16 Replies to “Ivy League Dimwits”

  1. Not future. Current leaders.

    If you were 18 on 9/11, you’re now 40-41.

    Very few current students were even born.

  2. They’re dumb, but in fairness they’ve been trained to be that way since birth.

    One of these morons runs a whole friggin’ country. Shiny Pony is still trying to pretend Diagolon is a thing.

  3. Thank you, Robert ! For bringing me Isabel Brown … looking more beautiful than I have ever seen her. I cannot even remember what she was talking about so intelligently … my oh my … what a drop dead cutie!! Nice faces and personalities on the RIGHT side of the aisle.

  4. It is surely our duty to ensure that these morons never attain office, become a judge, or hold any position in government.

  5. Actually they’re rhetorically quite clever in an ironic way—sort of a rhetorical brain worm to replicate within meme-space. I never thought much of Columbia students but now I’ll have to reconsider. We had clever anti-Apartheid encampment and divestment protests when I was at Cornell in the late 1970s.

    I recall a hockey game at Lynah when Maine was visiting. The Maine section brought their band so it was duelling bands during the breaks in play. Maine’s band played upbeat stuff including the Miller Beer theme. After they finished, a chant started up and rapidly spread throughout the Cornell student half of Lynah: “Tastes great!” Pause. “Tastes great!” Pause. Soon the Maine students picked up and started chanting “Less filling!” in response. An escalating chant war went on for several rounds then the Cornell students cheered loudly for the Maine engagement. Such collective ad lib irony was typical in the Ivies. I expect it still is.

    One year Cornell had a tragic spate of suicides that made national news. Next football season the visiting Harvard marching band played the theme from MASH (suicide is painless). Yes, it was a rivalry but they were being dicks. The next hockey game Harvard came to Cornell, after the players came on ice for the third period, some students burst in through the crash doors at the top of the student side of the arena, ran down the stairs to ice level and heaved a gigantic paper mache penis over the glass. The dick was at least 8-10 feet long with “Cantab” written down the shaft in bold letters. It slid along the ice toward the Harvard net and miraculously scored. It was pandemonium.

    This was typical college life in the Ivies. Columbia is finally showing some spunk.

    Israel has been badly overplaying its response to the October 7 atrocities. The world response has been both predictable and predicted. Israel had immense moral capital as of October 8 but then shot itself in the foot. It’s sad they don’t get that and still press on with a losing Plan A, which escalates world opprobrium. It’s also sad that Jewish students who disown Plan A are paying a price, although this particular Columbia student protest was tame and ironic this way.

    I’m with Caitlin Johnstone (Empire Managers Say Russia, China And Iran Are Tricking Students Into Opposing Genocide) on this one. Interestingly, George Soros, who is Jewish, is being accused of funding the protests. Nothing is simple.

    1. “Israel has been badly overplaying its response to the October 7 atrocities. The world response has been both predictable and predicted. Israel had immense moral capital as of October 8 but then shot itself in the foot.”

      (he says, from the comfort and safety of his computer chair…)

      Israel has had enough, and is going to utterly destroy Hamas this time whether the world likes it or not. They never had any ‘moral capital’ to start with because Israel is never granted any. EVER. The atrocities of Oct. 7th merely shut up the usual anti-Semites *for a few days*, then it was back to the normal spreading of hatred.

      Did you notice any of the major Muslim organizations expressing any outrage or sympathy for Israel immediately after the massacres? NO, you did not…they could barely wait a week to start playing the victims again. They are disgusting (as are the people who support them)…

  6. In one video, immigrant protestors call a white man “colonizer” and tell him to move back to Poland. I get annoyed at protestors these days because they don’t even appear to understand the cause they are fighting for. They seem to lack purpose and protesting gives them purpose. But lately I’ve started thinking, let them protest. Let them hang out on campus protesting, for years if necessary. Let them turn the universities into homeless encampments. With really expensive tents. And door-dash.

  7. They set their own price.. They mark their own papers.. The school of Frankfurt has killed hundreds of millions of people.. Their goal is the destruction of capitalism and obviously, the destruction of democracy.. The cause is interchangeable, providing it gives them the ability to disrupt..

    Ban this and ban that.. Eco fees and paperwork.. I stand with Ukraine while I dance on empty native graves.. The idea is to make everything as awful as possible.. Cognitive dissonance coping skills to get you through your day..

    Better off dead, turns on a dime.. This is what they really want :(..

    1. I don’t care anymore. They can all destroy themselves and any future employment prospects. Not everyone of that generation are so clueless. My daughter and son-in-law are 34, live in Montreal, bought their first property 2 years ago (2bedroom condo townhouse). Daughter is a computer programmer and son-in-law is an engineer. Yes they are in STEM and it has served them well. Daughter graduated UBC in 2014 and told me that she had nothing to do with the Bachelor of Arts idiots as the girls were too busy looking for husbands who would have well-paying careers.

  8. Anyone else notice Omar’s now expelled, real ugly daughter looks a lot like her uncle?

  9. Notice that a good number of the professors were involved in the so-called peaceful gatherings. If you follow the money trail of the grants and donations to the universities in the last 25 or so years, you will find that quite a good percentage was given by Islamic countries. Quatar is likely the main one or a front for other Islamic countries. Along with the money came students from these countries who have not only become professors and mentors, but occasionally they reach the hierarchy of the schools. Thes privileged positions allowed the donor country to indoctrinate many generations of students. These students, as you have seen, think differently. What you are experiencing now is the first wave of Islam’s attempt to conquer the west. It is happening everywhere, all at the same time. US, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, etc. etc. Too much of a coincidence.

    1. This.
      Their goal is to achieve supremacy over the whole world, they say so all the time. islamic caliphate – live under us or die.
