90th Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster

90 years ago today the Statute of Westminster was passed:

Statute of Westminster gives legal status to the independence of Australia, Canada, Irish Free State, Newfoundland, New Zealand and South Africa.

The Statute of Westminster, passed by the UK parliament in 1931, gave legal recognition to the de facto independence of the dominions. The parliaments of Canada, South Africa and the Irish Free State swiftly passed legislation enacting the statute. Australia adopted it in 1942 and New Zealand in 1947. Newfoundland relinquished its dominion status and was incorporated into Canada in 1949.

17 Replies to “90th Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster”

  1. Our politicians certainly turned our country to shit rather quickly in their quest to be inclusive to a club of degenerates and perverts…
    Trust was supposed to be earned but our politicians have taken it for granted and impose decades of laws, restrictions and regulations that are unnecessary but imposed forcefully with fines or incarceration.

    Voting was supposed to keep it in check but corruption has bought our politicians and the judiciary is complacent by not enforcement of broken laws which give our politicians immunity from prosecution.
    And our police are now protecting the perverts in power.

    1. “ corruption has bought our politicians”

      Well, actually the way the country was established to preserve the status quo as it exists in Westminster, the corruption is part and parcel of the government you get.
      The reason is that rather than a system of government that is established to preserve the nation, is was instead established to protect the government even at the expense of the nation and its people.
      Place that as the answer to the question why is the west constantly treated as a cash cow to support the patronage of the laurentian elite.
      Because it’s about maintenance of the government not the nation.
      I’m not pointing this out to contradict what you are saying (because I agree with you) it’s to provide the root cause of the generational sloth and avarice that has allowed it to persist.

  2. “Newfoundland relinquished it’s dominion status”
    About that relinquishing, perhaps someone can point me to the legality of that relinquishing, that never seemed to be put to a vote.
    I know there was talk of a referendum, on returning control of Newfoundland to the United Kingdom, but that never happened.
    There was a shady vote engineered by a corrupt liberal cabal in Ottawa, and a commie pig farmer/red star propagandist, in Newfoundland that resulted in a 7000 vote margin in 1948/9( you have to understand that Newfoundland communities were very isolated at the time), but since a referendum was never held on the first issue, it is doubtful that the United Kingdom had the legal authority to sign anything concerning Newfoundland.

      1. Like you in Alberta, the vote was mostly in favor in eastern Newfoundland, aka St.John’s the west and central, not so much, per my father, as I was not yet a gleam in his eye.
        Unemployment was 2% in 1948, that would be all sources. You need not guess where it was highest.
        There wasn’t much unemployment in rural areas as everyone was self employed, either that or you starved.
        And yes I resent my country being stolen from me.

        1. Greg, history is a bitch and you are not the only person who feels that way. My Mother’s family were from the Rock, my wife is from the rock. Ask anyone from Cape Breton who is at least fifth, sixth or seventh generation, whose family has any sense of history, how they felt about being annexed to NS by George da Turd.

    1. “Newfoundland relinquished its dominion status and was incorporated into Canada in 1949”

      The Newfoundland legislature dissolved itself in 1933 with the promise of eventual independence. The United Kingdom reneged on that promise.

      1. Scar it is funny, as my wife on occasion in conversation will still say, “when I came to Canada”.

  3. Ask any immigrant what this was = ask any school kid, college kid, adult under 65 = crickets. ‘Not My Canada.’

  4. And Canadians still do not know that they have been living a bullshit lie since that day.
    Since that day the Queen/King could legally have nothing to say about Canada.
    From that day we have had an elected Kingy/Queeny Thing called the Prime Minister.
    The Elected Queeny Thingy appoints his own Governor General and the joke that Canada is a Democracy Continues.
    What was supposed to happen if you read the notes of the 2 preceding Imperial Conferences that lead to the Statute of Westminster, and at which all were in agreeance. Was that each of the Colonies were to return to their people and create a true Federation.
    The Queen withdrew and all power reverted to the people.
    Not Ottawa but to the people in the Provinces. The People became the Sovereigns.
    Ottawa has been operating without consent of the governed since 1931

    1. The Queen withdrew and all power reverted to the people. Not Ottawa but to the people in the Provinces. The People became the Sovereigns.

      I need to read these notes your refer to….

        1. I’m sure it’s fun, but it’s complete drivel. The only thing it’ll open your eyes to is this guy’s complete lack of knowledge of history.

    2. The myth is Canada.
      Moe & Kenney could make independence happen tomorrow. (but they won’t)
      Leave Trudeau and the Privy Council and the Laurentiens behind us to figure out how to pay off the multi-billion dollar debt run up by the Liberals.
