20 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Rubbish! Those people aren’t scientists. Anyone who DENIES that Global Warming is caused by the sins of capitalism is NO scientist. Not a single one of these scientists are highly-paid official government scientists who are experts in the field of Global Warmism.
    All I know … is that just yesterday … we SUFFERED through the HOTTEST first game of the World Series in the HISTORY of the world. Yes, it was in Los Angeles … but the on-field temperature was 103 deg.F !!! Not only did “Casey” strike out at bat … but so have ALL the sweltering fans … boiling in the searing HEAT of a run-away Capitalist society. Ohhhhhhhh mammmmmaaaa … “Indian Summer” was never ever ever ever like this … ever … in the CA desert. /sarc.

  2. None of these studies are valid because Hollywood actors did not endorse them. Also, they are clearly in the pay of big oil.

  3. Worldwide, the final costs of this “myth” will tally into the trillions.
    For me, the science won’t be settled until fraud and collusion charges are laid.

  4. Where were these “scientists” and their papers a decade ago? People have died because of the promulgation of this swindle.
    captcha road whitley

  5. “How odd that Canadians continue to be fooled by the global warming alarmism.”
    Odd? Look at who they elected Prime Minister!
    Canadians are a buncha f***ing MORONS!

  6. “Presumaby 3rd world countries were bribed to sign the Paris accord.”
    They were promised trillions in American cash until the American voters decided otherwise. Now that there is to be no payout, they aren’t so eager.

  7. Edward Teach: Hard to disagree that ‘Canadians are a buncha f***ing morons’ given who got elected last go ’round. But as a (western) Canadian, I have to tell you not ALL Canucks are morons, but certainly too many are…

  8. WAIT! … so Global Warming CAUSES increased seismic activity … just as temperature increases follow Co2 increases … not the other way around (as historic evidence suggests).
    I KNEW it! Gov. Moonbeam is the ONLY ONE who can save my N.CA home from the DOUBLE destruction of Global Warming and Earthquake. I’ll PAY ANYTHING … just to SURVIVE! Please tell me Saint Jerry … HOW MUCH $$$$ do you need ? TAX me … PLEASE!! Send your collection plate to MY neighborhood! Just SAVE me! Aiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee !!!! /sarc.

  9. First, regarding the original 58 papers published in 2017 that Delingpole claimed showed global warming was a myth? Here’s what the actual authors of those papers had to say about Delingpole’s (mis)interpretation of their work: “We reached out to many of the authors of the studies included on this list via email to see if they agreed with Breitbart and No Tricks Zone’s analysis. While not everyone we reached out to responded, not a single researcher that we spoke to agreed with Breitbart’s assessment, and most were shocked when we told them that their work was presented as evidence for that claim.” (https://www.snopes.com/scientific-papers-global-warming-myth/).
    Of course, it doesn’t matter that the actual researchers he cites disagree with him. His audience–people like you–don’t care about the actual science, you only care about what people like Delingpole, or Kate, tells you to believe. So naturally, he doubles-down with a claim that the list is up to 400.
    Of course, it’s all the same shtick– cherry-picked charts, quoting excerpts out of context, blatantly misrepresenting these researchers’ findings and conclusions, presenting non-scientific drivel as peer-reviewed research — the usual mixed bag here.
    This is, literally, fake news. Blatant lies. And you gobble it all up.

  10. Believers are so invested in their newfound religion of AGW that they will be frozen in place, under a mile of ice, still believing the planet is overheating.
    Holocene is drawing to a close. Tick tock.

  11. Snopes is a PAID disinformation outlet for the DNC. They are about as bi-partisan and balanced as Maxine Waters. Their convoluted “disprovals” are ridiculous and fanciful. They invariably “disprove” some minor element of the claim, which in their ABSURD conclusions result in FALSE findings of BLATENT facts.

  12. Thanks for proving my point, Kenji.
    Someone contacts the researchers who actually wrote the papers that Delingpole cites, and the researchers all reject Delingpole’s conclusions, and you…kowtow even deeper at Delingpole, Kate, etc.
    Don’t like Snopes? No sweat, they’re not the only ones who actually fact-checked Delingpole. Here are the views of 29 of the cited researchers, in their own words: climatefeedback.org/evaluation/breitbart-misrepresents-research-58-scientific-papers-falsely-claim-disprove-human-caused-global-warming-james-delingpole/#authors-reply

  13. I have studied some “actual science” and guess what? The AGW folks are full of it, cr ap that is.

  14. Perhaps 1 in 10000 Canadians is not a moron. If you are an optimist that is. A pessimist would peg the number at 1 in a million is not a noron.
    Then there is the appeal for money and charity. News flash: COMMUNISTS DON’T CHARITY (state’s job; to each according to need). Charity is looking more and more like a targeted tax on non-communists.

  15. When it comes to reading papers, you should actually read them and the conclusions therein. The data and the statements within the papers themselves are what matters, not the “looking over the should to see if their funding is threatened” statements when they are later accused of being a denier.
    Nevertheless, the papers clearly have graphs & data, many of the graphs&data clearly show that warming is NOT happening as fast as predicted and not happening with any more vigor or variability than the past. There are many, many statements within the papers concluding that other climate forcings are critical, that variability is high, that data resolution in the past is poor, that trends have underlying factors that are NOT isolated and not understood.
    Finally: the climatefeedback page you list has completely missed the point. Delingpole was writing about a summary that was on the notrickszone site, guess what that site headline was for this topic??
    80 Graphs From 58 New (2017) Papers Invalidate Claims Of Unprecedented Global-Scale Modern Warming
    Scientists Increasingly Discarding ‘Hockey Stick’ Temperature Graphs
    Delingpole was hyping the claim, but notrickszone was quite factual with their message. Too bad you don’t bother to try and read it.
    So, sure trash breitbart for hyping the story but you are a total hypocrite for swallowing and then spitting even more drivel from snopes and the AGW crowd.

  16. As I said about Snopes trutherisms …
    They invariably “disprove” some minor element of the claim, which in their ABSURD conclusions result in FALSE findings of BLATENT facts
    Snopes IGNORES the FACTS as reported … and find some fringe issue to quibble-over. As a result of their “findings” … the WHOLE Delingpole article is branded “FALSE”. Snopes are nothing more than the “Rubber Stamp” of leftist LIES.
    THAT … is the only “point that I proved”
