Macron is Back

ZeroHedge- Macron Re-Elected French President; Le Pen Concedes Defeat

The first projections of the outcome of the 2022 French presidential vote are in, and it looks like President Emmanuel Macron will keep his post for another five-year term, winning by a margin of 58.2% to Marine Le Pen’s 41.8%, according to initial results reported by French newspaper Le Monde. Le Pen has conceded, making his victory all but confirmed.

Coming Soon?


59 Replies to “Macron is Back”

  1. Like Californians, the French never were that bright.
    Please sir, may I have another?

  2. Are the CIA involved in french elections too ?

    So the french want a “post nation state” just like Canada. Weird.

    Revolution is now the only option.

    Bye bye France.

    1. Isn’t that where TurLaLa Fam is from/ Khanaduh left the station When TurdLaLa Un went all constitutional.

    1. It’s fair to reason now , that the more evil and dictorial a leader is , the surest the bet they will win the election regardless how loathed by the common folk they be.

      Short of assassination, you just can’t dislodge the pricks.

    1. Quite a few French collaborationists died rich, happy and unrepentant in Quebec. The plan is for a cabin in the woods in the Laurentians.

    1. Evidently. I weep for my ancestors who claimed French heritage. They must be horrified, in the grave, at what’s become of their rich cultural country. Now it’s a multi-culti mess.

      1. Kenji, it is a world wide phenomenon. We are being exposed to the same insanity, America, Canada, Auzziland, the list is long and freedom is losing.

  3. Depressing.
    Now consider the possibility of Pierre Pollievre becoming PM.
    Hold on a sec, let me crunch the numbers.

    1. Pierre Pollievre won’t even make it to head of the Conservative Party. The vote counters have already decided that’s going to Jean Charest.

      1. Nope. Polievre will win the CPC. The establishment wants it that way. A Charest win might divide the Eastern vote,so it’s Pierre all the way.

        Next election, PP will win the West, BIG,and will lose the East equally big.

        Justin is our PM until he surpasses his Dad, so he’ll be PM about 9 more years.

    2. Perhaps….but then that would cement the end of Canada as a nation….which, by the way, it never was.

  4. And to think that this is the same country that produced mathematicians like Rene Descartes, Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Pierre-Simon Laplace, and Evariste Galois, as well as composers such as Marc Antoine Charpentier, Jean Baptiste Lully, Charles Gounod, Jules Massenet, and Hector Berlioz….. The land of Jules Verne….

    Some of my ancestors may have been French Huguenots who fled to Berlin to escape persecution.

    G’bye, France….. it was nice knowing you.

      1. Indeed. Carnot was a familiar name from the thermodynamics courses I took.

      1. Of course. I was just mentioning some who contributed to the intellectual and artistic brilliance that France once had.

        Charlemagne prevented that part of western Europe from having to speak Arabic.

  5. My favourite line about the French:
    “He is an acquiescence instructor at the French Military College of Capitulation.”
    MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge)

  6. Odd that macron won 75% of the vote in Guadeloupe, Martinique and guayana last election, and LePen reversed those results by winning them this time by the same overwhelming margin.

    But somehow only moved the needle by about 7 points in France

  7. Europe will do no such thing, by the way, it would involve sacrifice, and they are almost as gutless as Canadians.

  8. He who counts wins

    There are no fair elections or polls

    We either put up with it


    we don’t

    That is the question?

  9. What a relief! No way the powers of the French presidency could withstand the inertia of that immovable object that is Eurocracy.

  10. From the vote breakdown it looks like LePen had the under 50 vote and lost with the over 50 (age I’m talking about).

    1. The French have five years to put all those boomers under the pillow. If the country lasts that long.

  11. If you remove the parts of Marine Le Pen’s platform concerning immigration, her party’s philosophy would be indistinguishable from that of Canada’s NDP. Why should I care how the vote was split among the two main socialist parties in France?

  12. What’s wrong with those French? Well, maybe it was kind of like a Biden “win”. Would not surprise me.

  13. Old people vote. Always have. Not a Boomer thing. It’s a stupid thing. Old people are dumb, except VOWG.

    1. It is a boomer thing though. Seriously they’ve destroyed western civilization and keep doubling down on it.

  14. From the break down of support.
    Every french citizen who died of Covid Voted for Moron.

    Just like when the Spanish Police threw a suspect out of the second floor window of their police station,through a “barred window”,which their coroner ruled as “The worst case of suicide he had ever seen”..1980s?
    Ditto this French Election..Definitely the finest and fairest evah.

  15. They should start checking the care homes to see how many older people “voted” for Macron. Worked for Biden…..
    Seems a disproportionate number of the elder age group.

  16. There is nothing low tax or small government about any of the parties. They are all left wing, and very left wing, aka commie.

  17. Those aged 49 and under prefered to vote for Le Pen so change is under way. La Nouvelle Vague c’est Marine.

  18. The French election was totally fraudulent and everyone knows it. A right winger always surpasses the polls because they don’t trust the anonymous asshole on the other end of the line. It was purely theft.
