89 Replies to “What could possibly go wrong?”

  1. Trudeau will claim first country to mandate as law.
    He’s such on asshole showman.

    Even though it’s against the law to ask about your health.

    1. I nearly got into trouble about that last year.

      I had returned from a trip to my house in B. C. and I was walking maskless through the airport in Edmonton. I simply claimed an exemption.

      Ah, but one of the bull dyke security guards didn’t like that. I told her I had an exemption but that wasn’t enough. She probed further by asking if it was a medical issue, and I frankly told her that what she did was an invasion of privacy and that she could be sued for that.

      I turned around and walked out the building after that. I’m sure that she would have sicced the Mounties on me had our “discussion” continued.

        1. I’m lucky I got away with that. They like to play rough at the Edmonton International Airport. The place has a bad reputation for that sort of thing, but, my fellow Canadians, being the sheeple that they are, willingly go along with it.

          I’ve got lots of stories where the security staff came close to, if not actually, stepping over the line when they dealt with me. That’s one reason I’ve stopped flying to and from my house in B. C. And, no, I didn’t feel at all safe whenever they did that.

          1. One thing the airport security staff don’t like is when one calls their bluff. They think they can do with you what they like. It startles them and they feel threatened.

  2. BC just made vaccination mandatory in order to dine in a restaurant, go to a movie theater or a concert or gym. Everyone must now carry proof of vaccine on their phone .

    I’m vaccinated but I’ll be protesting for sure. This is outrageous.

    1. Well I hope you do protest it.

      You’re “officially vaccinated” today but between the time the third injection is required and the time you get it you won’t be.

      During that time you’ll be as unvaccinated as anyone and subject to the same restrictions.

      Oh and unless you’re part of the favoured demographic you’ll have to wait your turn until the magic percentage of the disadvantaged get theirs.

      Then when the fourth injection is required…

      1. The French have room for 8 doses on there’s. After that they probably issue a new one presumably. This is never going away.

        1. The safety profile for the mRNA vaccines was so awful when they did animal testing for therapeutic drugs, that they pivoted to vaccines instead because they figured that since vaccines are given in only one or two doses, the side effects would be less.

          -Now they are talking about regular boosters, which would bring the overall dosing of people back to the levels they pivoted away from.

          -Interestingly, they didn’t repeat animal trials for the one or two dose vaccine application, let alone additional boosters.

        2. Anyone lasting to 8 doses could possibly get into the Guinness Book of Records. God, I hope I’m all wrong, and right now nobody has the certainty being claimed on risks.

        3. OMG! I did a quick back of the envelope calculation of the rate of severe adverse reactions with each additional shots using the VEARS data and I came up with a figure of just 0.4% of the population unaffected after only seven shots.

          These are death shots. They are trying to kill us all off.

    2. Full on fascist for sure. She has specifically stated NO exemptions for health or religious reasons.

      1. If I owned a restaurant in BC, you can bet I’d be asking that my employees be put on the government payroll, for doing the job of monitoring vaccine status for the dept. of hEaLtH.

    3. Thanks James @ 4.43 I’m not “vaccinated” but appreciate your view of this. NOBODY should approve of this.

      I assessed the damage to the MND household.
      Only restaurant dining effects me. I’m looking forward to the $ savings.

      Bonnie said the new “cases” case are PRIMARILY in the unvaxxed..Could it be that the vaxxed are not getting tested!?!! Duh.

      1. Some are breakthrough cases as in double vax and they are not recorded because they are now consider UNvax … and need a booster !!!

        1. I agree. I watched the whole damn thing and these are not confident people. Bonnie seemed uncomfortable answering the only question dealing (lightly) with breakthrough infections. None of the areas covered by this travesty affects me directly, but it does put enormous pressure on my children (teen and young adult). Those groups were really their target, unless my employer goes all in with a mandate of our own.


    4. With today’s BC government top down decision, believe me it’s a day for sarcasm, disgust, bewilderment and trepidation:

      If you don’t want a social life that is up to you. You and your plague can just stay home. That way you won’t murder anybody.

      Who chose not to vaccinate, so they’re murderers too. Of themselves. We’re just not quite sure who got murdered, but we know you did it. Like, courts are going to go along with that, right? People should go to jail for what they might have done.

      What don’t the anti-vaxxer white who are actually black rightists understand? All we get is blathering about free will and personal responsibility, like somehow one person matters. It doesn’t, we have a right to feel safe from you and knowledge.

      You’ve received plenty of information, in fact all of, contradictory so wise, covering all the angles, just assume we’re right.
      That’s how science works, everything we want to believe is true is scientific. Just go with that. So what if we’re wrong.
      It’s no big deal, nothing we do works anyway, so you’ll hardly notice, except for that freedom and prosperity thing.
      If you can’t figure out what we have no clue whatsoever about, it’s on you, racist. The unlean cannot walk the earth with us.

    5. Just received notice from Calgary Stampeders to season ticket holders that, effective Sept. 15th , will need to show proof of double vaccine to get into McMahon Stadium. Next home game affected by that v. Riders on Oct. 2nd.

      We both have double, so no effect on us in the near term. However, will let them know we won’t be renewing if they continue that into next season (especially if it evolves into requiring the so-called booster shots, which I’ve decided I won’t be taking).

      So woke. Go broke.

    6. What bull shite! I am vacced, but contact tracing has never shown that restaurants were a problem. Flick Henry and her boss! They never even gave us a proper card.

  3. I’d say we’ve come a long way since April of 2020. Everything we said would happen has happened or will soon. Canada will follow suit, in fact, with Trudeau’s latest threats I’d say we’re already there.
    To all those who called us “nutjobs”…”tinfoilers”…”alt right”. GFY. Who knew it would devolve into “my body…your choice”? Oh wait, we did.

    1. The government owns our bodies. We are disposable chattels (or is it cattle) to it.

    2. Once the government takes control of your health … they OWN you. Oh! You thought the Marxist government didn’t believe in bourgeois concepts such as “ownership”? Yeah, they LIED to you about that one too.

      1. Remember what Klaus Schwab said: in 10 years, we’ll own nothing. I guess he meant our bodies and our health, too.

  4. Government Fascism has been outsourced to the Corporations … multi-national corporations who couldn’t care less about the US Constitution.

    And our feckless SCOTUS wouldn’t dare touch any “business” interest

  5. I warned my family this day was coming way back in June. They all tried to placate me, suggesting that that would never happen, and that they believe it is everyone’s choice whether or not to vaccinate… that is, until the TV told them otherwise.

    The FDA approval is so obviously political! It normally takes YEARS, perhaps even a decade or two, after third stage trials and studies, before a new drug is approved. The fact that the FDA “approved” this vaccine within a year of deployment suggests that perhaps one or two shortcuts were implemented for convenience and expediency.

    Pure Fascism! This is the greatest crime against humanity since the holocaust!

    And when people start dying, they will blame…
    a) A new variant
    b) A new disease entirely
    c) The unvaccinated
    d) Climate change, or
    e) Some or all of the above.

    But… oh no… not the miraculous vaccines! Perish the thought, you anti-vaxxer!

    1. ” . . . one or two all the shortcuts were implemented for convenience and expediency.”


      1. Taking the heat off Afghanistan Joe and heels up Harris…
        Amazing the timing, isn’t it?

    2. And when people start dying, they will blame…

      You forgot Trump and Harper.

      1. You’re right! After all, it was Trump’s Operation Warp Speed that brought this down upon us, so maybe Trump should be blamed. OTOH, I’ll bet Fauci was the puppet master and guiding force working behind the scenes of Op WS. If it wasn’t for Fauci, we may never have heard of Op WS, or the vaccines, and we’d be forced to focus on therapeutics to treat C19. We’d all be far better off as a result.

        Trump got booed at his rally in Alabama when he suggested that people go out and get vaxxed. He responded by saying “you still got your freedom.” The boos got louder!

        I really do respect what Trump managed to accomplish during his 4 years in office, but I must say, Operation Warp Speed took the luster off of his legacy.

        Would Trump have enforced Vax mandates had he stayed in office? There’s no way to tell, but I do hope, before he announces any future run for office, that he acknowledges his role in Op WS, and that it was a mistake, one he hopes to fix. That would help restore at least some of the trust lost over this one specific policy.

        As for Harper, it’ll be pretty hard to connect all the dots on that one.

        1. As for Harper, it’ll be pretty hard to connect all the dots on that one.

          Prinz Dummkopf will find a way. I’m surprised he hasn’t blamed Harper’s “climate change” policies for the Ice Ages.

  6. Easiest way to convince these vaccine-mandators is to give them a fictitious example from their favourite boogey-man.

    Imagine if Trump said people had to be vaccinated.

    Imagine if Trump said people had to disclose their full medical records to their employer.

    Imagine if Trump said all welfare recipients had be forced to have vasectomy/hysterectomy.

    Imagine if Trump said all women over 40 had to have mastectomy to eliminate breast cancer.

  7. Hospital not far from me – Windsor Regional Hospital – on Friday mandated vaccines for all staff. If you don’t have it you’ll first be forced onto 2 week unpaid leave, then terminated. My hospital has the unvaxxed taking rapid tests at home.. for the time being.

    1. It’s happening in Toronto as well…
      “The University Health Network (UHN), which includes the Toronto General hospital and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, said employees who are not vaccinated by Oct. 8 will be placed on unpaid leave for two weeks. They will then be terminated if their vaccination status does not change by the end of the month.”
      Here’s the link to the full article: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/torontos-hospital-network-sack-employees-unvaccinated-end-october-2021-08-21/
      Won’t be long until EVERYONE is forced to take the jab.

  8. All the big companies will roll over on this because their legal departments will tell them to do it to to avoid litigation.

    1. On the other hand, employers who mandate the vaccination will be legally liable for all adverse reactions.

  9. I have my own antibodies, thank you very much.
    Why don’t all forms of immunity count?
    Why is it only the bought and paid for antibodies that matter?
    Especially since the booster shot requirement is an admission that the vaccines don’t work very well?


    BTW, since the Phizer one is now ‘fully approved’, what happens to the emergency use authorizations for the other ones?
    Now that there is a fully approved vaccine shouldn’t the use of the not fully approved vaccines be stopped?

    Why aren’t the completion of stage 3 and stage 4 clinical trials required to get full approval?

  10. Women line up for vax, and the wimps who get browbeat by their women.

    Government has a majority of citizens vaxxed, now it’s easy to terrorize the rest of us.

    1. I got browbeat into getting my shots so I’m certainly a wimp, I’ll admit it.
      I also told her that I draw the line at a booster.

    1. No, it means a shit load boosters coming.
      What else will this company do?
      Go bankrupt and quit?
      Not likely.

  11. I got the vaccine, I am a lard ass 60 year old, with other medical issues. For me it made sense.

    I think more people should get vaccinated, anyone over 50, or overweight, diabetic, heart disease, hypertension, with any co-morbidities.

    That said, you should make up your own mind. And vaccination is your own decision. Not mine, not the government’s, not your employer’s decision.

    1. ” I think more people should get vaccinated, anyone over 50, or overweight, diabetic, heart disease, hypertension, with any co-morbidities “.

      Perhaps I think people should NOT get ” vaxterminated “.
      If you are overweight, it behooves you to fuking loose some weight and try eating better.
      Garbage in, garbage out.
      And don’t tell me it is too late to change, mind over matter.
      If you want to live , then you WILL figure out a way to change.
      The human body is capable of repairing itself even if you have horribly abused it.
      Grow a spine.
      Treat your body as a temple, cause it is the only one you got.
      Sorry tough love.

    2. rd I’m 55 smoke had a mild heart attack seven years ago I work outside doing construction, and I appreciate your, to each there own approach. I really do . But I’m not getting the MNRA vax. The normal everyone is headed for isn’t something I’m buying into, I haven’t bought into it for years, I’ll take my chances. I’ve been fighting this moral relativist, PC garbage, and unaccountability forever it seems and this is the hill I’ll die on.
      It scares the shit out of me drawing the line but fk this country of souless husks that have no idea what’s coming.
      We have had such a wonderful crew of young men of late, it makes me sick hearing them state what they see, such good young men and some women that deserve to be able to afford a nice starter home, they have earned their stripes and deserve such a good life.
      And what do they get, “have your spoonful of shit and say mmmmmmm.”
      Because we know best. and there’s a nice cheque waiting for us , because we’ll screw our mother for a wooden nickle.
      Yup that’s what the vegetables do.
      fk Trudeau, and fk the vegetables .

    3. I’m a 60+ year old guy who is 20-30 pounds overweight. Haven’t had the flu in more than 10 years. The last time I got sick was about 5 years ago and I recovered in about 3 days. There is no way I’m taking an “experimental” drug to protect me from a virus that I “might” catch and that I have a 1% or less chance of dying from.

    4. No one should get it. It’s dangerous. Period. But particularly not people with the conditions you mentioned. You appear not the have done any decent research on the injections.

  12. You know what I don’t want to hear about? I don’t want to hear about the Second Ammendment or how tens of millions of Americans have hundreds of millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammo.

    If they’re not using them by now after all that’s been done to them, they’re not going to use them.

    1. There are things that can be tolerated as mild annoyances or inconveniences. Americans prefer to deal with such things at the ballot box, or by protest, or simple noncompliance.

      There are, however, things that cannot be tolerated. These are existential threats and betrayals. Americans prefer to deal with such things with extreme violence and destruction.

  13. RE: Bonnie, BC.

    Told my wife as soon as the restrictions were reduced a few weeks ago that is was a kinda safety valve to release a bit of push back steam; that they’d be back but with a vengeance.

    Good call wot?!

    1. I took maximum advantage of it. Even coughed loudly outdoors… a big battle awaits me now, and I’ll cling to VWOG’s words: over my dead body.

  14. I am still concerned about graphene oxide in masks and Wuhan vaccinations. A bio toxin injected into our bodies or absorbed by breathing.

    I am still looking into it, but I am uncomfortable with the idea. Fortunately, the same vitamins and minerals that are effective against Wuhan are, coincidentally, effective in destroying graphene.

    1. About your vitamin supplements.
      Piglosi and crew were up all night trying for a rule change to push through her obscene 5.5 Trillion dollar spending bill coupled with the Senate’s 1.5 Trillion = 7 Trillion for her Green New Deal and BS infrastructure.
      That Bill alone has a LOT of hidden gotchas.

      One in particular being pushed by Durbin will outlaw over the counter vitamin supplements and force you to get a script from the doctor which you can bet will turn you down.
      This way Big Pharma get to push their crap into your body to slowly kill you along with Big AG’s poisonous GMO foods.
      In the bill also is a plan to foist ruinous taxes on small farmers, forcing them to sell out to guess who ?
      Combine that with poisoning the water with a nasty version of fluoride acid for your ” dental hygiene ” .

      See a pattern emerging ?

  15. Martin Armstrong says that Gates made a large donation to the FDA.
    Amazing that a gubmint agency is permitted to accept large private donations. Amazing that gubmint employees like Fauxi (the highest paid public “servant”) can own patents.

  16. I’m noticing a certain buyer’s remorse starting to occur. The sheep that have taken the vaccine are unwilling to discuss or look at any of the information that is available concerning the adverse effects of the vaccine. The admonition by Dr. Hoffe to refuse the vaccine on the grounds that it may cause blood clots later in life is being ignored by people that want to travel. We already know that air travel can cause circulatory problems in older travellers, what better way to cull the herd than by a process that can be labelled naturally occurring. There is also a movement regarding contaminated blood supplies, similar to the hepatitis c outbreak. Unintended consequences anyone?

  17. Simple question: Does it work?

    Simple answer: Ummmm, they dissolved the control group testing before completion. We don’t know.

    Not so simple question: Why did they do that?

    Another simple answer: Because it makes it easier to claim success when there is no data to compare said success. It’s basically a blank slate of goodness.

    Simple response: Ok…I’ll pass.

  18. Hopefully the various gov’ts of Old Canada get what they want (population reduction) … if that’s to whittle down the population to whoever wasn’t vaxed … I won’t care.

    My daughter in Vancouver wasn’t prepared to give a full statement to me on the fallout from this (primarily coffee shops and restaurants) … her twin is in Mexico and doesn’t appear to have any inclination to return to fucked up Old Canada, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the family said “adios Old Canada you can go fuck yourselves” until the great resettlement of your populace occurs.

    Hopefully it isn’t towards the end of the few months to a few years before the great die-off occurs.
    Not sarcasm.

    Does the vax passport include a yellow star to be sewn onto the holder’s jacket?

    The BC polling I read today shows widespread support for this passport, something like 70-80% support depending on which people are targeted.
    They can choke on their own spit.

    1. Polls are BS.
      TaKen with a grain of salt.
      Whoever pays for them can get the numbers skewed whichever way they want.

  19. Gawd, I feel so sorry sorry for health care workers. We can expect diminishing empathy from them toward the unvaccinated who get covid. And who can blame them? Of course, they will remain professional and administer treatment. But would you show empathy toward people who continue to make your life hell? But the worst part of all this may be that workers (especially nurses) could leave the health industry in droves. What a mess that will be!
    Very selfish and frankly very un-Christian to refuse a covid vaccine or to wear a mask.

    1. When (not if) you catch covid and start drowning in your own lung fluids, I won’t show you any sympathy either. See how that works?

      1. UnMe,

        I’m very optimistic on his chances. It’s not a deadly virus for the vast majority of people.

        And as for your malice, it’s lulzy.

    2. LOL! You can’t be serious. I guess you haven’t been keeping up with the data from Israel clearly showing the vaccinated are getting and transmitting the virus and ending up in hospital MORE than the unvaccinated now. I suggest you look up pathogenic priming. See if you feel so smug after you read up on that.

    3. You’re not from these parts, troll. The nurses left long ago, and the health care industry is just an extension of the government. Any poor soul that “leaves” will only join the fast growing pool of unemployed. Gosh, come up with something better, will ya?

  20. If it weren’t for the fact I’m the only one in my extended family who isn’t a GMO by now, I’d be wishing for a schadenboner winter as ADE ensures all the Branch Covidians who received the Holy Sacrament of the Pfizer Jab (x2) get sick as dogs. Instead, I’ll pray that nothing happens to the naive fools who trusted the government and the pharma-industrial complex. But I’m not optimistic.

  21. Right on Hop Stool Pigeon. ..
    So where you got this “Vaccine” that inoculates the taker?
    Yah know? A real vaccine?
    And what mask?
    You know of any that block the dread covid virus?
    Oh right Variant alpha,beta ,zeta???
    Oddly you get one thing right,healthcare workers will be leaving the bureau of State Health in droves,now that it mandates them taking this experimental Government Goo.
    Poverty is preferable to death?
    Who knew?
    Even minions are not willing to die for the narrative?
    For shame.

  22. The current acting head of the FDA:

    Ms. Woodcock (pictured left) has a rather controversial past from her career work inside the FDA which included the advanced authorization for many opioids that created a massive health crisis. She was, for all intents and purposes, the key figure inside the FDA who gave the pharmaceutical industry cart blanche authorization to create, market and distribute the pain-killing opioids that led to hundreds-of-thousands of U.S. deaths.


    Can these evil people be any more disgraceful?

  23. If you read Pseudopandemic by Iain Davis, he makes it clear that this whole pandemic was deliberately set up. Highly recommended. I know,” conspiracy theory”, but that is hard to avoid when there actually is a conspiracy at the heart of things. . . and there is. Davis provides facts — not speculation.

    1. Thanks LindaL – appreciate your other links above as well. Bookmarked. Have felt this is a crap show from the get go. Our media used to go on and on about what needed to be done during a pandemic in last decades here – cbc specifically.

  24. “Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. ”

    “for the prevention of COVID-19 disease”?

    Last I heard it didn’t prevent covid, it only reduced the symptoms.
    That’s why YOU have to get vaccinated to protect the people who have been vaccinated already, or something….

  25. On Pfizer × 2 my neighbor contracted Shingles within weeks. He went to see Dr for meds but he still suffered immensely, poor guy. I haven’t seen him in awhile to learn if he’s better, he’s elderly so I don’t wish to bother him and wife, but I keep an eye out. He’s definitely hibernating or laying low.
