21 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Was this on CBC news?? I don’t think so!!
    Today Trudeau was on CBC news scoring brownie points with Quebec flood victims by saying that climate change is the cause of the recent floods. If it’s sunny today, and raining tomorrow, that’s climate change. That however is not necessarily the cause of a flood. Flood damage is usually caused by people who build to close to the river.
    If a flood occurs, and no one lives there, does it cause any damage?? If a tree falls and nobody hears it………………..??

  2. Both the CO2 concentration and atmospheric temperature are at historical lows from a geological age point of view. CO2 concentration may have been ten times what it is now at the time of the Cambrian species explosion. It was three times as high as now during the Jurassic when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The earth was a lush garden, supporting giant plants which fed the huge plant eating dinosaurs. The CO2 concentration started downward at the end of the Jurassic, and has continued until recently, with a fractional increase. The extinction of the dinosaurs may have been caused by nothing more than the decline of plants due to lack of food. Through all these changes the earth has not had a runaway warming to turn the earth into another Venus.
    Historically, prosperity has been associated with warm periods in recorded history, and famine and want with cool periods. It is very simple, warmth and CO2 promote plant growth, and harvest. Through the last twenty years, the temperature of the earth has been stable, but CO2 concentration has gradually increased. As a result, almost all production of staple cereals (wheat, corn, rice) has seen record crops almost annually. That is a good thing, not a bad thing.
    In fact, if people were to worry about CO2 concentration, they should worry that it is too low, not too high. The warmists talk about 350 (ppm) as an ideal, and worry that it has shot past 400. But those are just numbers with no special meanings. The real meaningful number is 250, below which plants are no longer sustained, and all lives will die.

  3. Global warmists predicted that Lake Erie would dry up so for Trudeau and Couillard to blame our flooding in Ontario now on climate change is ridiculous.

  4. Yup, ridiculous. And not one so-called Conservative in Parliament Hill or Queen’s Park will stand up and say so. Now that’s what I call cowardice.

  5. Get real. The next line in the “military industrial complex” speech warned a scientific technological elite was just as dangerous. But, since no one who hasn’t done their own research has been educated for about a hundred years now…
    Truth is, there is always someone who sounds the warning, and they are generally ignored or misquoted, or whatever marxian BS is the flavor of the day.

  6. “totally unexpected”
    Jeez. The methane comes from plant decay. Where do they think the carbon to form the rotting plants came from? Fairies brung it?
    More like this guy is the first one brave or desperate enough to publish his findings.

  7. Remember, all science is guess work and if two clowns agree on something, it becomes a theory which then becomes treated like a fact after a decade. I used to respect science but I can’t respect professionals who allow grifters and grant seekers pushing this globalist horse sh*t to stand by and not call them out as the liars they are. They should all change their fields and start research on why lesbians get overweight.

  8. Hey Kate,
    “Creepy Clown” above is a moron who needs to be closely watched. He’s starting to pollute your wonderful blog. Just sayin’……….

  9. Here is what is NOT unexpected … fraudulent “science” … fraudulent “scientific hypothesis” … eventually collapsing into itself like a giant black hole of anti-science.

  10. Thinking about how much of the artic ocean is within Canada’s 200 mile limit there must be a massive amount of contribution to global cooling that could be claimed – if we happened to actually buy into the utter madness of carbon budgeting. Shouldn’t that mean countries like the Maldives should be paying us for keeping them dry?

  11. Too late. Russia OWNS and CONTROLS 99% of the Arctic … while the West has practiced an eco-sensitive “hands-off” policy toward the Arctic. Sorry … all the First Nations drum circles and kayak hunts will be squashed by a fleet of Russian Ice-breakers.

  12. Then our omnipotent eco’s should send General Suzuki with a special stick (made from sacred Vancouver Island rainforest douglas fir) to reclaim the Artic in the name of the Earth. He can shout “You Shall Not Pass!” at the Russian nuclear icebreakers while jabbing his stick in the ice sheet. That’ll do it…
    Maybe after that mess gets cleaned up we could build our own nuclear icebreakers (like Harper wanted) to really start to reclaim our Artic back.

  13. “we could build our own nuclear icebreakers (like Harper wanted) to really start to reclaim our Arctic”
    I, as a committed Conservative, note that Harper talked a mean talk but had problems getting anything done. In 2008 when we were pissing money away willy-nilly for economic stimulus, we could have re-armed at no further cost. We did not.

  14. I’ve always been a climate change skeptic.
    About 15 years ago, I read a paper in Science about how there was a great deal of uncertainty about how exactly heat in the Atlantic Ocean was transported. That convinced me that the “science” is not settled and that there was room for reasonable doubt.
    To borrow the slogan from the mid-1980s burger commercials, “Where’s the beef?”

  15. That’s the point Scar. Nothing happens in Canada anymore. At least not without greasing the Librano Love Canal with sufficient green to keep things moving. The bureaucracy was already fatally poisoned with progressive-think back in 2008. Nuke was bad so nuclear powered icebreakers was a dead-on-arrival idea. Plus it had to do with opening up northern Canada in which Imperial Oil and BP had invested $1.8 billion in 2007 & 2008 to explore for oil in the Beaufort Sea. Very bad news to any self-respecting Eco-fascist. And if there’s one thing that Canada’s Eco-crowd is excellent at is delaying projects until dead on the vine. When every province in Canada turns into “Have Not” status we need to remember that WE DID IT TO OURSELVES.

  16. “I’ve always been a climate change skeptic.”
    I just accepted it until Climategate. People don’t have to lie and scheme to advance the truth. They only have to lie and scheme to advance lies.

  17. C’mon the science is settled. Will you guys make up your minds? Oh, you have.
    Idiots, along with the lemmings who follow them.
    Yes, let’s take over economies by taxing air. What could go wrong? Everybody gets a cushy job. Look how big government saved Venezuela.

  18. Calling an increase in atmospheric CO2 “carbon pollution”, and calling a slight decrease in how basic the ocean is “ocean acidification” are proofs of the duplicity of the warmists.
    They are wilful misrepresentations of scientific fact, to excite the scientifically unsophisticated liberal base. “Carbon pollution” invokes images of soot filled Beijing sky, whereas carbon dioxide is colorless, odorless, and inert relative to human — and of course indispensable plant food. “Ocean acidification” invokes images of acid burning through metal or coral, whereas the ocean is still basic, only slightly less so, with the pH changing from 8.2 to 8.1, or whatever. (It was one localized measurement near the Great Barrier Reef.)
