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Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me "what Canadians think". In all that time they never once asked.
This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio -
"You don't speak for me."
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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
"I got so much traffic after your post my web host asked me to buy a larger traffic allowance." - Dr.Ross McKitrick
Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
"The New York Times link to me yesterday [...] generated one-fifth of the traffic I normally get from a link from Small Dead Animals." - Kathy Shaidle
"You may be a nasty right winger, but you're not nasty all the time!" - Warren Kinsella
"Go back to collecting your welfare livelihood. - "Michael E. Zilkowsky
Snopes is still around? I had a dial up modem last time I checked snopes.
They should have stuck to checking lighthearted myths and interesting old rumors.
Political fact checking? No thanks.
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and a spoiler alert again?
About 3.873 milliseconds. The worst example of course being the lab leak “conspiracy theory”. Boy, they pushed real hard against that. Yet another reason to absolutely despise our mendacious media/government (joined at the hips).
Who GAF about anything Snopes has to say? The type of idiots who give them any creedence at all will never be reached with logic or reason anyway.
Snopes is political horse shit. Once I figured that out 20 years ago I quit using them. I can’t imagine anyone who would. I also use Wikipedia a lot less for the same reason although it appears somewhat less blatant.
When is Snopes going to update the conspiracy theory that the diary was stolen to the more factual ‘diary was left behind when Ashley moved’? She did remember to take her laptop though.