1. Forget Impeachment. He should be fighting to overturn the stolen election, the result of which is that foreign agents will control the United States. Just awful, but I don’t blame Trump for moving on. He put in a superhuman effort to rescue the country. I am originally from Cleveland and have dual citizenship. I am heartbroken about what has happened and fearful about the future.

        1. Yes this was an open destruction of the US political system, a victory for China with getting their man in place, and the Dementocrats did it for them, I don’t think they had to do much at all. The Dem’s lust for power and vengance was so great, they were quite willing to bring the temple down. McConnell shows what DC is all about, getting rich . There’s nothing wrong with getting rich, but not by using the power to make laws.

          He is also a reason that I do not begrudge law makers, quote-unquote, from being very well paid.

        1. No the mayor of DC is a Dementocrat and is plaing along with the melodrama. This is all to prove that their political enemies are terrorists and to be put in jail; I am sure they have the plans, they certainly have been preparing the lists.

      1. He should bid the American people goodbye and best wishes. Then wave, get on the helicopter, and retire to play some golf. Perhaps he should offer double-middles to Congress, the Press, and the spineless cowards of the Supreme Court.

        If they try to further the impeachment trial, he should tell them to go to hell and remind them that he is not an Official of the United States and that their power to do so ended on the 20th.

        The American people do not deserve him. He tried to help them and they turned on him like wild dogs.

  1. You can smell InstaPundit’s desperation through the screen. Got they are gonna squeeze for everything they can get.

    1. This is not a game UnMe. You obviously do not understand the consequences of this fraudulent election. I think it is the end of the free world.

      1. If you really believed any of what you posted you wouldn’t be posting. You’d be bunker building or otherwise going off the grid. But you don’t believe it, this is just LARP for you. It is absolutely a game for you and your fellow increasingly senile boomers.

        1. You idiot. People survived the Great Depression. People survived the NAZI camps. My grandmother’s family (mostly) survived the Holodomor. That doesn’t mean that they enjoyed it, or volunteered for anything during it. The Democrats are already talking about making lists of who has worked for or voted for Trump. Given the Reichstag fire that just happened, we’re 5-10 years away from the “re-education camps”.

          Conservatives learn from the past. We are issuing warnings, dolt.

          1. “Conservatives learn from the past.”

            No you don’t. You develop a victim complex and a disinformation bubble and double down on them, hence believing retarded nonsense like the ‘Reichstag fire’ bit. There’s really nothing to be done with you but mass replacement by immigration.

          2. So you’re agreeing that we all should be killed and replaced. Yup, you’ve learned the history too.

            But keep in mind that your side, the side that runs the camps, always loses in the end.

        2. …or just going to the range more often. And when you accuse people of senility, maybe you should stop posting things like “Got they are gonna squeeze for everything they can get.” WTF? Put down the spike, you sponge-brained junkie fuckwit.

    2. Yep, the part where they tout Trump possibly having approval in the neighborhood of GWB at the end of his presidency is like comparing one hunk of rancid meat to another. Reach for the stars, guys!

  2. UnMe …”.Mass replacement by immigration”. Hahaha! Hopefully the “mass immigration” trample over YOU first! There would be Joy on sda comments.
    Bye- bye!!

  3. Remember, this an NBC poll, so the number have already been juiced.

    On the other hand, this may be the “high-point” of Biden’s term of office (which may be rather short, indeed).

  4. Unme,

    What kind of mass immigration would you like to see? Do you have a preference? Are you certain the new voting blocs will vote the way you want them?

  5. His ratings are going to only get worse, and they’ll have to work harder to convince people that they’re ‘so high’. It will be even worse once Harris takes over.
