35 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. At the link to the Forbes article, scroll down at the end. There is a link to another article titled “Best Green Energy Stocks.” You can’t make this shit up!

    1. Speaking of “you can’t make this shit up”, I laughed to read that Gore’s business partner is David Blood. Blood and Gore! Dickens couldn’t have named it better.

  2. I finally got to that comment on YouBoob but had to wade through an ocean of leftist lunacy and outright delusion. It’s pretty clear now that what we need is a new country for the left to go it’s own way. Leave the rest of us alone.

    1. You want the left to go its own way and leave the rest of us alone? That will never happen they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

  3. I am environmentalist.
    I recycle when I can.
    I also believe Nuclear Power is the cleanest electric power technology. The biggest operating expenses are the salaries of local people that work at and run the nuclear plants. The biggest construction expenses have often been the extra interest payments on the construction loans when the environmentalists stop construction of the nuclear power plants.

    1. Quite true, rd. That’s certainly the case in Ontario, where all the nuclear plants are fully amortized from their original construction capital debt. Beyond that, nuclear power is by far the safest way to produce electricity in any significant quantity, as shown by the data from the Paul Scherrer Institut starting more than 20 years ago.

      And for the record, nuclear power is the only energy source which manages and is responsible for all of its waste products.

    2. To rd:
      1. I don’t know that there is nearly enough fissionable material to power the world’s needs.
      2. If there were, I don’t know about making it available to every nation on Earth. It could be used for other purposes, you know.
      3. The only objection to coal and hydrocarbon in my mind is not the direct product of the combustion (CO2 and H2O) but the combustion of the trace impurities such as sulfur. Coal scrubbing technology has been successful in substantially reducing those impurities.
      4. Scientifically, human combustion of coal and hydrocarbon has not contributed to global warming, which in itself is a lie. Speaking in geological age, the Earth in the Eocene is near its lowest in both temperature and atmospheric CO2. In the Jurassic, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth but did not contribute to the hydrocarbon supply, CO2 was perhaps ten times the concentration, which was a result not the cause of the Earth’s more tropic like temperature, but instead of leading to a runaway global warming, we are where we are now, near the Earth’s lowest point in temperature.
      5. From what we know now of hydrocarbon deposit, with known reserves to last at least to the end of the century, I would like someone to construct a model where organic matters from the Jurassic or earlier can leave that much of a deposit. (They used to tell me when I was in school it was all from dinosaurs. That is why it’s called fossil fuel. They have changed their tune to vegetation deposit since they realize the model of dinosaur deposits is unsupportable.)
      So, to wit, we have a plentiful supply of energy source which we know fully well how to deal with, that contribute nothing but benefit to mankind. Why anyone would not want to use it is beyond my ken.

  4. Be careful Bob the actual formula for cloaking reasonable thought is 90% and the butt shit crazy is 10%… mixed into reasonable though… One of Canada’s best at cloaking is Lizzy May… She sounds reasonable until she goes of the rails….

    My 90/10 formula came from IEEE suggestions (1989) of preparing a Technical paper to be presented at a profession conference.. One of roles is to pass along expertise to the next generation.. the 90% of the paper must not gore anyone’s sacred Goat and be bounded by the laws of physics.. That 90% walk out with the opinion that they heard a sound/good paper… The other 10% are those that understand and have a hard opinion 5% for 5% against… It is from that group you get to move the envelope…


  5. Oh, here’s one – the best part of the Moore property is a custom built Kitty Litter box with 100% recyclable litter available for sale with the homes purchase.

    “Moore has listed his 11,000 square-foot, seven bedroom, five bathroom cottage retreat for $5.2M US (that’s around $6.8M in Canadian funds, so start saving now). With soaring ceilings, log home interior and unobstructed view of Torch Lake, we can’t imagine a more gorgeous spot for anyone to get away from it all.”


  6. Takeaway comment – “We have to have our abilities to consume reined-in.” (minute 46:30ish)

    I agree with her, so let’s start – lots and lots of people in the video are saying “Renewables use more energy than just burning the fossil fuel to produce energy” – so no more renewables. “Oh, but we MUST…” Save energy, mister 100%-renewabler – shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Or if you do know, you’ve got ulterior motives and are looking to line your own pocket hawking this cr@p – for you, free room & board for ten years; and Hillary likes orange coveralls, so we’re sure you’ll like the one we give you.

    And the BIG question – well, that’s already been answered by our friends the rats. REAL rats, by the way – not politicians; all their answers are wrong. A study was done with rats wherein they were given everything they wanted & needed, food, water, regularly cleaned the cage, everything. But there was a set number of nesting holes around the cage. The rat population increased until there were no more nesting holes – then the young of that generation lay-around in the common area, did nothing, stopped procreating, and the colony fairly quickly died-out.

    This is happening to humans as we speak. All the leading industrial societies have negative birthrates – from Japan, which has set a new low birthrate every year for the last 30, to North America which, were we not so hot an area for immigration, we’d be in the same boat. I’ve always had a sneaking suspicion that the real reason the U.S. wants unfettered immigration from Mexico is to keep their population up. Europe? Same story. China? The one-child policy has been a dismal failure, they’re no longer replenishing their own workforce – and the policy had an awful knock-on effect, because the Chinese want boys to look after them in their own age, so girl children tended to suffer fatal accidents. Now there aren’t enough Chinese girls to go around, and they’re being stolen on the street.

    So the answer to Mr. Moore’s conundrum is, let’s make resources cheaply available to all – and once modernity overtakes populations who’re used to having nine children per family in the hope that one or two will survive, they’ll stop having children. Just like we did. No more “Oh we must be NATURAL!” No more “Oh, pesticides are BAD!” No more “Leave the oil in the ground!” No more “The Africans should get used to cooking with solar ovens!” No more “Oh yes we know, that massive locust swarm is going to starve a lot of poor people to death, but we MUST’NT spray them!” In short, no more proto-communist bull$hit – leave people alone, let them get-on with their lives and help them along with lots of clean water and cheap energy; and in fifty years the human (?) race will have solved our own problems.

    And thank you, Michael Moore, for this delightful exposure of the hollowness of the great Renewables farce. I’ll be spreading it far-and-wide among my greeeen friends =D

    1. Except for China, all the places you identified where the birth rate has fallen has been because people have made a choice to have less children. Why is that such a bad thing? I think that if the population declines, at some point people will choose to have more children. It’s not as if the world has less people than it did a year, two years, five or ten years ago. It’s still increasing. Not everyone (obviously) thinks more and more and more people is always a good thing. And many of those people are not loony lefties.

      1. “all the places you identified where the birth rate has fallen has been because people have made a choice to have less children”

        – My point exactly – thank you! Once people are no longer terrified of all their children dying, they limit the numbers they have, all by themselves. At that point, ‘improving their children’s lifestyles’ involves assuring they get educations and can earn good money – and the slender resources they can devote to their children’s future, will go farther among fewer children. Basic sanitation and health practices make large contributions to stopping the child mortality that’s plagued the race for millennia – especially in places like Africa, where bad water still kills tens of thousands a year. Prime example – a single vitamin A capsule squeezed-into a newborn’s mouth largely ends the infant blindness and death caused by vitamin A deficiency; a life saved for a few pennies.

        The effective way to limit birthrates is to improve people’s lives to where they make that choice themselves.

    2. Nancy Pelosi’s children are all in the “renewable” energy business as their primary jobs and investments. And they’re all multimillionaires at a very early age.

      All the hullabaloo about Congressional insider trading ahead of the Kung Flu crisis … and never a word about government contracts funneling to leftist politicians and donors. Remember when investigative journalism wasn’t OWNED by the Left? Yeah, neither can I

  7. “I learned that the solar panels don’t last.”

    Well, no shit …
    Don’t you wanna know, read on, what you comment on about before you do?
    How is it that so many of those that went to school for a long time are so unknowledgeable?
    I ask.
    Or do these people know everything simply because they done “social sciences”, like women’s studies?

    “What is a “Useless” College Degree?”
    Just a discussion, not a monumental scientific revelation.

    1. Again, I point out that education does not result in intelligence. Education is good but it is a lot better when the educated person is also intelligent. An uneducated intelligent person is smarter than an unintelligent educated person.

  8. If the assumption here is that I should be willing to endure 1:40:01 of Michael Moore’s delusional ideological vomitage to comment on this thread…


  9. Disturbing and depressing. I’m surprised that You-tube hasn’t removed it already. Certainly shows that Al Gore and Bill McKibben and their ilk are not the saviors that the MSM and tree-huggers thought they were. I guess they don’t know who Dr. Fruit Fly is, or they would have included him.

    Maybe the result (whether unintended or not) will be to get the SJW’s to reduce human population by suicide.

    Why no mention of nuclear energy to be a practical alternative? Or was this only Part 1, and there’ll be a Part 2 coming soon where Nuclear Energy rides to the rescue?

    1. Isn’t Facquebook supposed to TAKE DOWN false and misleading information? I suppose that creepy dude will block the YouTube address.

  10. Just maybe Mikey is discovering,money can’t buy you love.
    Especially the love of our progressive comrades..they having none to spare from their self loving.
    The activities of Gang Green should have opened everyones eyes,this kind of evil remains relentless.
    They demand that all share their misery and reward their useless existence.
    The blight and destruction of our open spaces and high mountain passes is very symbolic of the hatred of nature these city dwelling virtue signallers have.
    Maybe Mr Moore is turning into a conservative?
    What if he next takes responsibility for his own health and business?
    If Mikey grows a brain,or choses to use the one God gave him,he will soon become “Mr Evil” in the eyes of his current comrades.

  11. It was
    – 50% “we’re wrong on renewables”
    – 47% billionaires bad, humans bad, capitalism bad
    – 2% Koch Brothers are demons among the bad billionaires
    – 1% Al Gore is a sellout
    – 0% nuclear = good.

    I think they were trying to be balanced in their people are really, really, really bad story. I suppose even the Ruskies admitted to Chernobyl…eventually.

    I ‘loved’ the assumptions in the narrative. KXL (assume very bad) and tar sands (clutch pearls). Nuclear not even worth mentioning represents a clear choice in the narrative. Have to give them credit, they did mention at one point that the whole movement has become dogmatic (but then stopped talking about it).

    How dare they! Oh crap my Gretourettes is back.

  12. As much as I enjoyed M.Moore popping the renewable energy balloon, I am not quite sure I agree with the film’s conclusion, which is that “capitalism has taken over the green movement,” and therefore “Capitalism is Bad.” (I always thought that ‘green is the new red’)

    So what’s the filmmaker’s solution? He didn’t suggest anything in detail, but he did kind of ebb in the direction of “reducing consumption by reducing the population.”

    I’m a little concerned of what that ideal might infer.

    Other than that, I find the notion that capitalism is to blame for our mess a little bit of a non-sequitur. Capitalism isn’t evil, but admittedly, some capitalists are, as demonstrated by how they managed to manipulate public opinion in favor of renewables by exploiting our fears of an apocalypse resulting from fossil-fuel use, and then profit from it.

  13. Anyone else agree this documentary will probably end the Green New Deal? I think it’s dead. What environmentalist can question a fellow environmentalist who has done this extensive research. I hope Alberta’s oil and gas industry spread it far and wide and quash their green opponents. Someone needs to show it to Butts and Trudeau … what miserable little men they’ll turn out to be. Everything they believe in has been thoroughly denounced.

  14. To me, if we as mankind want to continue to live with all the conveniences we have been accustomed to, Nuclear is the long term solution. Burning tree’s or cutting down rainforest to make room for Sugar Cane for ethanal production is not the answer. Coal are trees that are long gone dead and has been compressed into carbon fuel. Burning living forests makes no sense.

    We have had a taste of less consumption of energy with the Covid lock down. I don’t think there are many people happy with having to live this way. People won’t accept this standard of living for a long or permanent period of time like the environmentalists want us to live…

    I wonder what the University crowd will think of solar, wind and Bio after seeing this.

    1. Won’t change their cant at all. Dude had the temerity to disagree with their religion, so he’s obviously lying – after all, that’s what they’d do. Besides, Big Oil or something.

    2. “Wonder what the wind, solar believers will think after seeing this”

      Corruption in the bio fuels industry shouldn’t surprise anyone. How perfect is the hypocrisy of these Gang Greens who go about tree hugging. Governments were / are wrong to subsidize bio fuel energy.

      Film is well done, if a bit long.

  15. The Fauci twit lied again ,He said “if we do nothing the virus will take off to unknown heights” Para … Absolutely false! The science he is tacking about comes out of a village of idiots….He should show the science that proves he has done anything! but a biased probability theory….Where is the evidence that lock down has done anything.. You can predict (reasonably) the “power factor” if you get your head out of number theory…..
    BTW the number 12 is = ~ 6db

    SD did not do the lock down & their virus is 75% down from the peak plateau… They would seem to have “the” Valid signature of the Virus….SD is the Sioux Indian nation… Are the Sioux smarter than the F-head , and or all other Indians? The Rose Bud Casino keeps humming along …WHY?


  16. Put Bill McKibben in A wood chipper and watch His biomass spew All over sierra club members

  17. The ‘left’ in Canada, and elsewhere, constantly drums in to people to ‘reduce their carbon footprint’ AND at the same time lobbies for massive population growth(in the West) through immigration. The people pushing this are evil, and the people buying this are simpletons.
