41 Replies to ““Tammy … come in off that ledge.””

  1. In for a penny, in for a pound.
    I hope Tammy realizes she is now a Liberal and that it is a very long road back to the True Blue.
    and I’ll miss “John vs. Tammy” on the radio…

  2. Flashback to the 2008 election. Brad Trost had 9,000 more votes than his NDP opponent and 14,500 more than the Liberal. In fact, Trost had 2,600 more votes than his opponents combined.
    Gee. Maybe the guy’s not as big an Ahole as Tammy makes him out to be.

  3. Debbie Reynolds had a song about this back in the ‘fifties. It was called “Tammy”.
    It was a big hit,unlike Tammy’s new political heartthrob,who isn’t about to be a big hit,at least not with the voters of Saskabush.

  4. I wonder if Tammy Roberts and Heather Mallick will get along?
    Ditto here proud western.

  5. Tammy….you had a winner in Gormley.
    Darrin Hill, on the other hand, is politically non-viable.
    Bad career move. I suggest you plead temporary insanity in your subsequent job interviews.

  6. Darren Hill, This guy was caught removing signs along Warmen Road during a different election. This is illegal. Darren Hill, used city resources, ie City issued cell phone to actively campaign for a person running for a seat in Wyant’t old riding. This is also illegal. Darren Hill, a LYING SCUM SUCKING LIBERAL THRU AND THRU

  7. The website seems to have gone down in recent hours. I hope it’s technical and not reactionary. Otherwise it’s going to be one long campaign…

  8. I don’t know these people or Saskabush…
    My impression is that she was unemployed and took the only job available….working for a loser…making her a loser.
    This is not the election to be in the LIBRANO camp…especially in indian country(just an expression)…
    It looks like she has taken on being Custers’ aide…..

  9. Oh, diehard righties – how I love thee. To quote the always effervescent Kate herself, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
    Psst biffjr, it’s 26,000. Sometimes math is hard.

  10. Yes, Tammy. Math is hard.
    For instance, it’s hard to see how Trost could get 14,500 more votes than the Liberals, 9,000 more votes than the NDP, and 26,000 more votes than all his opponents combined – unless the Greens polled negative votes.
    I can certainly believe that 2500 people in Saskatchewan voted “NOT GREEN” on their ballots.

  11. Tammy. Congratulations on getting “involved”. Can you answer the question that Mr. Ignatieff seems reluctant to tackle? If the CPC is re-elected with a minority government, after the opening of parliament, will the opposition parties unite to bring down that government on its first opportunity and try to govern in the form of a coalition?

  12. Good for you Tammy. It’s nice to see you lending support on its perceived merits rather than being a hyper partisan for one particular party. The people here might not agree with your choice, but most of the responses are unnecessary. Learning how to respectfully disagree is something that a lot here would do well to learn.

  13. Daniel, I said math was hard. Thank you so much for being so smart.
    Was busy attempting to decipher andycanuck’s math…hmmm… ohhh I get it. Darren’s gay.

  14. It’s Grade 8 math, Tammy. To cash a winning lottery ticket you have to work harder. And biffjr’s math _and_ poll results were correct.
    You’ve beclowned yourself pretty badly here, and you’ve topped it up by slurring the wrong person with something they didn’t say.
    Even if I knew nothing else about Darren Hill, I wouldn’t vote for him solely on the basis of his apparent inability to hire effective communicators for his campaign staff.

  15. You’re right Daniel, it’s not you, it’s me. Now if you need me, I’ll be over here “beclowning” myself. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  16. “Psst biffjr, it’s 26,000. Sometimes math is hard”
    I love sarcasm, even if it’s pointed in my direction. It can be an effective tool to put someone in his/her place. But sarcasm has a nasty habit of biting you in the ass if your facts aren’t straight.
    I was simply pointing out that your attempts at demonizing Brad Trost were misguided. Your career choice is entirely your business. I think I speak for the majority of regulars to this forum when I say “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

  17. In light of previous posts on SDA,
    Mrs. Darren Hill
    Mrs. Tammy Hill
    Mrs. Tammy Robert-Hill
    / ;^)
    Posted by: andycanuck at March 28, 2011 11:01 PM
    is very funny!
    Sorry to see Tammy leave JGL.

  18. Tammy: Every minute you spend paying attention to the trolls (including Kate) is campaign time wasted. Ignore them and keep up the good work.

  19. Well, well, I see Darrin Hill’s campaign is already on the defensive.
    You know this campaign is already going down Hill when Tammy is scrubbing negative comments from her blog, and taking shots at commenters on Saskatchewan’s, if not Canada’s, most read political blog!
    The optics of this are really, really, terrible!

  20. Hogan
    Could you please splain how Kate is a troll on her own site?
    A regular explanation is OK…I’m not expecting anything heroic.

  21. @Sparky: I’ve been thinking about this.
    She quit John Gormley to work for a Liberal underdog election campaign with a gushy blog post.
    Came to SDA to see what people were saying (mostly “Umm, bad judgment, methinks” but no personal attacks), insulted the one person to bring some actual facts to the issue *and* got her facts and basic math wrong in the process, and when called on it, insulted an entirely different poster for no reason.
    I think we may have the wrong end of the stick here, guys. Nobody who works in the media could possibly be this tone-deaf about public image. I think we’re looking at a Gormley false flag op here, planting moles in the opposition camp.
    You go, Tammy! Make those Liberals look even more contemptuous of their own electorate!

  22. So Tammy has just outed the gay Liberal candidate who has his own “beard”, the blond woman who regularly appears in photos with him. Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot! Tammy, what have you DONE??

  23. @syncrodox
    I’m concerned that if I define troll and then explain how Kate fits that definition, you’re going to dispute my definition. If we agree on a definition, you’ll dispute that Kate fits it.
    I’m going to infer from your question that you think a person cannot be a troll on their own site. I think Kate’s entire site has become one giant troll effort. That said, she’s encouraging her readers to go troll Tammy’s site. It’s particularly offensive because she wants to punish Tammy for having different political beliefs. Kate is, as the very least, a troll by proxy.
    And yes, I’m probably a hypocrite for coming on Kate’s own site and calling her a troll. But I’m really tired of the reasonable 90% of the world staying silent while the vocal minority of bile spewing polemists attack anyone who expresses an opinion with which they don’t agree.

  24. Hogan, I don’t see Kate attacking Tammy here. I follow both sites and I’m sure Kate just had the same reaction as me when she read Tammy’s post: “Oh my”. I also understand that with our Parliamentary system it can at times be tough to decide who to support, a person or a party. I wish Tammy well but I also have concern over anything that falls under Iggy’s umbrella.
    If you want to try to reign in bile spewing polemists perhaps turn some of your attention to this: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorialopinion/article/962165–mallick-what-if-harper-s-dream-of-a-majority-comes-true
    Or better yet, go to Charles Adlers site and listen to the podcast of him reading it.
