13 Replies to “Be Brave. Do Something.”

  1. FOX isn’t what it used to be. They share the spinelessness of CNN and CNBC. For instance, they are suppressing the Arizona election audit story.

    This might become interesting. We’ll see.

    1. CTH was interesting today about what may be coming down the pike. Deep State not happy about what these audits are about to reveal.

      1. Exactly Sid. They did not steal the election to make minor policy changes.

        Last election was for all the marbles. Only problem was Trump blew it so wide open their fraud and media complicity got fully exposed

        At least to those who pay attention.

        This has been coming fast with the latest code red being the Democrats looking to villainize conservatives who serve. A fully compliant progressive military is the goal.

        Those who will turn their guns on their fellow man when the state orders them to.

        They have no choice now. Either they rule in perpetuity and with an iron fist, or they go to jail or get tried for treason.

        Covid was to get the public compliant to draconian rule and divide it.

        1. No, they stole the election, in such a way, that the fraud is discovered at 1 year 360 days, Trump is sworn in 2 years plus 1 day, and according to the 22 amendment, cannot run again in 2024.

          Of course the remaining 2 years of his second term will be even more obstructed than the entire first term.

          It’s not the stupid party; you’re dealing with the evil party here.

          I’m an optimist. It can always get worse.

    2. pj, Fox has been leftist for the last 25 years that I am aware of, as I did research back then. They would slip in something that lefties would point to and say “even fox reports it”. And they gave, and still do $3to dims for every $1 they give GOP. Also china GCTV uses fox clips for propaganda. I was only able to check one of those, and it was unedited

    1. She’s about to be canceled. She knows it too and yet she did it anyway. Good for her indeed. Bravery defined.

    2. Damn said that straight.

      She needs to get her a jock strap.
      More balls than most Male reporters.

  2. I don’t know if James O’Keefe snorts out his nose when he laughs like my ex-wife sometimes does but I’d think this would bring that sort of thing on…

  3. This demonstrates the futility of focusing on the wrong targets.

    How many decades has it been now, that the left has been pretending to hate Fox news? Limbaugh was the actual target, but they always talked up Fox more.

    Over on Gab, there are always so many, always angry about Monsanto. But seriously, you get rid of the herbicides the pesticides the GMO the irrigation the diesel fuel. What are you left with? A big cut in worldwide food production. A return to famines, and the Holodomor crossed with the great leap forward worldwide.

    “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.” ~ Saul Alinsky

    We have spent a lot of our time being goaded and guided.
