11 Replies to “Leftists On Parade”

  1. Sage ain’t so bright either. Curious that all these White kids know what slaves felt 250 years ago.
    No vote, no referendum, no petition = our new democrats at woke. Yep, somethin’ happened.

  2. True democracy to the left is like it was practiced in the Soviet Union. Only one candidate, only one party, and everyone must vote. Anything less than 100% would be considered unacceptable.

    It seems there’s a certain prime minister who thinks the same way.

    1. When a country (or political party) uses the term “democratic” in its name, it is anything but. In most cases, it is the most repressive entity you can find.

  3. Soon, very soon, the enrichers are going to topple the “white racists” and rule of jungle will overtake the sleeping kingdom.

  4. Would Chile accept a Palestinian influx? It looks like Palestinians emigrated from ancient Greece/Macedonia to the Middle East/Caanan.

    If the Palestinians relocated/emigrated once, maybe they would like South America?

    1. If Chile doesn’t import them, Venezuela, which has grown quite chummy with Iran, just might.

    2. Fortunately Boric and his comrades in Chile learned in 1973 that they are mortal. So he’ll think twice before saddling Chile with a Palestinian problem.

  5. “It became an iconic moment in the wave of anti-racism protests staged around the world in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in the US.”
    George Floyd was NOT killed by a police officer, the evidence was very clear that he died of a drug overdose while resisting arrest. A police officer was wrongly convicted of killing him because the jury was afraid of what the BLM mobs would do if the verdict was innocent.

