Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

New reveals from Sam Cooper of Global News. (thread updated)

3. According to my sources, CSIS started tracking Han Dong, a former Ontario MPP, in summer 2019. They said CSIS believed that Dong emerged suddenly and suspiciously as a successor to MP Geng Tan as the Liberal candidate for Don Valley North.

4. CSIS investigators would later allege that Chinese Canadian seniors and students were bussed into the riding, and students were told they had to vote for a certain candidate to keep their student visas, sources informed Global News. They said Han Dong was the candidate.

5. National security officials also allege that Han Dong, now a sitting MP re-elected in 2021, is 1 of at least 11 Toronto-area riding candidates supported by Beijing in 2019. These officials said CSIS also believes Dong is a witting affiliate in China’s election interference. […]

9. On our broadcast tonight I explained how CSIS believes former Ontario Liberal Trade Minister Michael Chan promoted Han Dong to take the riding nomination, and Michael Chan is a top target in ongoing CSIS investigations, according to sources with knowledge.


What does the Honourable Member from Air India do now?

35 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. The dictatorship admiring Manchurian PM… QED.

    And Beijing Jinping’s yer uncle. 🙂

    No wonder they deep sixed the Sidewinder Report under then PM Chretien…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. I swear I saw the ghost of Maurice Strong. Remember his statement, ” By Ideology I am a Socialist by methodology I am a Capitalist”. Before he hightailed to his refuge in China. Justin told us who and what he is, yet people voted and would still vote. for the mendacious little traitor.

    1. After he was appointed to the Senate by Justin Trudeau, Yuen Pau Woo sure sounded like someone whose heart belonged to China, and no one seemed to care:


      Now the lapdogs are getting all exited about, “allegedly suspected…suddenly and suspiciously…I will be digging into the implications…is a top target…the Service did not provide details…”.

      Something funny going on here.

  2. Even the Globe & Mail has tired of the Dear Leader’s deceptions and pathological lies:

    “Mr. Trudeau has had every opportunity to be forthright about Beijing’s meddling. When the latest news broke last week, he could have promised a tough response that included the expulsion of Chinese diplomats and a call for investigations into the fraud CSIS says took place in some ridings. And he could have immediately announced legislation to create a much-needed foreign-agent registry.

    Instead, he and his acolytes have played the Trump card and said that opposition MPs who raise questions about his government’s handling of this grave matter will be playing into the hands of malevolent foreign actors.

    As well, the Liberals and their allies in the NDP have limited the scope of the standing committee’s investigation into the 2021 interference by voting down a motion calling on the government to provide it with relevant documents.

    Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals had the chance to rise up in defence of Canada’s electoral system. Instead, they’ve raised serious doubts about their credibility on the issue. If they want to restore it, they need to call an independent public inquiry into Chinese election interference.”


    1. Rather than committing an accidental act of journalism, I think the Grope & Flail is jonesing for more scratch: Give us more cash, we’ll start writing nice things about you again.

  3. Funny how this is coming out just after Justin got a dressing down from Maximum leader ching chow ping, leader of the Chi-coms

    Why do we have an RCMP? Other than to:
    ~ Beat up Old Ladies at Peaceful Protests
    ~Sexually Harass females
    ~Steal Guns in High River Alberta
    ~Ignore EVERY Crime committed by BiG Chief Spendy McBlackface Hairdo

    Disband this useless group of Clowns. I hope they can get one of these POS to turn on Justn from Canada.
    He can smile smugly all day long from a Prison Cell. F@#K Trudeau

  5. What do you expect will happen when you allow millions of immigrants to form ethnic enclaves and to not bother to assimilate.

    1. You nailed it. The protection for ghetto inhabitants including descendants of indigenous peoples and the French colonials should have had expiry dates, by now long past. What kind of nation encourages its people to fragment?

  6. “Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals had the chance to rise up in defence of Canada’s electoral system. Instead, they’ve raised serious doubts about their credibility on the issue. If they want to restore it, they need to call an independent public inquiry into Chinese election interference.”

    because the last “independent” public inquiry went so well…

    Also, if there are interfering at the federal level, what’s not to say they aren’t doing the same at the provincial level?

    1. The most blatant and effective “interference” in Canada’s elections is without a doubt the media wing of the Liberal Party. Democracy only works when the electorate is reasonably well informed and there is no chance of Canadians being well informed when the entire mainstream media carries water for the Lib-Leftists.

  7. Pierre Poilievre just cucked himself with the Christine Anderson thing.

    Nobody cares about some Chinese dude becoming an MP.

    1. Poilievre just demonstrated basic political competency. No, you’re not allowed to associate with AfD trash.

  8. So in other words we got communist Chinas Mc Donald’s and Burger King..

    Troubling to think that we were never just or right.. It wasn’t democracy spreading around the world.. Just our wealth and the greedy interests willing to take it.. The joke is on us and doubly so.. Gringo go home didn’t make them a racist..

  9. Is this a civil war in the civil service or butt covering to the extreme? I would be happy if the motivation is preservation of the integrity of Canada. But I am rather jaded these past 40 odd years

  10. Just note that in addition to regular immigration, Canada issues over a half million student visas each year. The majority come from mainland China, and a handful of states in India.

  11. Why would the Honorable Member from Air India do anything? He’s on the same ideological side.

    What I really want to know is why Canadian media is reporting on this at all. As others have asked: did the cheque bounce? Did they get new orders from more powerful masters? If the true extent of this becomes known, have people beyond Trudeau committed treason? Might Trudeau be the sacrificial scapegoat?

  12. Trudeau knew about it all through 2 elections but anyone who thinks he’ll wear this is insane. Trudeau is coated in Teflon.

      1. We must ramp up the facts that Justin sold this country out to China.

        Do it everyday.

        Follow him wherever he goes.

  13. The key word is ‘alleged’. I mean this is bad but just alleged. Also, 11/308 is not Chinese-installed.
