far the Sask party government is taking no responsibility for forcing the jab or any consequences of the jab.
    Trudeau, evil as he is, has at least implied that forcing the jab is wrong.

    1. When the Saskatchewan premier went from vaccine passports are wrong to vaccine passports will be mandatory, within 3 weeks ….you could see the immorality of our provincial government

      When Sask Health reported and counted unvaccinated and newly vaccinated in the same category and our elected officials said nothing….you could see the immorality of our provincial government

      That’s just two examples of many that revealed the character of Saskatchewan’s Premier and MLAs. Government implemented policies of segregation and discrimination is disgusting. I have always voted for conservatives in this provinces but the Saskatchewan Segregation Party is dead to me now. I hope the pieces of silver they got was worth being selling-outs. In the end, the vaccines they used an excuse to promote bigotry and prejudice proved worthless in preventing infection and transmission.

        1. If you’re asking if I’d vote for the NDP, the answer is no. They’re as scummy as the Saskatchewan Segregation Party. I’d also never vote for the NDP because their economic, environmental and social policies are incompetent and destructive.

          If you’re implying that I should vote for Saskatchewan Party because they’re “better” than the NDP then the answer is also no. I’d never vote for a disgusting, morally bankrupt segeationist party, regardless of their other policies.

          1. I couldn’t agree more with you on this. I will never vote for the Sask party again over their immoral and corrupt handling of covid and the mandates they implemented. It was disgusting and this whole best of the worst is no excuse.

    2. After enforcing the jab, cute. trudeau is fit only for a noose, unless a crueler form of extermination can be applied.

    1. Looking forward to your final coincidence.
      Nice to know there’s another Ostrich here, preferring ignorance over awareness.

  11. Apparently there is a pandemic severity index from P1 to P5 with appropriate responses.

    Covid 19 was P2. Appropriate response is to do just about nothing to disrupt society as a whole.

    Covid is generally a nudger. If you are already teetering it might be enough to tip you over the edge into eternity. If we as a society had done things right there would be a spike in all cause mortality deaths from people who were going to die in the next year or two anyway followed by a shadow of lower than average deaths for a year or so.

    There’s no shadow. Some of that might be fentanyl but the rest is indication that the response to Covid caused more harm than good.

    In the fog of Wu it’s okay to be wrong at first but to deny and double down as things get clearer is inexcusable.

    As far as “not forcing”? Humbug. I recall in working life telling a supervisor to “tell Buddy he doesn’t have to wear his safety glasses. He just has to wear them if he wants to keep working here.” Not much of a choice. I admit I forced him to wear his PPE.

    1. The average age of deaths in Canada is 83.
      Average age of a Covid patient in Canada????????


      Bonnie LIED, Seniors DIED!

    2. Some with health issues may have been “nudged” along. However, some, including the healthy, were killed by the prescribed treatment e,g, intubation and Remdesivir. The public were told not to show up at hospitals UNTIL after the infection had set into the lungs. Meanwhile they were denied over the counter treatments for infection. The jabs themselves compounded infections and illness.

      In Canada, early on, some women died from the AstraZeneca jabs.They said only females of a certain age were at risk and only from AstraZeneca and OK’d AstraZeneca for other groups. Just how did they come to that conclusion, looking at who all are dying today?
      Later on, they pulled AstraZeneca and pushed the other “safe and effective” spike protein inducing mRNa jabs, despite the warning signs.

  12. I jes’ luvs it when the hard slap of reality connects with ignorance, wilful or not.

  13. Here is a story from the Ottawa Citizen today A chef at the National Arts Centre collapsed after putting out a fire. He had a heart attack, blood clots in his lungs, and eventually needed a quadruple bypass. He is 51. The suggestion is that this was due to smoke installation, but seems to have the earmarks of a vax injury to me. The adrenalin rush may have brought this on:
    Another incident where not enough questions are being asked.

  14. The sask party is a coalition of liberals and not so liberal.
    Just like the Devine government was.
    And liberals corrupt everything they touch.

    1. So are the BC United Liberals. They believe in the same things as the NDP, just at a slower pace.
      There is no opposition party in BC.

  15. Yes,it is criminal.
    Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,leading cause of death.
    It is a mystery…
    So what do the autopsy’s show?
    What autopsies?
    Such wilful disinterest is genuine government ..Good enough for government.

  16. The medical community is simply covering its collective ass. The College of Physicians and Surgeons needs to be called on the carpet and torn a new one. They were the ones dictating to doctors what they can and can’t do….they were the ones who directed doctors to not provide exemptions from these horrible “vaccines” even though they had never seen the patients of those doctors. They need to get their asses kicked….HARD.

  17. “Unexplained Cause of Death” is the leading cause this year?

    Can you -imagine- the raw panic that must be building in the people who voted for and enforced these mandates? They fired anybody who refused the jab, let us not forget. In trucking, healthcare, public service, police, fire, and the military, people were fired for refusing the jab. In their thousands.

    And now we have “Unexplained Cause of Death” at Number One over heart attack, car accident, stroke, etc.

    Wow. That’s going to leave a mark, eh?

    1. I hope raw panic is building, but based on the fruits of their continued behaviour I don’t believe it is. e.g. Ontario has a serious nursing shortage – why hasn’t Ford ( maybe it isn’t him directly, but the hospitals are funded by the provincial govt ) told them to bring back those unjustly fired.

      I don’t think they’re that scared. They’ve seen how the courts have ruled on a number of these things, generally siding with the govt lockdown etc actions, even when they were unable to prove the need scientifically. And when the courts are gone, where can the ordinary citizen go for redress?

      1. ” when the courts are gone, where can the ordinary citizen go for redress? ”

        Your local hydro/telephone pole.

  18. We know how this game is played. Any link is hearsay too. Or the source will not be Authoritative enough. Or you’ll just denounce the source because [mumble mumble].

    Personally, I never provide links to anything anymore, because of guys like you. It’s pointless. No proof or evidence is ever proofy enough.

    Go do your own research. Google is right there, waiting for you. Or don’t. We don’t care, really.

    1. Actually Phantom, in this day and age , I’d prefer a less biased engine than Der Google, Yandex Dot com tends to get me a deeper dive.

  19. Not just Alberta.. it’s been announced by the NB Chief Medical Officer too. But of course all of this was hushed up and suppressed after their initial announcements. But I guarantee you that this is happening in all provinces across Canada.. some provinces are suppressing the information though.

    1. BC is well known at suppressing and omitting information and data showing that Dix and Henry are FRAUDS.
      BC ERASED what was known as the “Donut Charts” in July of 22, when, the provincial stats consistently showed 90% vaxxed were Dying, in ICU, and cases. So, what does a criminal government do?

      Erase the truth, of course.

      I’ve got the screen caps, as do many others.

      Bonnie, Dix, Horgan, Trudeau, Tam, Heenshaw, etc are MURDERERS

  20. Did anyone else notice that none of the people testifying at this inquiry…….have made the mainstream media yet?

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

  21. Ha, control the narrative.

    Alta for sure, likely all, instruction was, absent a head missing, or traumatic death circumstance, Mark it as COVID. Funding and dollars flow to you. Admin very direct with all staff, if “any” question, it is/was COVID death.

    Any variance, or reluctance, or WTF, questioning, no shifts, you are outta here.

    Funny thing eh, welcome to Canada.
    PUKE, damn, it’s a sad/sad situation.

    Turd and face smashed in. Others who chased the dollars will answer in the end.

  22. And let us not forget that Alberta’s then top doctor, Deena Henshaw, falsely trumpted a young teen’s death from brain cancer as being from Covid because the kid had tested positive the day before he died. Fortunately, his family were strong enough – even in their grief – to call her out for the lie that her statement was.
