One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest

It’s like a bad SNL skit now: The Energy Department, which was previously undecided on the origin of the pandemic, now joins the FBI’s stance that the coronavirus likely spread due to a mishap at a Chinese laboratory, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.

Jonathan Turley: The categorical rejection of the lab theory is only the latest media narrative proven to be false. The Russian collusion scandal, the Hunter Biden “Russian Disinformation,” the Lafayette Park “Photo Op” conspiracy, the Nick Sandmann controversy, the Jussie Smollett case, the Migrant Whipping scandal.

50 Replies to “One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”

  1. And the Gatekeeper media hate Trump because they have now been proven to have been the water bucket carriers for not only perpetuating Fauci’s lies and deception, but have failed to do their own research into the misdirection of all things Fauci.

    Fauci is fake, the MSM are fake.

    Fauci lied, people died.

    My Bride DIED because of that evil man’s direction and actions. God hates evildoers, so do I.

  2. O.K. Basically everyone here already knew this. Here’s the good news, I don’t think they are capable of creating a super-deadly virus through this methodology. C19 was no more or less deadly than any other virus. I’d be more concerned about synthetic manifestations.
    CDC now says they don’t have enough data on multiple boosters within a year. Health Canada, what say you?
    There will be more coming from the FauciFiles. Berenson is out of the picture because he ticked Elon off.
    Origins aside, we need our “leaders” to start passing legislation that will prohibit elected and non elected officials from ever ordering lockdowns, travel restrictions, masks and injection mandates again over respiratory viruses.

    1. It was deadly enough to kill my wife who had minor lung issues.

      Do you think that all the DNA swabs that have been sent in to Ancestry are benign? There are reports that those sequences have been collected by outside sources and then what and where?

      With the technology and money being thrown at the worker bees to make SARS-Covid2, now that the evil has been successful in making it, is it not outside the realms of possibilities that they are now using DNA sequencing to custom build viruses? I have read and heard rumblings of that for a few years already.

      1. Not trying to minimalize your loss but I just don’t think they’ve been very successful at creating what they want. Ever since the technology was available to start farting around with viruses, I have no doubt they are trying to create a vicious weapon and they’ve been doing this for at least two decades. I’m more concerned about government forced injections – 10 billion so far and counting – than frankenviruses. At least for now.

        1. Well, If Dr. DAVID Martin is to be believed, there are already over 4000+ patents on Corona Virus………..4000+
          And I for one totally buy that…given they have been working on this shit since 1990.

          If you CANNOT patent an Naturally occurring mechanism,…then what have we got here..??
          4000 variations of Crispr tech gene splice shit…all designed for what..??

          This weaponization viruses has been going on since Mengle days.
          But I do agree with you RedPop…given it’s a respiratory virus, one that mutates likely 5-10 times a year, they definitely have not been very successful at all.
          Covid was nothing more than a bad cold/flu. Hyped a Billion times by utter BS….add in the salient fact that 99.9995% of the global population had never ever even heard the the term: “Novel CORONA VIRUS”, the majority were successfully traumatized & especially so upon the quasi NAZI “science” of HCL/Ivermectin not being allowed….all being pushed to seek their “salvation” from the 8 month miracle cure.

          I wont even go into the Remdesivir LIE…using that, was IMO, plain in yer face murder.

          Sure glad I did not put that utter filth into my system….stopped mask wearing in Mar of 21 nor got sick at anytime.

      2. “Do you think that all the DNA swabs that have been sent in to Ancestry are benign?”

        I’ve always wanted to learn more about my past, but not at the expense of getting my DNA shipped off to the ChiComs.

  3. So why now is the US turning on their GOF Chinese partners after 2 years of denial and obfuscation. Since corporate and major social media runs through Langley, it is the obvious question not being asked.

    1. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Russia = bad narrative isn’t working anymore, and they desperately need an new enemy to distract from their failures and ongoing scandals. China will become the new Russia in the years ahead, and I worry they will not be as patient as Putin has been with the West.

    2. The obfuscation / denial is not over China being the source. Since day one, they have been pointing at China (and China pointing back at Fort Detrick). First we were told it came from a wet market. Now it’s a “mishap” at a lab.
      The obfuscation is over the extent of the Pentagon involvement in the research and the co-ordinated response that included the “vaccines” . Even our military engaged in a psy-op and spied on Canadians as part of the exercise.

  4. “Conspiracy theory” is just another term for “spoiler alert” anymore.

    I was at a tailgate maybe 18 months ago at this point, and I told my friends about the whole Fauci/gain of function/Eco health alliance/Wuhan Institute of Virology stuff, and they all looked at me like I had three heads. They had never heard it before. Now it’s an established fact.

  5. Weird how all the media narratives that are later proven false, benefit the left. What are the chances? Almost like it’s intentional.

  6. Pardon me, but why the eff does “the Energy Department” need to weigh in on the WuFlu?

    What am I missing. Maybe we can get an opinion from the Weather Service as well?!?

    1. For some reason the energy department has its own intelligence agency and they asked all intelligence agencies to look at it independently.

  7. still a good chance it was created in Winnipeg and taken by those two chinese scientists who flew to Wuhan while everything was officially still in lockdown

    1. Yes, we are involved. You can’t just point to China and not have monetary culpability of Canada and the US. And it’s not just monetary, our governments fully approved and participated in it.

  8. Why is this report coming from the DoE? Under what pretext did they conduct an investigation? Is this not odd?

  9. Once more with feeling. It had an IFR of 0.26% at the highest. It was not dangerous to all people just those with underlying medical problems, just like the seasonal flu. Irrational fear ginned up by government using computer models sacred people into, unneeded lock downs, masks, social distancing, taking experimental gene therapy that is now killing tens of thousands and seriously injuring millions. That folks are the facts stated as simply as one need to state them. Your governments, bureaucrats, and medical people are liars and are still lying.

    1. You are bang on the money VOWG, like many of us here, we tried to warn them but the governments and media had their own destination planned for us. We have all lost friends and relatives due to the lies that have been foisted on us, whether by death or by the isolation forced on us. The problem now is that we do not know the full extent of the damage that has been inflicted. The isolation, depression, illnesses, deaths, and financial loss can never be quantified. Indeed these ills will reverberate for many years and perhaps be exacerbated by the possibility that there may be fertility problems in the future. The problem now facing us is how do we as a civil society seek redress and award retribution and punishment for what has been inflicted, for without retribution and fulsome punishment as history has shown us this global debacle will be repeated.

    2. VOWG

      Concise and bang as we’ve both stated numerous times. A fake pandemic using a term No One outside of the medical community had ever heard of: “Corona Virus”…like it was some unheard of virulent killer strain akin to Ebola or Anthrax….purposely trashing known medications all to steer a terrified global public to an 8 month wonder potion.

      It was planned far in advance , for Profit (see Peter Daszaks Statement of 2015), & with a side of GENOCIDE thrown in…. Just for shits n giggles.

      All who willingly – knowingly participated in this genocidal scam should have tiny red dots painted on their foreheads in that instant prior to a super sonic delivery of lead.

      Fkn NAZI’s

      1. I understand that certain factions of the Elites want to unleash the next bug, rumored to be Marburg a variation of Ebola.
        Marburg is one bitch of a bug, 60 to 90% kill rate with liquifaction of your organs and bleeding from all your holes.
        Use the weak Covid virus to terrorize the general pop then mop up with the truly nasty one.
        And THEY have a ‘ vaccine ‘ in the can for it already, which if it comes to pass with bodies in the streets , everyone will be begging for that juice.

        This has been in the works for a while but I don’t think the other factions of our Overlords will allow the crazy side to pull the plug.
        It truly beggars belief that the Elites would go that far knowing it could screw them up by killing the Golden Goose that serves them, not to mention taking themselves out of play also.
        Depends if they feel cornered like a rat , they may strike out.
        Lots of suspect tomfoolery going on around the world like chess pieces being setup on the big board.
        Waiting for a massive move somewhere to see if they kick it off.

        1. John B
          What the dimwitted elites don’t get, is that once they start down the road of aggressive depopulation, it won’t stop how and when they want it to. The remaining population will not be sustainable due to lack of motivation and lack of necessary skill sets. Many, like bill gates, are rich, not smart.

      2. Steak
        The Shermans were killed in Feb 2018, they owned APOTEX, and they made off patent HCQ and Ivermectin.

        1. There is another conection to Turdeau.
          Apparently Barry was caught funneling large sums of money to Turds election campaign and was soon to be brought in to court over it with some unsavoury facts exposed.
          That would have compromised Blackies chances so the theory goes Barry and wife were snuffed.

  10. The reason everything at Walmart is made in China is because their default mode is to make things as quickly and cheaply as possible, but in recent years they’ve also been making luxury goods as well as any other place in the world. As someone who has spent many years working professionally with well educated scientists, I can tell you that they can be such lacking in basic common sense nitwits that it’s beyond belief. Western scientists need full-time babysitters when they go to procure services in foreign countries where people need to be told exactly what to do and how carefully to do it.

    1. Theo
      Making junk is an economic model, as the customer need to replace said junk more often than a good product, so you build repeat customers in you product. And the eliminated the need for the lost leader concept.

  11. I have all along thought that the Corn Hole flu escape was an accident.
    With all the cover ups and now the admitting that it was the case I am starting to believe that it was done on purpose.

  12. We “lynched” Mary Surratt for less … eh, Joe Biden?
    Time for Doktor Fauxci to climb the gallows. He’s personally responsible for far more than ONE MAN’s death, err murder.

  13. If the US needed some reason to be mad at China (drones to Russia?) this would be a good one.

  14. Outsourcing.
    Our Dear Leaders outsourced the manufacture of their bioweapon to The Wuhan Lab.
    But all the funding came from our Parasitic Overload.
    The Public Health Imposed Panic was planned.
    Which is why the facts never mattered.
    They “knew” how deadly the disease was designed to be..
    If only they had hired a competent manufacturer.

    A Virus of the common Cold Family,which turned out to be as lethal as a bad flu season,was used to stampede and rob the tax payers.
    And as the “Covid Numbers” get reviewed and reduced,soon Dread Covid-19 will have been less lethal than a normal flu season.
    And every level of damn near every countries governments panicked.
    Declaring a “State of Emergency” and attacked their citizens.
    Not even a feeble attempt to inform and persuade the free citizen..
    Straight to dictatorship.
    They were wrong.

    Yet none dare admit their failure.
    We must reward them all.

    Impressing upon the next few generations of parasites..I mean helpers,that when you declare a state of emergency,your next logic step is your resignation from office..
    So we the citizens can get an adult or two into the hot seats,to clean up your mess.
    Cannot belabour this point too much.
    When government declares “State of Emergency” they always next screw everything up worse than it was without their help.
    Declaring Emergency is recognizing and admitting your get out of the way.

    “Fools rush in,where angels fear to tread.”.That wisdom has not changed.
    And these last 3 years have been a brutal demonstration of these same fools.
    And they will never “Leave us alone”,they are incapable of doing so..
    Busybodies to their bitter end.
    Let us make those endings as bitter as possible.

    1. Another great post JR, but regarding, “Declaring Emergency is recognizing and admitting your inadequacies.”
      S/ You must be misinformed, because the commission declared that our dear leader was “justified”…../S

      1. Gerry “Justified,because Justine is in a permanent state of panic”,that is how I translate Uncle Paul’s word salad.
        And I don’t care if he is not the right Paul..Hey it is Quebec..Aren’t they all inbred leeches?
        Which is not true,but could be fun to chum the water with.
        I was actually impressed by the number of Quebec truckers who turned out..
        Gives a cynic new hope for Canada as opposed to Justine’s Can Ahh Duh.

    2. John R
      And Kate enables this with her allowing the likes of allan unMe and the colon to post propaganda in here!

      1. Say what?
        All Kate does here is provide those two an opportunity to demonstrate their skills..
        Or lack there of.
        I would note,you ain’t been doing much better of late.
        You have nothing better to do,than insult our hostess?

  15. Does anyone else find it peculiar that while our government is doing somersaults trying to stamp down and put a stop to mis/dis/mal/information, that same mis/dis/mal crap is what we most get from our government and their bought and paid for media, but somehow they get to choose what is and isn’t the truth!

    Alice in wonderland would be amazed at the depth of our rabbit holes!

    1. Not one bit,Gerry.
      They are Libtards,this is what they do.
      Projectile vomiting up all their psychosis and calling every one else,what they truly are.
      They have “that divine right to ban” “Disinformation” because only they know what it is.
      Serial Liars always try to shut down their critics..

  16. It’s a good thing they’re the good guys and we’re the fascists. Canada is in good hands and the future looks promising.
