The Polish Immigrants Have Arrived!

Reminiscent of the Polish Solidarity Movement, something amazing happened this afternoon in Ottawa.

“We came from communism. We want a free country.”

h/t Jack Posobiec, Colonialista

37 Replies to “The Polish Immigrants Have Arrived!”

  1. I think a bunch of solidarity flags would be great. It would blow the minds of the lefties old enough to understand. Most people under 50 would have no idea. Plus the media would go find an old polish leader that would condemn it. But it would be fun to watch the pretzels the media would themselves into.

  2. Now THAT just made my day.
    Up till now, I have been dry eyed.
    The truckers, and people like these fine Polish women, and so many others, have made me weep for faint hope.
    Oh, and I really would like one of them there donuts.

  3. *gasp*!!!!! …. They’re serving FOOD … and they’re NOT masked!!?? Where’s the soy boy who can’t sleep? He was fully masked for his hateful rant in the street … shouldn’t he go scold these Polish immigrant businesswomen? Polish peasants who don’t believe in science … of the mask? And where are their vaxx cards? And photo ID’s? Surely your SoyPMboy will fine them for serving food without a license?


    I got choked up listening to them, and seeing what they’re doing. God bless them. Make them healthy, wealthy, and happy … although their cheerful spirit suggests God has already blessed them tenfold!

  4. Can we take down bullshit MSM media along with the mandates?
    Yes we can! ( sarc ) Keep pushing. Mock them, laugh at them.
    This could be the epiphany I was looking for.

    Did someone say Hawkwind?

    1. For a fun time go to any CTV online website, click on one of their many negative Trucker narratives and select “contact” and send them a message on how you feel. Yeah, you have to input your email and name, so use your imagination. Call these skid-marks outs.

  5. Or as our $600million media will report it tomorrow……”Fringe extremists show hate for vegans and the gluten challenged”.

  6. Jack Posobiec,Truckistan, an American, is covering Ottawa closely.
    While Canadian MSM spins.

    1. There’s a Telegram channel called TruckersForFreedom. They’re using this to organize several convoys. One is planned to be headed to Los Angeles to impose the very un-American restrictions on anyone entering the stadium. February is going to be a VERY interesting month!!!

      1. There is also a presence on GETTR same handle-truckersforfreedom

  7. Absolutely touching. They know Communism when they see it. Methinks the Fringe is the Majority.

  8. Yup. My buddy Bill, who escaped Commie Czechoslovakia when he was 17, was despondent this hunting season.

    “I never would have believed that this Country I came to would look a lot like the one I crawled out of.”he’s happier today.

    1. I have no idea if residents of Wilno are participating. The original ones came with the oldest large wave of immigration from Poland (during the 19th century) when Poland was under Prussian, Russian and Austro Hungarian occupation. Later waves settled elsewhere. Coincidently, Wilno is a Polish name for Vilnius the capital of Lithuania. For centuries Poland and Lithuania were joined at the hip as Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth that at times stretched from Baltic to the Black Sea and included today’s Ukraine, Belarus and even Moldova.

    2. I spent a few memorable nights in the Wilno Tavern decades ago, the Ottawa Valley is beautiful.

  9. Beautiful. I would like to see even more immigrants getting involved in supporting the truckers. They all came to Canada with great hope and don’t want to see our democracy destroyed.

    1. They are, there are Sikhs, Chinese, Jamaicans, Ukrainians, Iranians and countless others in that crowd. Those are just the examples I recall from the top of my head. There are native bands on the hill right now. There are lesbians marching for freedom. Quebecois and Albertans standing shoulder to shoulder. This thing has morphed into wholesale rejection of Potato and his junta. This is epic.

  10. Long before the Solidarity movement began the Polish fight to throw out their Russian overlords, the Poles, led by their king, John III Sobieski, were instrumental in saving western civilization from being over-run by the Ottoman Turks. The Polish king led his famous winged hussars into battle outside of Vienna to turn the tide against the muslim invaders. In this stirring video clip, the epic charge of the Polish cavalry is re-enacted (the charge begins at the 3 minute mark of the 7-minute video):

  11. They maybe should have been a bit more vocal about this between 1982 and 2021, as we drifted into a form of voluntary communism. I gave it my best shot and my time in Ottawa answering for my thought crimes was both unreported and unsupported (by and large).

    I guess optics are everything. I’m just a hoser who doesn’t want communism. That didn’t seem to count for much.

    1. They have been vocal, none listened. “You’re crazy, political correctness is nothing like communism” we were told again and again.

    2. Upon reflection: I don’t know your personal story, I think you have mentioned it on one occasion but I can’t recall the details. If it is the case that you have stood up for Poland during the Solidarity time and the so called leadership of Polish immigrant organizations ignored you, that does not surprise me one bit. Those organizations (choosing my words carefully here) tend to be very corrupt, principle free, serve their own political interest and have little sway over the Polish origin population in Canada. Most have no use for them. The ladies in the video appear to be part of an organic movement that is not sanctioned by any of the established Polish organizations.

  12. Wow.

    These gals choke me up. Melt my cold cold heart.

    They know what its like to live without freedom. We don’t.

    Get on board people. Do what you can. Every little bit helps.

  13. the political class has lost this one, O’Stool is the first victim, but one has to wonder how many more will fall, as many Sihks and Indians do not support Jagmeat on his support of the Turd, in this issue!

  14. When Lech Walesa was fighting communism, the commies over here in North America hijacked the movement to push for communism.
    So for that reason I am sceptical of anyone over here under the Solidarity banner.
