14 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Planetary Fever Update”

  1. I read the whole article…twice. Didn’t see any reference to global warming, climate change, or climate disruption. Could it be that we are winning?
    Back to the farm…it was not uncommon for us in northern Saskatchewan to harvest after the first snow melted. We called it, umm, ahh, first nations summer.

  2. C’mon now, its “climate change”, any excuse for any kind of weather that isn’t “normal”, proves we are all doomed!
    Get with the program! …./sarc

  3. I was just up in the Pink Mountain area earlier this week and it looked similar to southern Alberta snow amounts. Dawson Creek to Valleyview though was pretty darn dry in comparison and crops have been harvested at a higher rate than in most of Alberta.
