A Glitch in the Matrix

A few days ago, five bought-and-paid-for uncourageous “journalists” got together and had some unpleasant things to say about Dear Leader and his Comrades. Don’t worry though, Liberal supporters, all such dissent will be fixed once the new Conservative leader is elected and these pundits have a new target to throw their venonomous daggers at.

40 Replies to “A Glitch in the Matrix”

    1. Or as Marc Normand quipped (albeit referring to the Sex in the City crew), “The Four C***s of the Apocalypse”.

  1. Challenges to the government. Standard journo babble. MP’s carrying panic buttons, indeed.

    The elephant in the room: ‘challenges to the journo’. Do journos carry panic buttons now?

  2. “Trust in government”, “relationship with government fundamentally altered”. Well, who in hell is responsible for those changes? Look in the mirror, twit. We don’t trust you either for all of the government lies that the mainstream quisling media has peddled like whores for the last two years.

    1. It’s funny how personally the deplorables tend to take the wanton deliberate destruction of their country.

      Particularly when wrought by a spoiled narcissistic trust-fund brat who has yet to accomplish a single useful thing so far…

  3. Notice, not once was the Trudeau Liberal censoring of alternative media, social media or internet mentioned.
    All five are happy to have Trudeau squash other opinions, for them.

    1. Nor any mention of the vaccine mandates and Trudeau’s political prisoners and his lies about the Freedom rally.

      Rosie should just eat the four pathetically stupid government funded liberal fluffers.

      205,000 ballots not counted in the last election, Alisha.
      And Andrew, Bernier called Trudeau a fascist, Trudeau calls us Nazis.
      Why no mention of how Trudeau is using heated and hyperbolic lies to whip his supporters into a frenzy?

      What a bunch of scumbags.

  4. Oh great…musings from gov’t paid media pundits who have side gigs at the CBC for extra cash.
    And for those who don’t know… Andy Coyne, who I swear hasd his head put in a vice as a baby, is the supposed “Conservative” of the group so you know it’s all fair and balanced.
    What a god damned joke.

    1. Andrew Coyne a conservative? He is a wannabe member of the Laurentian elite, which knows no party, it merely knows who is in and out. They have no idea the level of anger in this country. Good. The surprise on their faces will look good as they find out what happens next.

      Rosie Barton really doesn’t get it. Any time any one says anything bad about shiny pony, you can see the discomfort. When will she figure out that even a tool like Justin uses her because she is usable? He wouldn’t fu*k her if she was the last living thing on earth.

  5. A shot across the bow of the good ship Trudeau Media Handouts.
    “Give us more money or we’ll tell Canadians the truth.”

    Coyne finally noticed that the Liberal cabinet is filled with incompetent thieves?

    1. Coyne is the biggest scumbag around. Do they still claim he’s a conservative common-taror? The guy’s basically at every liberal cocktail party.

  6. The next Conservative leader will be elected with a thumping majority, and a mandate to negotiate unification with a free, prosperous United States led by Donald Trump.

    Justin Sinclair will die in an American prison.

    1. Are you kidding? Blackie McBlackface will be elevated to the UN/WEF Elitist corporation after his run of turning this country into a third world banana republic.
      Corrupt politicians get promoted to new levels of incompetence. They NEVER get penalized, except for those that dare to be honest and disrupt the system.
      Exhibit #1. 45.

  7. The memos have gone out and the subject line; “Trudeau’s done, encourage a graceful exit”.

    Memo two; “She’s cute and needs to be in every picture looking at him adorably AND with adoration”.

    Memo three; “The new leader has been chosen, it will be—redacted—“.

  8. ” … once the new Conservative leader is elected and these pundits have a new target to throw their venonomous daggers at.”

    Probably true. After all, the press is nothing but a rabble of 98 lb weaklings that constantly kicks sand in the face of REALLY pathetic specimens who won’t fight back.

  9. Amazing that Coyne and the rest of the twits at the CBC is coming out and suggesting that trust in government is waning, not realizing that it’s the twits at the state broadcaster that we don’t trust. Do you think that realization starting to set in among the twits at the CEEBEECEE?

  10. Yep, Trudeau’s hateful characterizations of canadians who disagree with him and his policies was conveniently ignored.

    Didn’t Herbert’s employer, The Toronto Star, put death wishes and other threatening quotes directed at the unvaccinated in bold on the entire front page of their newspaper? Fomenting hatred, segregation and discrimination has pretty much been the media’s and journalists go-to story since 2021. It’s impossible to take any of these panelists seriously.

    I assume they were given permission from Trudeau’s PMO staff to temporarily look like they give a shit about the stinking, putrid rot in Ottawa.

  11. Actually, it’s quite hilarious. It’s all the opposition’s fault, even those who don’t sit in parliament. Denigrating those who oppose, painting them with every negative label and asking if they should be tolerated has nothing to do with the perception of the government? Not once , but many times. Not to mention outright
    brutal physical attaks. Ivory towers do get taken down.

  12. Five Liberal voters give their opinions on the ever fatter Rosemary Barton’s show. That Althea Raj sure is attractive.
    And they were typically Liberal ion all their responses, ” oh well our beloved government may have problems but imagine the alternative”.

    Maybe the Press will get lucky and Charest will win the CPC leadership.

    1. If Charest wins, I’m getting my Mexican Permanent Residency, and selling OUT.

      If I’m going to live in a Banana Republic, I want to live in one that at least doesn’t pretend to be a Free nation. And one with warm weather 24/7, cheap food
      and drink, that doesn’t buy into Climey Changey BS.

      Better to be trapped in a tropical paradise, than an arctic one.

      1. My friend and her adult children moved there from Alberta.
        They said if they were going to live in a commy country, they chose the one with the warmer climate.

      2. I never liked the idea of living in Mexico, but after reading your rationale, I must admit that I’m tempted to reconsider.

      3. Same here.
        If I’m going to live in a banana republic it might as well have real bananas, not just voters who are bananas.

      4. Good choice. Mexico looking very appealing these days. As a bonus,they are not forcing vaccines on anyone.

      5. I moved to SE Asia years ago and never looked back. I watch clown shows like this from far away and laugh. Coyne is the most detestable of them all. He’s supposed to be the “conservative.”…. Anyway, back to enjoying my 40 cent beer, and 1 dollar pack of smokes.

  13. Maximus Decimus Meridius: “The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end”

  14. Like them or not, and there is lots not to like, Bland Andy Coyne and Chantale “Butch” Hebert are about as good as it gets in the mainstream media. The other three are just pieces of diversity fluff, that only the 300 or so hard core CBC viewers would pay any attention to at all.

  15. Microsoft Edge for mobile does not allow the link for this post to be accessed. Safari works and I assume other browsers work fine.
    Just thought I would mention that.

    1. I can’t access it at all…mostly because I blackholed cbc.ca on my DNS servers.

  16. I am amused that every negative comment about the liberals is answered by a ‘But the conservatives’. They just don’t want to let go of their meal ticket.

  17. L – Liberal politicians carrying a Panic Button ? You mean similar to ones elderly, frail people have? Except the frailty in this case is mental. They suffer from acute anxiety attacks.

    Their Panic button choice is between one of two offered models:
    a) Snowflake model. It connects them to a series of Jordan Peterson 12 Rules for Life talks.
    b) A paper bag, they breath into until their attack subsides. (made of recyclable paper)

  18. “Conspiracy theories,” aka 6-months ahead of the curve. Canada is just a puppet for the WEF/Davos crowd.
