65 Replies to “New Neil Young Tune”

    1. I liked his music but when his Prog politics surfaced a number of years back I stopped listening to him & deleted everything of his from my music library.

  1. Robert…..why did you bother?
    Cool dog at the start but that was it. 7+ mins more?
    No way!

    1. You don’t like the guy. I get it he’s an asshole. His understanding of politics from the average person’s point of view is staggeringly naive, but to suggest he’s the crappiest musician ever along with Springsteen says more about you than him. As for “just can’t sing at all,” why didn’t you throw Dylan into the mix too? These three guys wrote and influenced more music than you could ever comprehend. An ideologue is an ideologue regardless of what end of the spectrum you’re on.

      1. You can’t be serious. Springsteen in particular is a terrible singer and his songs are just pop songs.

          1. Yes, but splitting hairs here, Darkness on the Edge of Town is the one. It was an album that grew on me and took time to admire and enjoy. Nice, clean, simple and well engineered without layers and layers of overdubs. Certainly not as pop and upbeat as Born, but written at a time where the US had gone through a staggering recession, the end of the rust belt industries and the millions of lives that had been upended.
            Hometown must have been a leftover from Darkness.
            Otherwise, I agree with the sentiment here, can’t stand his politics and wouldn’t pay to hear him grumble, not for a longtime.
            “The Boss” monicker always grated on me as well………

          2. Born To Run was a great album too. He had some memorable tunes besides those two albums but overall the rest were pretty thin gruel. He also put on one of the best concerts I ever saw. Can’t stand the man because of his shitty politics.

          3. Greetings from Asbury Park, Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town … and then DONE … hard DONE … a HARD NO to everything else.

      2. I like what he used to do a lot and the same goes for Springsteen. Their voices are part of the music. What they have done in the last 30 years though is really hard to listen to as they have both lost touch with being innovative and have sunk to propagate left wing ideology mixed with regurgitated old hooks. Very little from them that’s for sure. Bob Dylan, on the other hand, has been a marvel and continues to reinvent himself even though his voice has weakened to the point of being overshadowed by his powerful nasally voice of the past. He is the only rock guy that has put out magnificent material spanning 7 decades. Modern times is amazing and is not that old. I can’t imagine the rock world without Bob Dylan.

      3. Sorry Steve, but back when I was younger and Mr.Young not quite so famous, we would routinely ridicule both his singing (I can mimic his singing voice quite well and I’m an admittedly horrible singer) and his (let’s see if Neil can play this without hitting more than one sour note) rather embarrassingly mediocre ability on guitar.
        Like Bob Dylan before him, he should have stuck with writing cute little poems and spared our ears.

      4. To each their own. De gustibus non est disputandum. Neil Young was great at one time, has an unusual voice but is not a bad singer. The problem being everything he’s done in the last 25 years is definitely second rate as compared to his own early work. However, I notice that most often those who say that someone who has had a long successful musical career is garbage rarely offer their own choices to be up for the same criticism.

      5. Steve…they may well not be the “crappiest musicians”…but i got no USE for either of them as well.

        I go to a concert to hear Live music…not be lectured by some fking multi millionaire on how I should live or his views on other Leftist Bullshit or Politics….same goes for Santana…25 min hared to understand monolouge on some shit.

        STFU and play….!!

        Havent been to one in near 20 yrs mind you, and dont see myself doing so ever again…not at 3-400. per person. Get stuffed

  2. Live Rust was one of my favorite albums back in the day. I attended a Neil Young concert with my then future ex-wife in the mid 90s at a rather small venue. At some point between songs, I got a 15 minute lecture about how chemicals and chemical plants were destroying the planet. At the time I worked for a chemical company that paid me well enough to afford $300 for a couple tickets, and all the $20 Chardonnays and IPAs I can buy. I hope Neil Young will remember when I stepped out into the isle, shouted more than a few choice words, and threw my beer down the aisle in his general direction as I left.

    As for Springsteen, I never attended a concert, which was nearly impossible to do at my age at that time in the place I was. I had no awareness of politics back then, I just didn’t like his music.

  3. Why can’t this guy take a lesson from all his idiot hippie peers and just disappear a long time ago?

  4. I’m still searching for a heart of goooooold
    And I’m gettin’ old

    Get it? Gold rhymes with old! This guy gives Lord Byron a run for his money. What a poet!

    For years I had my alarm clock on the Vancouver classic rock station. Much to my torment, I’d often wake up with that song playing. I actually switched to the shrill buzzer over the chance of hearing this song take me out of my peaceful sleep.

  5. Neil can sing/whine into the sunset, I ain’t listening. He can shove his guitar and misplaced activism where his head is…..firmly up his butt.

  6. Like his music but I doubt I could loathe this guy’s politics any more. He and others were personally responsible for hijacking and corrupting a generation with their “we’re for the troops…not the war” leftist boilerplate tripe and convincing kids that fascist Nixon was going to get everyone killed and other weapons grade, smoke up your ass revolution bullshit. A generation that grew up, ran for political office and who are now putting the screws to the rest of us with their idiocies.
    Crazy Hoarse band members along with Young gives you some idea how long these guys have been around, I guess the old “Hope I die before I get old” canard can finally be put to rest.
    Bottom line…it was always about the money for these grifters. Now that he’s got more money than God, Young can afford to drive his virtue signalling Cadillac that runs on pigshit to Ft.McMurray and hector others about the “tar sands” along with his communist pal Jane Fonda who kicks optics to the curb and flys in on her private jet to deliver her “dirty oil” sermons. They’re the Jim Bakkers and Jimmy Swaggarts of the 60’s generation.

    I see now that he’s dropped out of the “Farm Aid” tour because he wanted a “proof of vaccination” only venue. Write a song about that ya Big Pharma Fool.
    …gotta get down to it, Covid is gunning us down
    shoulda been done long ago
    What if you knew her and found her in ICU
    How can you run when you know?

    You’re welcome. Donate the royalties to the families of the 120 kids who lost their lives in rice paddies 2000 miles away while you and your grifter pals were tripping at Woodstock.

    1. Yes, Neil Young, that old counter culture rebel, “Never trust anyone over the age of 30” SOLD OUT a long time ago.

      He’s a modern day conformist. “Mr Anti-Establishment” Hypocrite!

      Sirius XM has been running a “Neil Young” channel promo for a week now, thru January or so, and ol Neil just has to mention “we got vaccinated, it’s the right thing to do,blather, blather……..”

      He sold out a LONG time ago, so I shouldn’t be surprised. He got sober too after all those years, but the Damage was done.

      Anyone remember THIS NOTE’S FOR YOU? His anti-shill song. How quickly the ol hippie forgets!

  7. If you don’t separate music from politics you won’t get to listen to very much music nowadays.

    I was a big Springsteen fan early on but his music has sucked for the last thirty years. I have always liked Neil Young and he has certainly been more productive than Springsteen.

    But both are hypocrites in the first degree, no doubt.

      1. Rock is Rap for White Trash
        Rap is Rock for Black Trash
        I have to listen to rock at work. It is such garbage.

      2. There’s modern music? Oh, you mean that monotone machine created plagiaristic robotic droning?
        It’s interesting to note that the genres have gone more extreme in every way. While a big fan of good ol metal and blues driven rock, today’s versions are virtually unlistenable.

        RickBeato has a great video on YT explaining why Boomers hate modern music, it’s pretty insightful to the construction and production of music then vs now.

        He’s got others that deconstructs modern top hits, showing just how simplistic they truly continue to be, “using the same 3 or 4 chords”……..

        Recommend to anyone, check out Beato, especially the Boomer video noted.

  8. Thank you Robert, h/t Karen for posting this. I haven’t yet received my vinyl copy of “Barn” as it is “shipping in Dec.” And I hadn’t heard this cut yet. Many of you know that I am an unapologetic Neil Young Fan … because he is a simply brilliant musician … with a massive career. The rest of his leftist claptrap is annoying and troublesome … but find any musician other than Pat Boone who isn’t a leftist tool.

    And yes, his nasal whine of a voice is quite past it’s prime. But that’s not what makes this cut great. His Crazy Horse inspired grunge blues guitar is what makes this a brilliant cut … all 7:10 of it … esp. the solo at the end. And yes … this cut and this lp appear to be directed at ME … and to some regard at Neil himself, as it is somewhat nostalgic. It reminds me of my favorite “Cortez the Killer” … a nice Reprise of it … on Reprise records.


    1. Neil Young was once a very good and groundbreaking musician. Listened to Rust Never Sleeps during my university years – great album!
      Many years later, about 7-8 years ago or so, my wife and got some very expensive tickets to see him live in a wonderful amphitheater setting, on warm summer evening.
      Started off very well, 2-3 old hits, but then he started preaching. After 30 minutes we left, couldn’t take it anymore.

      Besides, I still think this video is a parody – nobody would release something like that “for real”.

    2. Kenji, I agree up to a point. I have most of Neil’s stuff but, for me, his latest have been very disappointing. I’ll put on Everyone Knows This is Nowhere or Tonight’s the Night … any day.

    3. Neil Young’s greatest contribution to music was whatever hand his awful, horrible, ear ruining, fingernails on a chalk board “Southern Man” had in inspiring Sweet Home Alabama.

    4. Yes, old Neil is a political lightweight of the Robert De Nero persuasion…my favorite young album is Ragged Glory which was pronounce the archetypal for the Grunge sound of the early 90’s…love “Mansion on the hill”…other song I dig from another album is Keep on rocking in the free world…Neil is a brilliant writer even if his views are skewed…I hate the guy for having panned the oil sands. Here’ s a cover of Cinnamon Girl from Type O Negative


  9. Okay. Everyone, who hates Young and Springsteen and would say they are absolute crap, needs to tell us who they like so we can ridicule your taste. We can’t all be Bieber fans. Kidding! 😀

  10. Thomas

    Pretty much anything from 64 up to about 1986…Yea disco too.
    Stones, Beatles CSNY (yea I know), Eagles, Doors, Pink Floyd, Zepplin (the first 4), Clapton, JJ Cale, Steely Dan, Supertramp, Bowie, Sade, Santana …well, you get the drift.

    Lately been listening to a lot of blues. Bonamassa one of my favs along with some good stuff on U-Tube in the “relaxing Blues” category.

    Cheers music fans..!!
    As one who toiled in the Sands for many yrs, I zero no time Young.

    1. Hmmm. Our tastes are very similar which makes me wonder why I like (early) Neil and Bruce and you don’t. Not that it matters. If someone likes 7UP and I prefer Pepsi what is it to me? Cheers!

      P.S. Neil Young is at least a good a singer as Clapton or Cale (both of whom I love).

    2. steakman, lotta common ground with my music collection, as well. Very much a classic rock fan. Less on the Bowie, Beatles & Sade, and certainly sans the disco, but… Including, I may add, the late introduction to blues, although my direct involvement there goes back a bit longer, say, 10 or a dozen years. Recently discovered the blues side of Gary Moore of Thin Lizzy fame.

      I played in junior & high school band so anything with brass, woodwind or strings in the background catches my ear (Procul Harem’s Conquistador w/ Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, anything by Lighthouse, less on pure classical but enjoy John Williams, that sort of thing).

      One of the littlun’s is taking a History of Rock & Roll ’til 1970 course in uni, we’ve had extensive enjoyable conversations on the topic.

  11. Neil Young and Dead Horse.
    That was worse than listening to a drunken amateur garage band.
    They are so lacklustre. Why did they bother?
    I have enjoyed some of Neil’s music over the years, but this “new” one is embarrassing.
    Nice dog, though.
    PS….as some have noted, if you get hung up on the politics of musicians, you won’t have much to listen to.
    Here are some guys worth listening to:
    Colter Wall. A young dude from the prairies with an amazing rusty baritone voice and beautiful songs. He turned down an offer to appear on Joe Rogan’s show because he was too busy working on a ranch at the time.
    Sturgill Simpson.
    Marty Stuart
    Billy Strings
    Markus King
    There are many great players out there if you look for them.

    1. Right. You like country. I love Billy Strings but we’re comparing apples to oranges. None of those people could have come up with Mr. Soul or Cortez the Killer on their best days. I’d also wager most of those you mentioned would respect what NY has done. Even Skynyrd loved him.

  12. Neil Young is one of the top 5 creative artists of the rock era, can’t take that away from him. That said, he lost me when he started shooting his mouth off about things he didn’t know anything about.

    1. Musicians! I agree and know what you mean. I went to see Steve Earle and ended up not being able to listen to him again. His in between songs blather just peed me off.

      1. Ya, Steve Earle did that to me too ditto the Dixie Chicks, Cheryl Crow and a bunch of other artists that think because they have one talent they must know everything and have to in infect their fans with their shitty politics.

    2. I couldn’t agree more … Neil Young’s “knowledge” of the REAL world can be summed up in his answer to an interviewer who “corrected” some of the Lyrics of “Cortez the Killer” who told him the lyrics:

      Hate was just a Legend,
      And War was never known,
      the people worked together
      And they lifted many stones

      Uh … weren’t quite accurate in describing the Aztecs who were in a permanent state of war, and whose pyramids were built with slave labor. So much for peace and harmony pre-Cortez.

      Ol’ Neil said he wrote the song in high school after a lecture about Cortez … and what do you expect from a dumb high school kid (being taught by idiot teachers)? Or words to that effect. I love the song, but dismiss the lyrics as sophomoric and ill-informed. I dismiss MOST of what ol’ Neil says as sophomoric and ill-informed. No matter. Love his music.

  13. His father, Scott Young, was astounded that Neil was able to make a living as a singer songwriter. He didn’t think highly of him.

  14. You know it’s funny, when someone hates an artist that I love, I always ask them who they like and often we like mostly the same things. I’m a huge Dylan fan, for instance (yeah I know), and usually the artists that those who hate Dylan like are also huge Dylan fans. Someone says they hate Dylan but love Clapton but EC is one of Dylan’s biggest fans. Maybe as a poor musician myself (as in mediocre) I understand how hard this all is. Just getting up on a stage takes an awful lot. I do wish they would all leave their politics at home when they climb up onto the riser, however. I’m starting to prefer jazz and Fat Tire like Harry Bosch.

      1. Liked Little Hatch. A lot like Little Walter who is one of my favorite bluesmen. I have a couple Built to Spill albums (I could identify with their name) but not that one. Wild! Have wah wah will wail. For me, there’s very little that is more fun than wailing away on a nice guitar and good amp.

  15. It’s Dylans voice that grates on me as does Neils…bout the only song I ever really liked from Bob…??

    The one about Rubin Carter…for the rest…meh, rather listen to the Spice Girls…whose first album bytw, and I don’t give a rats meow, was an excellent example of a very well produced album – almost as well as Jacksons “Billy Jean” album…or whatever that was called.

